"You want to treat us to sushi, Mr. Gojo."

In the end, Kugisaki still gave his teacher Gojo a luxurious meal, but the meal was just like water for him, so Gojo agreed on the spot.

Then the next most important thing, and the thing that everyone including Cheng Rang and others are more interested in, is the reunion scene between Hui and Tsumeki.

Then the heads of five curious babies, Cheng Rang, Dingqi, Huzhang, Wutiao, and Xiaomo, were poked out of the doorframe outside the ward, like gophers gathered together.

Those eyes filled with expectant heat made Fushiguro sitting in front of Tsumiki's hospital bed shine like a light on his back. Looking at the trembling muscles at the corners of his mouth and brows, he was already stunned.

"Those idiots..."

Tsumeki, who was sitting on the head of the bed, noticed the embarrassment of his brother, turned his eyes away from the door, covered his mouth and chuckled.

"It seems that you have made many good friends while I was asleep... I feel relieved."

Fushiguro patiently said in a deep voice: "They are just a bunch of troublesome idiots, making you laugh."

"I think they are all cute. You must have a good relationship."


Fushiguro Megumi did not deny her sister's words. Due to her character, when she saw her sister who had woken up after sleeping for a long time, Fushiguro couldn't say anything nice.

The atmosphere began to turn awkward. Fushiguro Megumi ran various greetings in her mind for a long time, but when she spoke, they all just turned into one sentence:

"It's so nice of you to wake up...."


"How do you feel physically?"

"Very good, thanks to Miss Isabella and Miss Supervisor for their continued care, as well as the nurses."

It is completely different from the urban soap opera scenario that everyone expected. The dialogue between the siblings can be said to be ordinary.

Plain greetings, communication like family. Even Fushiguro's always cold face seemed to melt a little at this moment, taking on a softer meaning.

There are no gorgeous words, nor are we crying when we meet again after a long separation. Just a normal and slightly intimate greeting is enough.

Fushiguro told his sister his experiences during her coma.

Compared to Fushiguro fighting against bad guys before, now he fights against curses to help others.

His younger brother is also growing up, until his narrow spine becomes a harbor that can protect him. Tsumeki smiles as always, sometimes surprised, sometimes worried, and sometimes proud.


Finally, the story of Fushiguro Megumi’s growth comes to an end.

Tsumeki stretched out her hand, put it on Fushiguro's sea urchin head, and rubbed it vigorously.

"You have grown up." There is both gratification and trust for his younger brother's future.

"I hope you can always uphold your firm beliefs and continue on this path. I am optimistic about you."

Fushiguro lowered his head and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"You are still so good at gossiping, sister."

"Ah, don't you like to hear it? If you don't like it, just listen to it, haha."

Fushiguro finally smiled. He raised his head, took his sister's hand on his head, and shook it to the side.

"How long are you going to touch it?"

“I can’t get enough of it.”

Fushiguro once again held his sister's hand that he had thrown away, and said: "There will be opportunities to rub it in the future. Welcome back."

"When can I go home?"

Fushiguro was suddenly startled, his hand unconsciously loosened, and he scratched his cheek.

"Uh...I live in the dormitory now, at home-"


Suddenly, the call of Japanese knotweed came from behind. Fushiguro looked back and saw a bunch of keys flying through the air. Fushiguro quickly caught it.

The sound of clattering keys was accompanied by the knotweed and the smiles of everyone behind him, which reflected in Fushiguro's eyes.

"Go home, do you remember where you lived before?"

"Doctor Cheng...is this?"

"The key to your house." Cheng Rang walked up to Huzhang and patted him on the shoulder. The two of them looked at Fushihei, who was in a daze.

Gojo Satoru quickly raised his hand to take credit: "I spent money to redeem it!"

It is said that the home where Fushiguro lived with his sister was sold due to debt, because after that Fushiguro would only need to live in a high school...

My sister showed no signs of waking up for a long time and remained in the hospital. Until Fushiguro became an excellent magician.

