It’s simply unbelievable. I really don’t know what kind of wonderful expressions other people in the Tokyo area would have if they saw this scene.

He moved his feet and stood on the tentacles extended by Scorpio, and his vision immediately began to rise.

"Stand still, you will die if you fall."

"Thank you for reminding me!" Rentaro grabbed Cheng Rang's clothes angrily and held Yanzhu in his arms.

The smoothly moving tentacle platform carried several people, quickly passing over a long distance, and came to the front.

Rentaro stared at the Scorpio who was so close in front of him with wide eyes. His face was reflected brightly by the flashing blue biological light band, and he subconsciously sighed.

Then, a hole opened in the black "wall" in front of him, which shocked Rentaro.

"Where are we going?!"

"In her belly." Cheng Rang replied calmly.


A violent tilting sensation came from under his feet. Rentaro screamed and tried to grab something, but the surface of the tentacles was also ridiculously smooth, and his whole body fell uncontrollably into the open mouth.

"Didn't you say you would die if you fell? Hey-!"

The night sky disappeared as the gaps gradually closed, leaving only the darkness and the palpitating feeling of weightlessness.

"Yeonju, hold on to me!"


This constant falling weightlessness and zero awareness of light made Rentaro very uneasy at first, but then he immediately noticed that the surroundings began to gradually become brighter.

As if he suddenly fell into a strange gravity field, his falling speed slowed down out of thin air, and finally the soles of his feet stepped on the soft [ground].

Looking around, the beautiful blue-purple light illuminated this huge space like water waves, but it was obviously the flesh wall of the living thing. It even squirmed in response to his feet stepping on it, making Rentaro's scalp numb. .....

Yanzhu pulled Rentaro's sleeves as if he was a little worried, and then asked: "Um...are we in...uh, Tianxuan Liuli's belly now?"

Although Rentaro didn't want to admit it, he could only nod with difficulty and replied: "I should, yes."

Chapter 93 Resistance

"Report! Satomi Rentaro's vital signs...disappeared!"

In the command center that was almost in chaos, only the projection radar on the table was able to convey the final information, and in the last second, the vital sign response representing Satomi Rentaro suddenly disappeared.

The sound of Didi's radar scanning echoed in the suddenly quiet room. Except for a giant gastrula reaction marked with [Scorpio], no one could stand in front of it.

"In addition...the five gastrea in the zodiac stage...the gastrea, Scorpio, have appeared, Lord Holy Emperor..."


Accompanied by this voice was a black-haired girl with dim eyes who collapsed on the ground.

Tendo Mugen's eyes widened, his face pale, his lips trembling, and he kept muttering: "This is not true... Rentaro, how could Rentaro die?"

"He has surrendered! He promised to come back alive! He made an agreement with me!!"

The girl's heartbroken cries echoed in the room. Tendo Kikunochei immediately waved his hand and said: "Someone, take her down!"

"The police officers under our banner were instigated by the enemy and betrayed humanity. We have reason to suspect that you are also involved in this incident and will be detained pending trial."

She was easily accused of anti-humanity. When the Stage Five Gastrea creatures arrived and the "mass extinction" in the Tokyo area was imminent, no one was willing to believe the girl's weak excuse.

The guards rushed in and pinned Tendo Kisara to the ground.

"No, let me go! Tendo Kiku no Cheng!!!! I must-"

The side of the girl's head was immediately hit hard by the gun butt, interrupting her roar, and a strong metallic taste overflowed from the mouth scratched by the teeth.

She stared intently at the old man standing there with his hands beside Sheng Tianzi, and her eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

"I must... kill you!"

"be honest!"

After being hit hard again, Mu Geng's body gradually went limp and he lost consciousness. He was carried away by four or five sturdy soldiers.

After sending the noisy guy away, Tendo Kikunochori looked at the reaction of the huge life form on the radar and remained silent.

The Holy Emperor gritted his teeth, pulled off his silk gloves that were soaked with sweat from his palms, and took off the flashy wide-brimmed hat on his head.

