The red fire light ignited from the top of the lighting rod and gradually dimmed as Klaus bent down and advanced deeper.

About ten minutes later, there was a vague noise in the well, and then there was a sound like a large amount of liquid rushing in from inside.


Patrick pinched his nose and poked his head in to take a look. It was now dark inside. He couldn't help but shrink back and asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling." Phil silently stood up and backed away, and the others followed suit, letting the mouth of the well out.

The rumbling sound got closer and closer, and the light of the red lighting rod began to faintly shine through the mouth of the well.

"Klaus is back."

Yes, they all knew without Stephen's words that Klaus must be back, because he was the only one who left here ten minutes ago.


Klaus's figure suddenly tumbled out of the well, and his agile movements were completely inconsistent with his tall and strong body. But before anyone could ask, Klaus shouted loudly: "Don't come here!"

Everyone paused, and then Klaus pulled up the heavy manhole cover that was thrown aside and put it back again.

"What's the situation inside?" As soon as Stephen finished speaking, a huge amount of water rushed through, and the manhole cover that held Klaus back kept rising.

You must know that the manhole cover made of pure iron weighs at least several hundred kilograms! The water flowing through it made a clanging sound like a kettle lid being boiled. It was conceivable that the situation inside was impossible for anyone to pass through.

(Guigui, luckily it was the boss who went there...)

Phil wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and sighed secretly.

"Obviously, this road is dead now..." Patrick

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, patting his head helplessly.

"What should we do now, go around the streets outside? In that case, we will at least have to face hundreds of madmen who want to kill us..."

Chapter 172 Intervention

"But this is the only way to go. Although the risk is high, it is better than waiting here and doing nothing."

Phil took out the map again and pointed to another road leading to 42nd Street. "Go here and try to avoid the main streets. It's best if you don't cause any noise. Let them fight first, and we'll try to sneak past."

"What if we're discovered?"

"What do you need to say? Of course I'll fuck my mother hard!"


At the same time, people all over the world are paying attention to the situation in this city that appeared overnight and was shrouded in fog.

Especially in the United States, where this city is located, the top politicians are having a heated discussion in the conference room——

"The army can't get in at all, and all the agents who infiltrated have lost contact. Now it's a mess, and it's basically full of lunatics who kill everyone on sight."

"Unable to control it, there is only destruction, for the sake of world peace."

"Then you are going to throw nuclear bombs into our own homes! What is the difference between doing this and those crazy people? You are just afraid, afraid that we know nothing about those things from the other world, afraid that your status will be threatened! You want to Knowing that there are tens of millions of American citizens there, it is impossible for me to agree to such anti-human behavior, absolutely impossible!"

"Then do you have a better idea? Do you want them to settle down inside? We don't even know who took off the cover outside the city, how long it will last, and whether it will break."

"But at least we know there are people fighting to protect us."

"I don't want to leave the fate of America or the world to a bunch of weirdos I don't know."

There was a lot of noise in the conference room. Anyone in this room could make the world's political situation tremble by just stamping their feet, but now they are basically in the city where the other world and the present world meet because of the projection on the big screen. And exhausted.

At this moment, several uninvited guests suddenly appeared in the conference room, appearing out of thin air in front of the politicians and the most powerful people in the United States, startling them.

"Who are you?! How did you get in? Guard!"

"I'm sorry for interrupting your heated discussion, but I'm just here to persuade you." A short middle-aged man led by him put his hands behind his back, hunched his body slightly, and the spectacle lenses on his face reflected a strange light. It was impossible to see any of his eyes or expressions clearly. Behind him stood a man and a woman.

As the man on the left snapped his fingers, an invisible barrier enveloped the entire conference room, and all radio connections and sounds were cut off in an instant. The calls of dignitaries and the pressing of the alarm button did not bring any expected response.

"Before that, please excuse me for a brief self-introduction..." The middle-aged man wearing glasses bowed slightly, "We are representatives from the League of High Order Spiriluals, or LHOS for short. Call me ' Elder' would be great, oh, by the way, the two people next to me are Angelica and Giles."


The silver-eyed woman with golden wavy hair waved gracefully to the executives in front of her, while the man beside her said nothing.

The next words spoken by the man who claimed to be an elder caused an instant silence in the conference room.

"The great barrier surrounding the entire Helsalemz Lot was opened by us."


