I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 52 Voldemort, let’s talk!

All right!

As the vanguard of the Hogwarts death squad, Owen was surprised but not surprised that the Weasley twins would appear here.

Even if they could find the secret room one day, he wouldn't be surprised.

What bothered him was why these two guys appeared before the final level.

Who spread the strategy?

If everyone can easily break through, let alone the professors' reputation.

To put it simply, how can this breakthrough demonstrate his awesomeness?


"Come on, you guys just stay here." Owen held a potion that could pass through flames. A tired expression.

Now nothing that appeared before him would surprise him.

Even if Dumbledore and Voldemort were sitting and drinking tea, he could face it calmly.

"I'll go with you—"

"No." Owen interrupted Hannah's eagerness to try. The little girl is a little reckless today!

I'm afraid you're not some Gryffindor pretending to be a Gryffindor!

"There is only one bottle of potion," he said, then raised his head and drank the liquid from the small bottle.

Then, all at once, he rushed into the flames burning outside the last room.



Since arriving at Hogwarts.

The most embarrassing thing Owen had ever heard of a wizard student was having his butt peeked by a ghost while using the toilet in the girls' bathroom on the third floor.

God knows what a driven ghost could do.

Of course, this is just a rumor.

Owen had never been to the girls' bathroom before.

But today, this most embarrassing Hogwarts record is going to be broken.

Because, damn it, he actually saw another person standing next to Quirrell.

An old man with a white beard.

An old man who doesn’t even need makeup to cosplay Santa Claus.

Albus Dumbledore.

"Haha, let me tell you! No matter what happens, I won't be surprised." Owen lowered his voice, his cheeks twitching, looking at the scene in front of him.

Dumbledore put himself in the Mirror of Erised? Stare at Voldemort and take the bait?

I have to say, this method is really cool.

However, after a few more careful looks.

Owen soon discovered that Dumbledore in the distance seemed a little unusual.

First of all, I don't smell much.

As we all know, Dumbledore during this time was fond of certain foods with a strong smell.

Therefore, Owen could smell the red peanut butter smell on him from eight feet away.

But in front of me, this person, "Xiu Xiu"

There is no taste at all.

Moreover, why is there a big box at his feet?

Um - Well, why does that box look like the box containing Boggarts given to him by his grandfather?



Dumbledore hid the Boggart box in the Mirror of Erised.

It turns out that what Voldemort is most afraid of is the old man with white beard!

What a bad idea!



What about the magic stone?

Suddenly, Owen remembered meeting Dumbledore yesterday, and his pockets were bulging.

"Ahem~ Mr. Voldemort, are you okay~"

The air around me is so embarrassing that I just want to pick my feet.

For the sake of the possible drop in air indicators, Irving was the first to speak out and break the tranquility.

"Avada Kedavra!!!"

A ray of green light shot out from Quirrell's wand, instantly tearing the poor Boggart to pieces.

"Um - um, private or public?" Owen glanced at his own Boggart, which had turned into ashes and had only appeared twice.

Then he looked at the box again. knock! It's so hard! None of this is bad!

Then he said casually: "Five hundred galleons, I promise not to tell my grandpa about this!"


"Grandpa?" Quirrell turned around suddenly.

The scarf on his head fell down.

Then, an ugly face without a nose, like a face drawn randomly with chalk, appeared in Owen's sight.

"Oh~~~ It's Mr. Voldemort!" Owen sighed falsely.

"Have you got a meal yet?"


One question almost shattered Voldemort's CPU.

"You can tell by the look on your face that you didn't even eat lunch before you came to bite Dumbledore's fishhook. Oh, I have to say, you villains! You are really pitiful."

"I'm so worried every day that I can't even eat my daily meals on time."

"No wonder, I see you look malnourished."

"Hmph! Sharp teeth and sharp mouth." The hoarse voice of Voldemort, who looked inhuman, sounded. "Owen Sanchez, I was surprised to know that you came back alive."

He didn't seem angry. After seeing with his own eyes that Owen returned safely, his interest in him grew day by day.

This little wizard has great potential.

He even has the potential to become a new generation of Dark Lord after Grindelwald and himself.

"It's no surprise. After all, there are people above us." Owen shrugged his shoulders, as if he was taking a leisurely walk in the garden, and said lightly: "As Dumbledore's favorite boy, how could he easily lead the dog?" Woolen cloth?"

"Ha-that's not necessarily the case." Voldemort stared at Owen with his glowing red eyes. He continued coldly: "I'll give you a chance now."

"Submit to me, the greatest wizard, or die under my wand."

"Zizhen—I'm talking about Xiaotang! Your skills as a recruiter are too bad. You should have painted the cake first! Otherwise, why should I follow you?"

"And I guess Dumbledore isn't at Hogwarts today, right." He found a step and sat down.

"You are a smart man, Owen." The hoarse voice sounded.

"Thank you, I think so too." He greeted, "Then how do you know that Dumbledore's departure from Hogwarts was not part of the plan?"

"What do you mean?" As soon as he said this, Voldemort's expression changed slightly.

And Owen - he was still so casual, "What if by this time, the Order of the Phoenix has come from all directions and surrounded this place?"

"Perhaps the Mirror of Erised in front of you is actually a door key. Once Dumbledore's Army arrives, they will kill them."

"Don't tell me, he can't do it. Dumbledore can hide a Boggart in the magic mirror, can he turn it into a door key?"

"Mr. Tom!" Owen held the wand in his right hand and casually clicked on some of the more abrupt scenes around him, such as the magic mirror, the box, and the rocks over there.

"You! You are very dangerous!"

"Hmph!" As Lord Voldemort, a master of tongue who had bewitched many idiot wizards, he certainly would not be disturbed by Owen's words.

After all, anything that could make Dumbledore leave the castle was by no means a trivial matter.

That's his handiwork.

"I feel more and more now that you have great potential." He said hoarsely.


"Since the Dark Lord is so calm, he seems to be confident! Why don't we talk about it? The greatest wizard should not be afraid of a little wizard."

"Are you an ordinary little wizard?" Maybe Voldemort was really interested in Owen, so he didn't refuse, but said bluntly in a tone similar to equality.

"It's really not ordinary."

I will arrange for the protagonist to dress up as a woman as soon as possible————————————


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