I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 99 Please continue, Albus!

"Professor Sprout, can you teach us some Defense Against the Dark Arts spells? We can't make an appointment with Professor McGonagall."

"Yes, yes! There are too many people."

"I heard that Owen of Hufflepuff opened an after-school spells cram school. Many people went there. The cutting spell he taught in the last class was very useful. It is simple, stealthy and efficient, and is very suitable for sneak attacks."

"Professor Sprout! Please stop introducing these magical plants at this time. Everyone——"

Several young wizards from Ravenclaw have not finished speaking yet.

Professor Sprout's face turned dark instantly.

As a well-known good old man at Hogwarts.

Professor Sprout doesn't care if you talk about how great other professors are in front of her, but you want to say that the magic plants she teaches are useless! That's Chi Guoguo's provocation!

"Padma Patil. Your prejudice against magical herbs shocks me!" Professor Sprout called the little wizard by his full name in a rare move.

This means she is really angry.

"Come to the third greenhouse!" she said.

The third greenhouse.

Located at the back of the castle, there are at least three greenhouses throughout Hogwarts for students to use for their classes.

Among them, the plants in the third greenhouse are more interesting and dangerous, such as poisonous tentacles, mandrakes, etc.

"This is something that would not be taught to young wizards of your age."

Professor Sprout, who led a group of young wizards to the third greenhouse, said earnestly.

Then, she walked to a straw mat to cover the planting platform and reached out to lift it open.

"The use of special fertilizers and physical potions can greatly stimulate the aggressiveness of this plant."

On the planting platform, there was an exotic plant that looked like cabbage growing.

The split flower buds are covered with fangs, and they keep opening their bloody mouths. They are all like this, and the people watching are inexplicably frightened.

"Biting cabbage is a new species that was introduced recently. In the past, because this plant was too suitable for little wizards to use as a means of fighting, a large number of little wizards were injured. In the end, the school banned the teaching of this magical plant."

"That professor-" Looking at the rows of big green heads with teeth, Padma Patil from Ravenclaw was a little scared.

This herbal medicine class felt strange to her

"Could this herb help?"

But in the final analysis, this is just a pile of cabbage. How useful can it be compared to the dark wizard hiding in the darkness?

"A group of cabbage can kill a troll in a few minutes." Professor Sprout waved his wand gently, and the water ladle at his feet automatically floated up, shaking some kind of light green potion, and sprinkled it on these herbs. .

"It's a troll, not a troll."

The next second, rows of biting cabbage were shaking their heads one by one as if they were drunk.

But soon the little wizards discovered the mutations in these plants.

Their large fangs seem to be sharper and sharper.

Padma Patil's throat moved slightly.

After a moment, she changed her previous attitude and said to Professor Sprout with excited eyes and a strange cruelty: "Professor! I want to learn this!"


"Professor? You."

Seamus asked tentatively in Potions class.

"Mr. Finnigan, do I give you permission to speak?" Snape was dressed in black clothes and had cold eyes. He stared at Seamus with an inaudible sneer on his lips.

Then he said in his mean and mean voice that the young wizards are all too familiar with: "Three points from Gryffindor."

"Also, all Slytherin students will be given detention after this Potions class."

After that, the old bat turned back to the desk and continued to talk about the formula they needed to learn in this class under the triumphant eyes of all the Slytherins.

"Seamus, how dare you talk to Snape." Ron on the side muttered in a low voice.

"I'm just trying! The professors are very busy recently. Is there anyone else who can teach me magic?"

"Owen?" Harry lowered his head and processed the magic materials in front of him without changing his expression.

Hearing the sound, Seamus turned his head and looked deeply at Harry.

"No - I don't have that much money!"


"I am completely separate from sin!"

At the end of November, after repeated searches of Hogwarts failed, Owen regretfully expressed that he might not be able to avenge his good brother Justin within this year.

It doesn't matter, though, because his quest for revenge will continue.

And the victim of this incident.

Justin, who had recovered, had never been so moved.

With moist eyes, he looked at Owen, who was swearing loudly in the lounge.

I didn’t expect that I was so important in Owen’s heart.

Justin often thought so.

Because in the past month, Owen had really tried his best to find the dark wizard in the castle, often running out in the middle of the night in violation of the professor's rules.

This made Justin moved and admired!

Only Owen dares to search around in such a dangerous castle!

He - Justin, who almost cried, said that Owen is indeed his closest friend!

"In order to effectively combat crime. I declare!" Owen in the lounge looked like an invincible badger. He stood on the armchair, his fiery gaze passing over every little wizard present.

“The limited-time discounts offered by after-school tutoring offices will continue.”

"And!" He held up his magic wand and said with an exaggerated expression: "As long as you bring a new member, you can enjoy an extreme discount of 20% off this year's course!"

Owen, who is less than a month away from Christmas, said this!

"what are you waiting for!"

"Are you still angry that you are helpless when your friend is attacked? Are you still afraid that you don't know how to protect yourself? Are you still anxious that others are involved, but you don't even have a direction?"

"Come! Join us, join our Hufflepuff 'Master Plan'. May you have a dream of being a magic master!"

The cheerful Owen looks like a success master.

Recently, his career is on the rise.

The little wizards who come to him every day to learn magic can line up from the Slytherin common room to Hufflepuff.

And he has truly realized the concept of education without discrimination, as long as you give money! It doesn’t matter which college you are from, we teach!

And it includes teaching and skills!

Because no, after being ‘privately’ trained by him, most people will admit that they have learned it.

That night, when the moonlight was hazy.

It’s time to take revenge on Justin again!


In the dormitory, Justin, who was moved by himself, had tenderness in his eyes and a virtuous look on his face as he stared at the dark devil who was about to leave and said, "Be careful."

"Forget it if you can't find it."

"How can we forget it!" The dark devil turned his head resolutely, leaving an indelible image on Justin's back.

"You are mine, only I can bully you, others - don't even think about it!"


Why does this sound weird?

Justin watched Owen leave without thinking much about it.

Ah~~~ It’s another day of intensive cultivation, and people at work don’t know the year.

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