Ignoring the surprised tone of the politicians, the elder continued: "Whether you believe it or not, I just came here to advise you that it is best not to be too naive about the situation in that city. If you really take away the most powerful person currently in human hands, If a spear is thrown at it, it is possible that the entire earth may be annihilated.”

When the Great Collapse occurs, the human world and the other world are merging and devouring each other. The fragile earth cannot resist the erosion from the higher-level other world. If it is not stopped at that time, the hole in the center of New York will become larger and larger until it reaches the entire planet. Replaced by another world, the long-term rule of mankind was declared extinct and became the slaves and food of other races.

Therefore, the warlocks from the human world all united together and relied on the structure of the entire city to build the Hershalemz Barrier surrounding New York, preventing the continuation of the great collapse and also reducing the impact of the other world on the present world. Condensed in the city of "former New York". Maintaining a delicate balance between void and reality.

The naive idea of ​​"destroying that city with a nuclear bomb" is just like a child trying to blow up a military armored vehicle with the firecrackers set off during the New Year. It will only be crushed ruthlessly by the giant beast that starts up again.

"We admit that we did lack experience in saving the world for the first time, and there seemed to be some mistakes." The elder pushed up his glasses, and the chaotic situation in HL appeared in his mind as if it were being broadcast live.

"So we probably need to seek help from some capable and ambitious people, but it's not you."

The people from the Warlock Association left here, and the ultimatum they left to this group of politicians was only four words - don't do anything stupid.

Others lurking in the human world

The superpower forces in the dark were also visited by people from the Warlock Association.

Special Intelligence Section of the Werewolf Intelligence Agency - Although his reconnaissance and penetration capabilities are excellent, he is not good at combat.

The Yasuri, a dedicated hunter organization for the Blood Boundaries, has strong combat capabilities and has been fighting against the Blood Boundaries to protect humans. They seem to be wavering, but they seem to have been saying that they are short of manpower and are not willing to interfere in the affairs of the other world. The only wavering point is probably that there are now the largest number of blood family members in HL.

24 hours of sunshine blocked by thick fog, a dark and chaotic eternal void, disorder and chaos. Is there a better place for them to live?

Through the communication of the Warlock Association, although Yakari has realized that with the deepening of the curse in HL, it is no longer possible to maintain stability by just dealing with the blood family members. However, its members in various parts of the world basically have responsible areas. Unable to escape, effective countermeasures cannot be organized.

Then perhaps a special force needs to be formed to deal with the chaotic situation in Helsalemz Lot in order to maintain the balance between the worlds.

This requires cooperation between multiple organizations, which cannot be achieved by Yakari alone. It also requires a leader who is strong and has a strong sense of responsibility.

The Werewolf Bureau had already relented and began to search for people with lofty ideals in various places using their personal network. After a short discussion, Yakari gave the Warlock Association a name.

"That person should meet your requirements, and he happens to be in that city right now, but he has temporarily lost contact with us."

A resume was handed to the elder by the Yasari senior management.

"Klaus V. Reinhertz?"

Putting the resume in his arms, the elder ordered to Angelica behind him: "Then let's set off now. This city probably won't last long if it continues like this. There is still a big problem in front of us. not solved."

As Angelica put her hand on the elder's shoulder, the two figures disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Chapter 173 Dawn

In the dark alley, in the dark room inside the old wooden door, Klaus and his party have been waiting here for some time.

"Don't you think it's a little too quiet outside?"

Outside the thin walls, the chaotic sounds on the street stopped at some point, but no one felt that the turmoil was over. The suffocating silence made everyone in the room nervous.

This is the prelude to the coming storm...

When Klaus and others were still hesitating about whether to go out to their destination due to the sudden changes outside, people from the Warlock Association had already come looking for them.

The two people appeared in the room out of thin air, as if they had some kind of teleportation ability. This shocked everyone, and Patrick immediately pointed his gun at the two people who appeared behind him.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, I'm just here to chat with you."

The middle-aged man with glasses just waved his hand, and the twisted field transmitter in Patrick's hand seemed to have been dismantled by a pair of invisible hands and turned into parts scattered on the floor.

"Who are you?" Stephen's eyes were full of vigilance.

The elder's eyes wandered around among the crowd, and finally stopped on Klaus: "You are Klaus V. Reinhertz, right? This appearance is really easy to recognize."

