"Also, I'm sorry for what I just said to you, Master..."


Leticia smiled happily, and she motioned for Isabella to raise her head.

"It's good to understand this, but it's very difficult to truly understand and implement it. Come on, you are the disciple I am most proud of, Isa."

The tip of Isabella's nose suddenly sore. She never thought that Leticia would actually smile and say to herself so straightforwardly - she was her pride.

She threw herself hard on Leticia, and Isabella couldn't help but cry again in her tense expression.

"Master, I'm sorry!"

Sigh... So girls at this age are so sentimental, but they have finally achieved good results, and their hard work is not in vain.

Cheng Rang put his hands on his hips and shook his head with a smile: "Looking at it today, Letitia, you are indeed an excellent teacher. Even I feel like learning spells from you."

"Want to learn?"



"Hey, is it true?" Cheng Rang thought Letitia was joking at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she was not the kind of person who would make such a joke.

Which means....she means it.

If you want to learn, she will really try her best to teach you.

Isabella suddenly became interested when she heard the conversation between the two. She wiped away her tears two or three times and looked expectantly at Cheng Rang, who had a complicated expression and scratched the back of his head.

"That's right, hubby! If you also learn spells with Master, then we can spend more time together in the future!"

"It seems...that's true."

The teachings of Isabella and her master were actually prohibited from observation most of the time.

Because spells do not require talent and anyone can learn them. If someone is overheard and learns secretly, the probability is very small but it is not impossible that he will not be able to learn it. Therefore, Cheng Rang can only come and take a look when observing actual combat.

Also, stealing lessons from the founder of Brisac Conjuration without permission?

Good guy, there must be something wrong with your thinking, and you don’t even think about how scary the consequences would be.

The thing that single-handedly inspired Letitia to use the Time Curse 999 was the ending. She wiped it from the source of cause and effect without even raising ashes! The reason was that he hit Letitia with the same attack and knocked her out of action.

So, as long as you approach Letitia with a sincere attitude and work hard, she won't refuse in most cases, but if you try to learn from her secretly, it's definitely not a good choice.

Leticia started her journey without any talent. She knew and understood the desire of those who wanted to gain power but could not get started.

As long as you work hard, you will be rewarded. She will not hesitate to teach these methods to anyone who really wants to learn and use them to make a career.

Although he appears to be a cold and strict guy, he seems to be quite good as a teacher.

Leticia pinched her chin and sounded a little proud.

"Hey, then, kneel down quickly and worship me as a master. Just call me master."

"You have a beautiful idea." Cheng Rang went up and held down her head and rubbed it. "Calling you teacher is the limit. We are about the same strength. Kneeling down is such a bad idea!"

"There is gold under a man's knees. The emperor who does not kneel to heaven, the earth, or bend his knees is also a sage!"

"Woo! Don't touch my head!" Leticia slapped Cheng Rang's hand away, then protected her head and hid behind Isabella and asked, "Then why can you kneel?"

"I only kneel to my parents."

Leticia's expression dimmed a little. She could fully understand this statement as her memory of the peeking process allowed her to give in and change her words: "Then... you can just call me master."


"Don't bargain in a place like this. Hey, if you want to learn, I won't teach you!" She suddenly became furious.

In the end, it was Isabella who coquettishly pestered Cheng Rang to study with her, and then she reluctantly called Leticia "Master"

I have no choice but to make my wife happy, not to mention...

You take advantage of me here. From now on, Isha and I will come over here every day to show off our affection in front of you. Let’s see how long you can last!

This idea is so devilish that people can't help but secretly wipe their hands at Letitia's future teaching career.

"Okay, Teacher Leticia, I've finished calling Master... Can you really let me learn such things as spells?"

Leticia sat in the middle of the sofa, while Cheng Rang and Isabella stood side by side in front of her.

"I'm not asking you to learn it, but you want to learn it yourself. You must distinguish this."

"I think...it's unnecessary."

"Then if you have such an idea, you will definitely not be able to learn." Leticia took a sip of the tea Isabella had just poured for herself.

As a sword god who has already understood his own ultimate intention, it is very easy to learn his own Brisac spell. It can even be said that he has a unique advantage from the beginning.

Leticia has already experienced Cheng Rang's mental power, that is, the strength of his will. Not to mention that he was able to work hard in the long and empty training ground for so long and master the pinnacle of the field of swordsmanship... and even penetrate the fields of death and rules to understand cause and effect.

