The Holy Emperor looked at the child named Tianxuan Liuli on the screen, his pale lips slightly opened: "...Do you want to destroy us?"

"Do you want to live?"

"Of course! Everyone wants to live. Even if some of them really did something wrong, hatred should not be attributed to everyone. There are many innocent people who did nothing wrong! "

The Holy Emperor fought hard for it.

But Liuli made her speechless with just one sentence.

"But what did we do wrong?"


Yes, what did they do wrong?

"We also want to live, that's all... When those soldiers broke into our home, no one said they had done anything wrong. When our relatives and partners were taken away and never came back, we also No one said they did anything wrong.”

"Who broke this small happiness? All we want is to live peacefully in the village for generations without provoking anyone."

"The same goes for other kids like me in the world. Have you ever asked?"

Until now, you are still arrogant...

"Think we are destroying humanity

The monsters of the world...are monsters that should disappear from this earth, but before that, we were humans just like you! "

"...Aren't we innocent compared to them?"

Sheng Tianzi's eyes trembled slightly, and she slowly lowered her head and stared at her hand on the table.

"If...if we can communicate, we can always understand each other...there will always be a better solution!"

"You have ruined your hopes with your own hands."


People had a chance to face it all.

Tell all the victims, the innocent people.

Say: This is all our fault.

It was humans who developed an uncontrollable virus and unleashed the curse in Pandora's Box.

God is merciful and gives humans the opportunity to make up for their mistakes.

That was the chance to come back after humans declared complete defeat in the war with gastrea.

They knew that gasterozoans and gastroenteroviruses were powerful and difficult to destroy, so they gave them weaknesses.

Ordinary gunfire and weapons cannot effectively kill gastrula that can regenerate. For those large gastrula animals, humans are as small and vulnerable as ants. They are so fragile that they cannot even win through human sea tactics, because they will also be infected by the gastroenterovirus and turn into monsters.

But after that, hope emerged.

In a world facing the defeat of mankind, the first loud cry in the ruins...

The child known as "humanity's last hope" was born.

They have eyes as beautiful as rubies, are born with a certain degree of immunity to gastroenterovirus infection, and have powers that are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

They also have the same self-healing ability as gastrea animals, and wounds that can easily kill ordinary people will not let them die.

They are innocent and pure, and have the best expectations for mankind. They trust people unconditionally, risk their lives and everything they have, and fight for people.


People gave them the name "Children of the Curse".

They can only live at the bottom of the world, with things they shouldn't have to bear imposed on them by people who are unwilling to admit their mistakes.

The human tore off the chain of hatred from his own wrist, tightly strangled the young body's neck, and said to the others with a ferocious face without any remorse: "Look! They are monsters too!"


"Now, you can still say it with arrogance: hatred should not be attributed to everyone, there are many innocent people who have done nothing wrong - is this true?"

Facing the girl's soul-piercing question, everyone remained silent.

"Arrogant humans will be judged... The [cause] sown by your own hands will eventually reap the corresponding [result]."

"I pray that you have a clear conscience. There is no point in escaping, and there is no point in denying."

"Forgetting is deceiving yourself, and also deceiving those who have been hurt by you."

The thread of cause and effect will not be cut off, it will always be tightly connected to you...

The upward-spreading tentacles of Scorpio flash with beautiful fluorescence, as if reflecting the stars beyond the sky, surging outward.

She was calling for something, calling for existences connected to her by blood, and then received responses one by one.

Rivers were blocked, mountains collapsed, and red lava spewed out of the cracked earth.

The sharp and urgent sirens and lights illuminated the faces of those who sat behind the screens and watched all this.

Reports of sightings came in like snowflakes from all over the world.

"Report! Sequence 7 Libra activation sighting confirmed!"

"Report! Sequence Nine Centaur activation witnessed and confirmed!"

"Report! Stage 5 - Aries and Leo sighting confirmation!"


That is the most feared existence of mankind that can ignite the green continent in an instant and turn it into hell.

Except for Taurus and Virgo, who have been confirmed to have been killed a long time ago, and Cancer, which has never been sighted, there are a total of nine other five gastrea creatures in the zodiac stage, all of which are dormant or sleeping around the world. Wake up and spread destruction and despair to the land they once conquered again.

Roar--! !

The terrifying howl tore through the gray sky, just like the terrifying shadow covering the world was reflected on the ground by the sun.

The peaceful forest and ruins began to boil in the next second, rustling, and the ground was trembling.

It was a rumbling wave composed of mountains and seas of gastrea animals, surging forward.


Leticia's figure was lifted up by the surging spell power, and she closed her eyes lightly and floated in the air. The ponytail behind him broke free at that moment, and the long hair shone like the Milky Way fluttering in the air. The golden and bright green brilliance intertwined like thousands of silk threads, and a howling wind swept around him.

Cheng Mo looked at Leticia, who was so beautiful that he felt suffocated at the moment, and gently raised the corners of his mouth. He allowed the strong wind to rustle the corners of his clothes, which were illuminated by the powerful light of the curse.