"You know me?" Klaus looked a little surprised at the man who called him by his name when they first met.

"Gagari recommended you to me, let's keep the story short."


According to the elder's description, when the collapse occurred, the Warlock Association immediately noticed the considerable movement and began to gather manpower to prevent the spread of the hole and open the barrier.

Due to the tight time limit and considering the future survival of humans in this city, the boundary contains a wide range of cognitive rewriting. However, when it comes to the blending of cultures in two different worlds, it is no wonder that ill-considered things will happen. Unavoidable.

This is also the reason why HL was able to be established overnight, and it is also the reason why the chaos happened just a short time ago this time.

The amount of work required to integrate the two civilizations without any collision is so huge that there are many loopholes and inconsistencies.

Just like in the beginning, the places where many people originally lived were replaced by residents of another world, but in their perception this is a normal thing, so these people who can't find a home will crowd various hotels.

This is a huge hidden danger. The Warlock Association originally wanted to slowly repair it later and revise the hastily put together urban structure. However, these contradictions have an impact not only on the human side, but also on the other side of the world.

To put it simply, it is like a large-scale open world game that has a very slow development cycle but must be launched on time without delays. There will be a lot of unexplained bugs.

This will take time to fix, but apparently the guys in the other world who want to cause trouble won't give them that much time.

After listening to the explanation of the elder in front of him, Klaus asked: "So, what is the reason for finding me?"

"We will restart the city's barrier in a few days. At that time, all abnormalities will be temporarily suppressed to avoid excessive panic among the people paying attention to this place. Those politicians will not be persuaded by our few words, they will only believe since

Has. "

The elder's tone was calm: "I think the nuclear warheads of at least a dozen countries have locked onto Helsalemz Rote. They are just waiting for the order from the highest authorities. After going through the tedious procedures, they can try it with a mushroom cloud." Let’s wipe this place off the map completely.”

"What do you need me to do?"

"Integrate into this city and become a force that secretly protects the balance. We will find capable subordinates for you according to your requirements, and people from other organizations will also assist you."

"After the barrier is restarted, it will calm down on the surface, but there are undercurrents surging behind the scenes. The city will swing like the fragile pointer in the middle of the scale. Any party that breaks the balance will once again cause a war that affects both worlds. war."

The elder's tone was solemn, and he said to Klaus: "You have up to one day to consider whether to take this responsibility on your shoulders. If you don't want to, we will find someone else."

Gracefield, who was listening on the sidelines, no longer knew what to say.

It turned out that the Great Barrier of Hersalemz was restarted again after the collapse? This has never been said! All the history I have learned indicates that the city that was built overnight after the great collapse remained the same as it was at the beginning three years later...

"I accept."

Klaus answered without hesitation, interrupting Phil's thinking. Stephen on the side slapped Klaus on the shoulder and shouted as if he was frightened.

"Klaus! What are you thinking? This is not something we can interfere with!"

"Someone has to take the responsibility, so why can't it be me?"

The elder nodded: "Yes, the Yakari organization only submitted one name to me, and that is you."

Facing the shocked looks of the remaining people, the elder said slowly: "Others who heard the news, you also need to make a choice."

"What choice?" Phil asked subconsciously.

"Erase this memory and continue your previous life. Your impression of this city will only remain as what you accidentally heard on the morning news TV. Or you and Mr. A contribution.”

"Of course, almost no one will know your names. This organization will be as highly confidential as a legend that never existed, and will only remain in discussions passed down by other people's mouths. However, we will give you some information when we restart the barrier. Conveniences as they should be.”

"What convenience?"

"It depends on whether you agree or not." The elder smiled meaningfully and waited quietly for their replies.

Stephen stood up and paced back and forth with an annoyed look on his face, while Klaus's eyes were fixed on him expectantly.

"I need to think about it..."

"No problem, I can give you twelve hours. You can give me an answer at any time before the bell rings."

"How do I find you?"

When Stephen looked up again, the elder and Angelica were no longer in the room.

"This is really..."

Except for Klaus who lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, the remaining people all looked at each other.

In her somewhat vague memory, Gracefield could not find out how the city originated. The only thing she remembered was that the steps for the formation of the city continued until three years later, four years later... It's a mystery.

And what I want to find is about the origin of Lebra, the secret society of supermen that exists in Helsalem Zlot.

Is it possible that they were born together amid this mystery?

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