I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 89: What is Hagrid’s ‘strong medicine’ in Chamber of Secrets?

He could have avoided this.

If he had focused his attention on dealing with Grindelwald at school, maybe that little Ravenclaw girl wouldn't have died.


This was another failure of his duty.

The sudden disappointment in the professor's eyes fell entirely on Owen's eyes.

Even the greatest wizard cannot predict everything.

There were also troubles he couldn't solve.

"Professor." Owen squeezed Dumbledore's palm slightly, "Let's keep walking!"

The slight touch in his hand awakened the old principal from his self-blame. He glanced down at Owen, nodded slightly, and then smiled again on his face.

"Yes, people always have to keep moving forward."

——The two of them walked side by side, and the shadows beneath them gradually merged with the darkness around them, and for a moment they couldn't tell you from me.

We walked for about twenty minutes.

Suddenly a wall appeared in front of me.

Fawkes was glowing, flying like a searchlight from Principal Dumbledore's shoulders.

The light illuminated the entire hole.

Let people see clearly the statues on that wall.

Two intertwined snakes are carved on the wall. The intertwined snake eyes are large, shiny emeralds. They serve as door locks and surround the entire wall.

"It's incredible. There is such a huge space under the castle." Professor Dumbledore stood on the empty irregular ground like a cave, looking up at the Serpent Gate on the wall with interest.

"It should be a natural cave in the mountains below Hogwarts." Owen looked around at all kinds of strange stalactites, which were not created by magic.

"Yes." The principal nodded, and then another sound of "hiss~" came out of his mouth.

Suddenly, the two giant pythons seemed to come alive, and they slowly slid to both sides.

The stone wall parted.

Inside was a long, dimly lit room.

There are many stone pillars carved with entangled snakes and towering ceilings that melt into the darkness above.

The gloomy environment cast long and eerie black shadows on the entire room, which was filled with green and mysterious mist.

There is a statue as tall as the room in the distance, clinging to the dark wall behind.

It was an old, monkey-like face, with a long sparse beard that almost reached the hem of the wizard's robe carved out of stone, and two large gray feet standing on the smooth floor of the room.

"Salazar Slytherin."

Looking at the magnificent statue in the distance, Dumbledore's face gradually became serious.

Although he has lived in this castle for nearly a hundred years, many of its secrets are still unknown to him.

"Owen, step aside."

He let go of Owen's hand and held him behind him.

Having learned from Tom's notes that the monster he was about to deal with was a basilisk, Dumbledore had to be cautious.


After a loud cry, Phoenix Fox soared into the sky.

It was as big as a crane, and its chirping sound was like playing music.

Dragging a golden tail.

Does it look like you're ready to fight?


Owen silently took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on.

Just in case, even if you see the basilisk's eyes, they will only be petrified.

Looking at the phoenix flying in the hall, his mouth almost watered.


This is the ultimate cute pet!

As a Hufflepuff, he really wants it~~

"Statue, Albus!"

The appropriate opening of the Sorting Hat.

Professor Dumbledore had also noticed the statue that seemed to be integrated with the wall. Only the face and mouth had gaps.


The strange snake language came again, and then, Slytherin's huge stone mouth slowly opened.

It's getting bigger and bigger, like a tiny black hole opening up.

Suddenly, something seemed to move in the statue's mouth.

The rustling sound of skin rubbing against the stone wall.

lingering in their ears.


The huge falling sound made the secret room tremble, and the splashing water reflected the figure of the monster.

A huge snake, more than thirty feet tall, all green and glowing with the unique fluorescence of poison.

It was as thick as an oak tree, its upper body stretched high into the sky, and its big flat head stared intently at those who dared to disturb its sleep.

Professor Dumbledore closed his eyes. As the top wizard, he knew that sometimes, what he saw was not real.

He was able to locate the Basilisk and its attack just by relying on the flow of magic power in the air.

"Oh! It looks really vicious! It's a pity that you can't open your eyes and take a look." The Sorting Hat on the professor's waist said proudly in a singing tone.

Unfortunately, its triumph did not last long.

"Clang Clang!!!" With a sound, Fox in the sky was like a sharp arrow, just like it helped Potter in the original work, its sharp golden beak directly pierced the basilisk's eye.

The basilisk, who was still in the BOSS animation cutscene, was awakened by a burst of severe pain before he could react. A pool of black blood spilled onto the ground, like a poisonous rain!

"Oh~ no~"

"My legendary pet!" Owen opened his eyes immediately. When he heard Fox's cry, he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

"Professor, it belongs to me!"

"I think you can start by training Sherlock." Professor Dumbledore reminded kindly, and then the Elder Wand was aimed at the crazy basilisk, and a ball of orange-red flames came out of the air, and then in a very short time spread within time.

Devouring the basilisk alive.

"No!" Owen quickly stopped him: "It's not easy to cultivate a basilisk! I haven't heard of anyone succeeding in it for a thousand years."

"We should capture him alive and give him to Hagrid. Maybe we can cultivate a good breed."

After all, Hagrid is a ruthless man who can mate with a manticore and sixty fire crabs to give birth to a five-X-level blast-tailed snail.

Who knows what he ate to the manticore to make it so cooperative?

Give the basilisk to Hagrid, maybe he can raise some powerful magical animals.

"No - I think it's too dangerous." The professor's expression was still calm, but his tone was more unquestionable.

The basilisk is too dangerous for Owen, a twelve-year-old wizard, to control.

Especially since he's not a Parseltongue.


The heat burned the basilisk.

It caused it to let out bursts of screams, and its green body shrank into a ball, trembling violently.

"Far more powerful than I imagined." The old principal glanced at the basilisk that was burned but not seriously injured, and frowned slightly.

I also took the time to watch Fantastic Beasts 2-3 in the afternoon.

By the way, about this update! We are still at night, if nothing else happens, from 8 to 9 o'clock, the shelves will be updated three times a day! ! !

I also recommend a book by a good friend, it’s so well written.

Book Title "Miss Witch, Please Respect Yourself"

[Recommendation]: The original title of the book is "The taste of a witch is so good". I sent it due to special reasons.

Formal recommendation: What is it like to marry a witch just after traveling through time?

Roy said: "The witch tastes really good."

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