"Isabella didn't come here today because she and the supervisors went to your house to clean up for you. Your sister just woke up, so it's better not to let her do too much heavy work." Cheng Rang raised his chin.

Yoshino Junpei rushed over from the corridor, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand and panting slightly.

"Here, Fushiguro-san, the discharge certificate is ready! Phew... I didn't expect that I would have to go back and forth several times to complete the procedures."


Fushiguro wanted to say something, but couldn't. Looking at the familiar faces in front of him, Fushiguro felt like something hot was being choked in his throat.


"You're so polite, we're all good friends!" Hidden Leaf came over with a smile and patted Fushiguro's back hard, then said to Tsumeki: "By the way, sister, don't forget to attend Fushiguro's birthday party in a few days. Ah, we have prepared many surprises for him!"

Tsumeki pursed her lips and smiled, "Yeah, definitely, thank you!"

The ward gradually became lively. The jokes and noises of his companions made the temperature in Fushiguro's eyes gradually rise and become warmer. The corners of his mouth melted, and they were immersed in joy together.

"Okay, everyone, cheers to celebrate Fushiguro's sister being discharged from the hospital!"


"——Don't bring out the wine to drink in the ward, you two, hey!"

Chapter 183 Birthday Party

December 22nd is Fushiguro’s birthday.

Fushiguro's house, which is not that big, was crowded with guests today and was very lively.

After about two weeks of recuperation, Tsumeki's condition after returning from the hospital was much better than before. Now a group of girls are making snacks and chatting together.

"Let me borrow the oven~ Fushiguro-san."


isabella end

Put the baking sheet filled with cookie dough into the preheated oven, and Tsumeki turns the knob to set the time.

Kugisaki and Maki were reading a fashion magazine at the dining table. On the balcony, Xiao Mo lay on the panda's belly and hummed comfortably.

The TV in the living room was turned on. Yoshino had brought a lot of CDs and was introducing them one by one to Inumaki-senpai who was squatting in front of the DVD player with great interest.

"Salmon..." Inumaki picked out a plate of documentaries and gave a thumbs up, indicating to Yoshino that Fushiguro likes to watch this type of stuff.

Suddenly the sound of knotweed came from the kitchen.

I saw the afterimage of the kitchen knife cutting out in Cheng Rang's hand, but there was no sound of the blade touching the chopping board. When the light of the knife passed over the white radish in front of him like autumn wind blowing leaves, Cheng Rang smiled confidently and picked it from the middle of the radish with chopsticks.

The thin radish slices seemed to have blossomed on the chopping board, and the veins of the petals seemed to be clearly discernible. Even the radish flowers were connected one after another, which was a work of art.

"Oh oh oh, that's awesome!" Tigerweed's eyes widened and its mouth opened wide.

Maki's eyes were drawn from the magazine to Cheng Rang and the knotweed. She twitched the corner of her mouth, put down the magazine and asked Isabella: "Teacher Campbell...does my master often cook like this at home?" "


"Is this really going to happen? Hey!"

"What, Maki, do you want to try it?" Cheng Rang asked, shaking a bunch of radish flowers in his hand.

"No way!"

"Come on, come on, you have to know that even if you are a swordsman, you still need to use a good kitchen knife when you are a good husband at home. If you get married in the future, you will only know how to chop people but not chop vegetables. How can you be ridiculous?"

"Is swordsmanship originally used to do this kind of thing?!"


Cheng Rang's hearty laughter made Maki blush, wishing she could crawl into the ground on the spot and never want to acknowledge that guy as her master again.

By the way, Gojo Satoru is late.

Everyone was busy preparing for today's dinner. As the birthday boy, Fushiguro wanted to help but was pushed back to the sofa. His sister Tsumiki forced a pointed colored paper hat on his head. Now he was sitting on the sofa with a black face. It looks indescribably funny.