Leticia is almost certain

, as long as Cheng Rang is willing to study hard with himself, he will definitely have the power to master all the time curse sequences, that is, he will become an existence like himself who can pay the corresponding price to successfully cast the final sequence entry: [Time Curse·World]

Such a being may travel through several universes but only encounter one like him. This statement makes sense and is not an exaggeration at all.

Swordsmanship has its limitations, and Cheng Rang himself is actually interested in magic... ahem, no, spells.

No matter how cool it is to pull the light of a knife, it can't be as handsome as Master Fa's wave of his hand, which brings out the power of heaven and earth! Look at what the Curse Star looked like at that time, look at the big scene of the Mantra falling into flames, it was a hundred times more exciting than the special effects in the movie!

What's more, even if there is only one condition - being able to fly, it is enough to make Cheng Rang tempted.

"Okay, I decided to take it seriously and give it a try. Please give me more advice in the future, Teacher Leticia."

Cheng Rang, who finally made the decision, looked at the indescribable strange smile on the corner of Leticia's mouth and felt that something was wrong there.

"No problem, then today's practical teaching is over. Isabella and I are both tired. Come to my report starting tomorrow. Don't be late."

"Okay. Anyway, I don't have anything to do recently. I just don't lack time now."

Walking out of Leticia's house side by side with Isabella, Cheng Rang found that he even began to look forward to tomorrow, which was a rare situation.

——Have you ever experienced that kind of joyful feeling recently... when you suddenly feel that you still have a pure heart, and that your blood is rushing through the veins of your body?

Recalling the question Leticia asked him before, Cheng Rang took a deep breath.

Suddenly I feel... I want to be on fire!

"Isa, don't be scared by my rapid improvement in learning ability~"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Isabella just covered her mouth and smiled, nodded: "Well, then I'm looking forward to your performance, husband, come on~"

"Hey, just watch!"

Chapter 14 Familiar supermarket cashier

The weather is gradually getting warmer, and we are approaching the lazy season. It seems that the thick fog shrouding the city has faded, and the warm sunshine shines on the streets, illuminating the colorful people.

It was mid-afternoon, so Cheng Rang and Isabella decided to satisfy their hunger outside and buy some ingredients for the future. The refrigerator was already empty.

However, purchasing in supermarkets in Hersharemzlot is actually quite different from the outside world and other worlds.

Including but not limited to, you can find all kinds of gadgets beyond the limits of human imagination on the shelves of large supermarkets, such as edible biochemical machine guns placed in the food shelf categories. For promotion and convenience for customers to try, they are even taken directly from the shelves. Come down and launch on the spot.

But it seems that both Cheng Rang himself and Isabella, who has lived here for a long time, have become accustomed to these things and can even enjoy shopping more.

It seems that the season and the temperature have become tired, and only in this kind of good weather, all kinds of daily life in the city will stop.

After all, whether you want to destroy the world or steal money, you have to choose a violent day that makes you less calm to do something big.

Enjoying life is the same thing for humans and aliens - who can refuse to fish happily under the warm sun?

Cheng Rang put the snacks that almost filled half of the shopping cart back on the shelf. As he put them back, Isabella in front of him threw them into the shopping cart.

It seemed that a certain balance had been reached between the two. Cheng Rang had reminded Isa several times that the ingredients she wanted to buy this time were not yet available, but she did not seem to worry about this.

"Yog-Sothoth flavor is too early for your age." Cheng Rang grabbed the potato chips that Isabella had just put in the basket of the car. The trademark on it was the same as the old human world potato chip manufacturer "Lays". "slidely different.

[Sans] brand potato chips, it is said that Two Hundred and Fifty-Four only focuses on the excellent restoration of the flavors of various old rulers and ancient gods. Since most of them are taboo gods, the recommended age of the eater is written on the back of the package. You need to be over 100 years old, otherwise the manufacturer will not bear any legal responsibility if life is in danger.

"What? You've eaten it too, I'm just curious." Isabella glanced at Cheng Rang reluctantly and pointed to the warning text on the potato chip package, but did not put it in the basket of the car.

"I can only say that it's more exciting than drinking too much wine. I only took one bite and for the next two hours I could only babble in otherworldly languages, and even I couldn't understand what I was saying."

"Well, I have actually seen Sister Leticia eating a bucket of Tindalos Hound flavor before. It is said that the taste feels strangely familiar to her."