"We must prevent mass extinction in the Tokyo area. How much strength of the available civilian police force is left?"

"Back...back to Lord Shengtianzi, there are not many left. Most of the people who can spare time are low-ranking police officers."

"Have some time? Are you still concerned about whether the police can have some time?" The girl as white as snow stared at her eyes and spoke faster.

"We need to issue a red alert immediately, declare an emergency, and start evacuating people! At the same time, call all..."

"Lord Holy Emperor." Kikinocheng interrupted the girl's speech unhurriedly and said: "It will only become more difficult to manage when the people panic. Besides, where can we evacuate to? Then the panicked people will flee everywhere, regardless of Everything is going crazy and committing crimes, and I’m afraid that before Scorpio even gets here, we will be completely disintegrated from within.”

"Assistant Tendo." Sheng Tianzi's bright eyes showed determination. She looked at Kikunochori with a cold face, "I have always respected you, and you have helped me a lot, but today... in the decision of the life and death of people in the Tokyo area I will not give in to your decision."

"The people have the right to know what they are about to face. Please be careful not to interrupt me again, Assistant Tendo."


Tendo Kikunoshi snorted in his heart, closed his eyes, no longer paid attention to the situation in front of him, and took a step back.

"Sorry, I overstepped my bounds."

Then, facing the eyes of everyone else in the headquarters, Sheng Tianzi put his hands on the table and issued instructions one after another.


Here, the [Ladder] also needs to be activated immediately. Although it is designed to be a weapon that can be operated remotely, we must ensure that it is foolproof! This is the only trump card we have to stop Scorpio. "

"Super alloy bullets also need to be carried extra, and the logistics line calls for helicopter transportation. We have no time, so act immediately!"

"Yes, obey! Lord Holy Emperor!"


Rentaro was attracted by the movement of Enju behind him. Looking back, he saw that she was untying her shoelaces and taking off her shoes.

“Yeonjoo, why are you taking off your shoes?”

"Huh? Don't you need to take them off?" Yanzhu only had white cotton socks on her feet. She moved her toes uneasily and lifted up the boots in her hands: "Because my shoes are equipped with hammered metal... .Wouldn’t it make Liuli uncomfortable to step on her belly like this?”

"..." Rentaro was speechless at this. He looked helplessly at his right foot, which was made entirely of tungsten alloy. "Ah, I'm sorry. Although I am very pleased to be able to consider this, but I can’t take the legs off.”

"Hahaha! It's not necessary!" Cheng Rang laughed and patted Rentaro on the shoulder: "Stage five is not such a fragile existence. The little bit of alloy on your body can't even prevent the healing of internal wounds. "

"But Yanzhu is really a kind and good child!" Cheng Rang rubbed Yanzhu's head again and motioned for her to put on her shoes.

"Because... Liuli was a child like us in the beginning, wasn't she?" Yanzhu raised his head, his eyes full of guilt.

"Yes." Cheng Rang sighed softly and smiled: "She is also very happy that you will call her Liuli."

"very happy?"

Rentaro, who asked such a question, narrowed his eyes and seemed to notice something.

"Mr. Rentaro?"

A familiar girl's voice came from behind, making Rentaro's eyes widen suddenly, and he turned around as if he was frightened.

She has short, yellowish hair, but has two shoulder-length braids. Her black and white eyes vaguely exuded a slightly cold aura. Although she had changed her clothes within a while, Rentaro still recognized her at a glance.

"Qianju Natsuyo, why are you here?" Rentaro paused, and then quickly added: "By the way, General Ikuma will jail him...!"

"Still alive, I know." Xia Shi nodded.


"She was left mutilated and fought with hundreds of gastrea animals and was seriously injured."

"It was Cheng and Lady Leticia who rescued me."

"The scene at that time... tsk tsk, it was miserable. There was no way to escape, all the weapons were used up, and they were surrounded by more than 30 gastrea animals in the corner. They lost their right arm and one leg... "Cheng Rang described the situation at that time, Rentaro covered his head and quickly raised his hand to interrupt.