"This is the time of judgment...

! "

Chapter 105: Time flies

The five primordial sons descending and appearing in various parts of the world are like twinkling stars on a dark velvet curtain, closely connected by thin threads of cause and effect.

The golden thread winds across a long distance and space, forming a closed loop in just a few seconds.

Taking the Original Sons as points and connecting them with lines of cause and effect, Letitia used them to build a world-wide spell circle on the blue planet.

Then began a long chant.

No one can stop it, everything is about to end... Rentaro opened his eyes wide and stared at what was happening in front of him, something beyond his understanding.

Ten years ago, nearly 80% of the world's population was wiped out by gasterozoans. Human beings have been surviving in the cracks and have not recovered at all.

Now they have to undergo a trial that will almost wipe out more than half of the remaining population.

At this point, mankind is likely to completely lose its dominance over the earth, and will be able to live in the shadows of the cracks for the rest of its life.

This was a cleaning as precise as a surgical operation, or as Rentaro called it - a massacre.

Before that, the two explained to Rentaro, Enju and Natsushi what would happen after this.

That was something that was cognitively impossible, but the three people present knew that Leticia and Cheng Mo in front of them could do it.

“The birth, existence and demise of all things will be determined by cause and effect from beginning to end.”

Leticia drew a golden line in mid-air with her fingertips. The thread of golden light branched out from one end of the road to the other. The way the body looks like.

"These forked roads are the important choices they made that can change their lives."

"It can be as small as whether to be lazy and not brush your teeth after getting up today, or as big as whether to stand on the eaves after experiencing setbacks and take the last step forward that represents the end."

"The choices people make bring about cause and effect, affecting themselves, others, and all things."

"So it will all be causally connected as long as they still exist."

The golden threads began to spread and unfold, and in a blink of an eye they became as complicated as the veins of trees. The threads that at first only represented the existence of one person suddenly became like a blade of grass in an entire prairie in this huge network. It was so small that it was submerged and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"The more important an event is, the more causes and effects are involved, and the more people are affected, and the people affected may also be the key point that affects the direction of this important event."

Leticia gently twisted her fingertips, as if pulling up a blade of grass from the ground, the roots spreading downward were numerous and intertwined.

"We find the origin of it all, and then it's like this leaf, this fruit. Follow these and tease out the roots."

"You mean... the original sons?" Rentaro stared at the golden buds in front of him. The roots spreading downward were far more complex and larger than they appeared on the surface.

"That's right."

Cheng Mo sat cross-legged on the ground and tapped the golden bud in the air with his fingertips.

"I will screen out only the bad side of these causes and effects for Leticia - in Jean's words, leave professional matters to professional people."

Dark red veins spread downwards along the golden leaves, eroding nearly half of the golden roots and dyeing them, as if to represent those people who are hated by the Son of the Prime and whose hands are stained with sin.

Everything is connected by cause and effect, and there is no escape or avoidance.

"Even if they brainwash themselves, erase their memories, and forget everything to numb themselves and escape the guilt that surrounds them all the time. The things they have done, the thoughts they have had, the people they have hurt... None of the causes and effects produced will be lost because of these.”


With a snap of Cheng Mo's fingers, the threads dyed dark red disintegrated, disappeared, and turned into ashes. Only the pale golden threads remained.

"This is a trial. It doesn't even take a second. It all happens in an instant."

"Can you even do this kind of thing?" Rentaro fell back to the ground in disbelief.

"Of course...because - we are the [Sword God] and the [Curse God]."

A golden light that was more dazzling than the sun covered the sky. People stopped one after another and couldn't help but look up at the direction of the sky.

The golden light is intertwined and connected like pathways, constructing unknown mysterious runes...

"what is that?"

The people crowded in the shelter became quiet and looked at the golden light in the sky that obscured the entire world.

Igarashi held Shinoda's hand tightly, and they were also looking at the covered sky.

Shinoda took a deep breath and shook his head slowly: "I don't know..."

Armed forces and armed organizations from all over the world rose up in their final resistance and launched an attack on Stage 5 standing on the earth.

But that has no effect at all, just like a cricket shaking a tree, all the weapons that humans can develop cannot get close to the side of stage five.

It's like being wrapped in an invisible layer, unable to hurt it at all.

And those in stage five have no desire to move or attack, they just look up to the sky and roar——

That howl that seems to be filled with emotion

The sound echoes through the hollows, resonating across valleys, seas and plains.

The Internet and the media are abuzz at this moment. No one pays attention to those celebrity scandals anymore. They just want to know the answer to one question.

That golden pattern that covers the entire planet—what is it?

The golden stream of light began to spray upward from the heads of the Stage Five Gastrea creatures, which were roaring towards the sky.

People were surprised to find that the golden light that spewed out from the top of Stage Five's head was composed of golden threads.

Those threads ignored all obstacles, drifted towards the people looking at the sky, and connected to their chests.

Not everyone is connected by the golden thread, those who have just been born, or those who are no more than ten years old.

That is, the pure generation - those children who have a human identity and are not connected by threads.

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