"Only she can share these things with you with a tone of enjoyment."

Cheng Rang snickered, lowered his voice and said in Isabella's ear: "Isabel, aren't you curious about how old Leticia is? I know this secret~"

"It's not okay. It's taboo to discuss a girl's age behind her back."

Cheng Rang put his hands in his pockets: "Hey, she can't be considered a girl anymore~ You can't judge people by their appearance in HL. Just like when you are walking on the street, who would have known that such a beautiful girl can create something that can withstand the power of a nuclear explosion with just a wave of her hand? Where’s the barrier?”

"A nuclear explosion or something is a bit too exaggerated." Isabella was so amused that she covered her mouth and giggled.

Then he asked, "Sister Leticia aside, I'm curious how old you are?"

Cheng Rang showed a surprised expression while pushing the car. He opened his eyes wide and blinked: "No, my wife, shouldn't you know best how old I am?"


"Eighteen centimeters."

Isabella's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she stepped forward and punched Cheng Rang.

"Can you be serious? They asked about your age! The answer you gave is completely wrong! Sister Leticia complained to me before that you were older than her."

Cheng Rang quickly made a resigned expression and said with a smile: "Hey, I was joking! What did she say?"

Isabella raised her face, put her hands on her hips, and imitated Leticia's tone.

"Really, you've obviously lived longer than me, but you still act like a child sometimes."

Her tone of voice was so similar that a picture appeared in Cheng Rang's mind, and the two of them laughed out loud in unison.

"Hahahaha, isn't she still a lolita herself? I'm more or less a handsome boy. He looks like an adult no matter how he looks. He definitely looks older than her."

At the same time, Letitia, who was lying on the bed and just about to take a good nap with the warm afternoon sunshine outside the window, sneezed with an "ah-chirp" sound. She frowned slightly and rubbed her nose with her hands.

"Someone said bad things about me... It must be that guy Cheng Rang!" There was no need to make any other guesses. Leticia immediately identified the mastermind behind the scenes.

Look at me if I don’t educate you well tomorrow!

But let him go for now, because having a good sleep is the last word~

Stretching vigorously, Leticia had a happy expression on her face, and her loose silk pajamas playfully slipped off her shoulders, revealing her fragrant shoulders as smooth as milk.

She plopped backwards and threw herself into the soft quilt, hugging the quilt with the smell of sunshine in her arms tightly.

"Hmm~~~ I'm so happy! The soft quilt, the fresh smell, the warm sunshine, and the right pillow~ Hufufu, hehe...hehe, I like it so much~"

She was alone at home, and Leticia on the bed now looked like a child rolling back and forth on the bed. She was completely different from the guy who usually had a cold and stern face. This kind of cute and cute scene with pure white and pink color is definitely a must-have for lolicon fans.

The two of them strolled around in the supermarket for a while longer. Cheng Rang pushed the full shopping cart and headed to the checkout counter while talking and laughing.

"Points card?"

"No, just check out."

"Need to apply... Huh?" The cashier lady seemed to recognize the two people talking in front of her, and her tone changed to a routine, "Cheng?!"

The crisp girl's voice seemed to hit Cheng Rang's DNA. He suddenly turned his head and saw that the girl with long off-white hair and twin tails was blinking in surprise. Her emerald green pupils were full of surprises, as if she didn't expect it. You will meet acquaintances here, and the items and code scanner guns held in your hands are frozen in mid-air.

"....Xiao Bai? Are you able to run around after being discharged from the hospital?" Cheng Rang never expected to meet her at the supermarket checkout counter.

Mary Macbeth, the heart of HL Great Barrier, was hospitalized all the year round. She is also Leo's girlfriend.

"Shh!" The girl raised her fingers to her mouth in panic and glanced around to see if anyone was paying attention.

After finding that it was temporarily safe, she quickly began to scan the goods on the checkout counter, while explaining: "Of course I can be discharged from the hospital. It has been so long. Leo has been taking time to talk to the Warlock Association." Keep in touch with people around you and gradually stabilize..."

Xiaobai paid attention to Isabella, who was holding his arm next to Chengrang, but hesitated to speak.

"Oh, don't worry, my wife... we work together."

"Nice to meet you. I am Cheng Rang's wife, Isabella Campbell." Isabella introduced herself to Xiaobai very politely.

Xiaobai was slightly startled.

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