"Wait, wait a minute! But even so, the time has not passed yet... It's only been less than an hour, right? It doesn't look like you were seriously injured at all, right?"

"Thanks to Lady Leticia for all this." The girl bowed slightly and made way.

"Letitia? Isn't she your starter partner?" Rentaro looked at Cheng Rang who was standing aside.

Cheng Rang nodded, followed Xia Shi's path and walked deeper, while replying: "Yes, she is a partner, but I never said she was the Initiator."

"Come on, come and take a look and we'll find out. Then I'll explain it to you slowly."

Rentaro looked back uneasily at Hiroko Yingyin and Kohina, who had been standing still, and pulled Yanzhu to follow Cheng Rang.

The squirming inner wall lit up with blue-purple biological light as a few people moved, and the surrounding areas that were not affected by the light were dark. Cheng Rang and Xia Shi walked in front. Rentaro looked back from time to time, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Is it okay to leave Zhizi Yingyin and the others there?"

"No problem, they will be sent out again after returning here to replenish ammunition."

"Send it out for what?"

“Do what they love to do.”

As the inner wall moved forward, it began to feel an upward trend. After passing through a narrow road, Rentaro suddenly became enlightened when he saw a place like a command room in front of him, and then his eyes widened with a shocked expression.

He couldn't even remember how many times he had widened his eyes today...

The projection floating window that I had never seen before was surrounded by golden threads, forming words that I couldn't understand. The external scene is displayed on it like a surveillance screen. The platforms and formations composed of various lights look exactly like the sacrificial altar of a mysterious religion.

What puzzled him the most was that in the center of the room, between the formations with mysterious green characters, there was a car...

Broken children's tricycle?

"I didn't expect you to actually bring this guy here. It just so happens that I don't bother to read your so-called 'interesting' script."

Rentaro's attention was drawn by the crisp voice. A beautiful girl with silver hair in a single ponytail was turning towards this side from the "monitor" screen with her hands on her hips. A strange golden light was shining in her purple pupils.

Rentaro recognized the girl in front of him and tried to call her name with uncertainty.


"It's my fault. Find a place to sit. Don't be stuck here." Leticia said in a casual tone as if we were meeting on the street.

Qi waved his hand to greet Rentaro and the others who came here, and pointed at Yanzhu.

"You, Aihara Yanzhu, right?"


"follow me."

Leticia hooked her fingers and walked towards the wall on one side. Then the inner wall opened like a valve, like a door leading to another room.

Yanzhu didn't seem to be able to accept the "room" of living creatures around her. She rubbed her arms, shivered, and retreated subconsciously.

Cheng Rang said to this: "It doesn't matter, it won't take long to get used to it."

"Why did you call Yeon-joo over?"

"What to do?" Cheng Rang repeated Rentaro's question and laughed out loud.

"Didn't we agree to let Yeon-joo live without any worries? Let's go get treatment."



Cheng Rang stretched out his hand in an inviting gesture.

"The half-finished gastroenterovirus in the body of the Cursed Child... is a treatment that can be perfectly transformed. Only after you see the change with your own eyes can you, Rentaro, completely believe what I say?"

"Does this mean that Yanzhu no longer has to worry about turning into gastrulation due to excessive erosion rate?" Rentaro's tone was excited, and Yanzhu's eyes also lit up.

"Of course, and we will treat all children in the future with the dignity and treatment that normal people should have-"

"...Give it back to them."

Chapter 94 The Flame of Change (3100)

Yanzhu went to receive treatment, during which Rentaro expressed doubts about Cheng Rang's thoughts.

"Ignoring how you have the ability to cure Cursed Children, there are so many Cursed Children around the world. How long will it take to cure everyone?"

"In fact, it won't take long, which is why we have to summon Liuli." Cheng Rang pointed to his feet, "The limit of the natural evolution of gastrea organisms can only stagnate at stage four, and cannot touch the corner of stage five. In fact, the abilities of the Original Sons are even more exaggerated than the limits of human imagination, but they have lost themselves because of [semi-finished products]."

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