The documentary was played on TV. Yoshino Inu Maki was sitting next to Fushiguro. Due to his size, the panda could only squeeze on the edge of the sofa to serve as a chair for Xiao Mo.

This seems to be the reason why the atmosphere in the little Fushiguro family is particularly lively right now. Xiao Mo, who is with everyone, watches the documentaries on TV with gusto even though she doesn't like them.

"Xiao Mo...Xiao Mo~" Kugizaki sneaked around from behind the sofa, poked the panda's soft butt, and called Xiao Mo softly.

"What's wrong, Sister Kugizaki?" Xiao Mo couldn't help but lower his voice and came closer.

Kugisaki waved mysteriously, gesturing for her to come out with him.

Fushiguro seemed to be engrossed in the movie and didn't pay attention to Xiao Mo who slipped away in the middle.

Cheng Rang, who was busy working with Hezhuang in the kitchen, turned back to look at Kugizaki, who wanted to take Xiao Mo out.

(Go get the cake!)

After she opened her mouth and made gestures to herself, Cheng Rang nodded clearly.

As for the birthday gifts, they had basically been given out when everyone visited Fushiguro's house. Knotweed’s gift was a custom-made dark blue hoodie with a sea urchin printed on the chest.

Kugisaki's gift is a set of handmade dolls, which are Q-versions of Fushiguro, Kizumi, Yoshino, and her own four-year-old group. They also thoughtfully add a key chain that can be hung on a mobile phone or school bag.

Yoshino's gifts are, of course, all kinds of CDs. The ones currently in the paper bags and DVDs next to the TV are said to be many limited commemorative editions, the kind that are now unavailable on the market.

Inumaki-senpai gave him a scarf, Panda a pair of practice gloves, and Maki gave him a magic tool.

At that time, when Maki took out the special magic tool Yuun from the bag, Fushiguro was shocked. Then when she screamed "What are you thinking about? How can I give you this!", Maki took out another handful. The sheathed short sword was handed to Fushiguro, and then Yuyun was stuffed back.

"Fortunately it's not...I really can't use Youyun."

"Even if you need it, I won't give it to you. Let's wait until you become the head of the Zen Yuan family."


When Cheng Rang and Isabella brought Xiao Mo in, he said he would give his gift last. Xiao Mo took out a handful of candies from her skirt pocket and stuffed them into Fushiguro's hand.

"You've been keeping a bad face all day, so why don't you eat some candy and be happy." After saying this, Xiao Mo slipped into Fushihei's house.

"Fushiguro-san, happy birthday."

Only Mr. Campbell said this to Fushiguro when he entered, and then handed over a small box.

"Is this...?" When I opened the box, I saw a pendant like a glass ball, tied with a red rope. However, the length of the rope was not suitable for wearing on the neck or wrist. It seems like the only option is to wear it on a belt buckle.

"The Shadow Bottle is a magical creation that can be used to determine distance and direction in the shadow." Isabella pointed to the glass ball, "This place will glow in the shadow, locating the surrounding environment like a sonar. Map. Fushiguro-san has been trying to use shadow movement, right? So I made this."

Fushiguro was slightly startled. He didn't expect that Mr. Campbell would be so attentive in solving the problem that had been bothering him.

After developing a device that can use shadows to hold spells, etc.

When he was looking for an object, Fushiguro had already been experimenting with escaping into the shadow stream so as to move quickly and secretly. Especially at night, this technique could sneak into various facilities almost silently. Even if the door is closed.

Only after entering the shadow, he could not confirm the external situation and the direction and distance of his movement, so Fushiguro could only use this move to move short distances, and it could only move in a straight line without obstacles in the middle.

But now with this thing, the positioning problem has been perfectly solved, which can be said to have helped me a lot.

"Thank you, Mr. Campbell."

"You're welcome."


Night fell early in December, and Fushiguro's house was brightly lit and illuminated by warm lights. Sumptuous dishes were placed on a long table, and the coffee table in front of the sofa was also filled up in the restaurant's space.

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