Cheng Rang scratched his cheek guiltily: " did you know it was me?"

"Because the island trip has ended long ago, and even the summer vacation is over, you have maintained that posture for almost a month. This is the landline of the teacher's office. There are no other teachers in the school now, so you can only call..."

"Uh-so now..."

"There are still two hours until class, and it's just dawn. You idiot, Ernie, you woke me up."

"……Feel sorry?"

"Why do you use a questioning tone?" Xiao Mo's confused voice paused for a moment, and then he suddenly became energetic as if he remembered something important, and asked quickly: "So, has Teacher Xuecun been resurrected successfully?! "

Cheng Rang awkwardly dragged the phone around the office, and then said angrily: "Resurrection is resurrection, but maybe... the location is not right, we have to pick her up."


Xiao Mo seemed to miraculously understand the meaning of Cheng Rang's words, "Should I go there now?"

"I'd better go find you."


A few minutes after hanging up the phone, there was a knock on the apartment door. Xiao Mo had already changed his clothes and opened the door. Cheng Rang's figure was waiting outside.

"Because you have been quiet, everyone moved you back. If Teacher Yukimura is not with you, could it be that you were resurrected on Fukuma Island?"

Cheng Rang nodded and sighed: "That's true. After all, the coordinates for the resurrection were set there when we started preparing for it. This time it's just because I'm not skilled enough. It's a small problem!"

"Should..." (added in a low voice)

At the same time - Fukuma Island Resort Hotel, conference hall.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning had just arrived, and the entire beach was still showing a light blue color. In the dim conference hall, all the tables and chairs were put away because no one was using them.

On the ground that was originally the stage, a short-haired woman wearing a white research coat appeared out of thin air, then fell down and let out a cry of pain.

"Ouch! It hurts, it hurts..."

This person is Aguri Yukimura.

It felt like she was awakened from sleep. She was still looking at the dim ceiling in a daze as if she couldn't understand the scene in front of her.

"Where is...where is this?"

The pain from her butt clearly made her feel as if she was still alive, but under normal circumstances, she must have died.

"Could it be that this is paradise? But why does it feel like paradise is a venue that no one is using?" Yukimura Aguri looked around curiously and found various audio equipment cables stored away and neatly stacked chairs.

Walking along the exit, Aguri discovered it when he was about to push the door open.

"Locked...? Eh, ah, ah, ah, huh, huh?!"

Bang, bang, bang...

"Sorry, is anyone there?!"

Aguri, who was locked in the conference room as soon as he woke up, kept banging on the door, hoping that someone would notice him.

At the same time, he kept muttering: "The reception method in this paradise is really careless. Why do you leave this person here alone..."

The most outrageous thing is that he locked the door. Does this mean he will not be reincarnated?

"Is there anyone there? Open the door quickly——!"

Chapter 131 Pick-up time

The staff member who noticed the movement in the conference room opened the door. He looked at Akuri Yukimura who appeared inside at some unknown time and looked up and down.

It seems that the attire is completely inconsistent with summer. He wears a thick knitted sweater under the white coat, which makes him look very hot. Perhaps it was because of this that the lady in front of me had beads of sweat hanging on her forehead.

But the first thing she said when she saw him was: "How on earth do you do things in heaven? Why do you still lock me here?"


Aguri was slightly surprised by the puzzled expression of the staff. Then she took two steps back with an embarrassed smile and said with some fear: "Isn't this paradise?"

Oops, could it be possible that I have fallen into hell? No wonder it felt so hot from the start...and locked up.

Aguri's legs are weak

Sitting on the ground, he kept muttering something in a low voice with a look of fear, but he did not imagine the possibility of his "resurrection from the dead".

That's true. After all, they can be regarded as scientific researchers and serious teachers. They have never seen anyone resurrected from the dead. After death, they may be more accepting of the unseen heaven and hell than reality.

"Miss... our place is neither heaven nor hell, it's just an ordinary island resort hotel."

"Ah, what? Island resort hotel?" Akuri Yukimura's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "So where is this place?"

The staff member turned around helplessly and pointed to the embroidery on his work clothes on his back: "This is Fukumajima Resort Hotel, still in Japan."



The two of them stared at each other for a long time. Aguri suddenly stood up, scratched his head with a smile and said: "Oh, look at me, I must be sleepy, hahahaha..."

Would anyone be so confused as to sleep here in winter clothes? It said that it had been checked before closing and no one was there...

The staff member couldn't help but murmur in his heart, but his professionalism still made him just laugh it off and asked: "Is there anything else you need help with?"

"No, no! I can just walk around by myself!" Aguri waved his hands quickly. He couldn't keep bothering others for a situation that he couldn't explain clearly.

But his stomach rumbled at an inappropriate time, making Aguri blush.

The staff member smiled knowingly and pointed Aguri in the direction of the restaurant, "Breakfast is provided for free. If you go now, you can find a good seat. Guests, you only need to bring your room card to register."

"Ok, thanks!"

Aguri grabbed the hem of his clothes and walked away quickly, thinking that he had been in a series of embarrassments.

As soon as he came out of the corridor door, the sea breeze and the newly bright sky made Aguri feel a little dazed.

My memory is completely cut off from the research institute and Mr. Death's last instructions. I don't know what happened to him in the end and whether he escaped or not.

This is a completely unfamiliar environment. As far as the eye can see, there is a whole row of white waves crashing on the beach, surrounded by the sea on all sides.

"Why am I here...?"

But the hunger in his belly turned into cramps, and he had no strength all over his body. Aguri urgently needed to eat something to supplement his energy.

I came to the restaurant according to the guidance of the guy just now, but found that I didn't have anything like a "room card" at all.

Aguri, who was cash-strapped, could only run out dejectedly, bravely asked for a cup of boiled water provided to tourists for free from the sitting area at the front desk, and grabbed a handful of mint candies.

The sweet cooling sensation slightly sobered up his overheated and sluggish mind. Aguri squatted on the wooden steps in front of the beach, staring at the waves in a daze.

What happened to me? what happened? Why is it here?

Everything is a question, and Aguri can't think of it even if he racks his brain.


At this time, a flying figure appeared in the distant sky, seemingly heading straight towards here.

After rubbing his eyes vigorously several times, Aguri realized that he had not seen wrongly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"People are flying in the sky... This must be the world after death... Well, that's right~!"

It seemed like I felt a lot more energetic all of a sudden.

Since it is the afterlife, then you can just play around casually! It just so happens that this is the beach, so you must try a swim!

"Are we almost there?" The shrunken Xiao Mo was only the size of a palm, poking his head out of Cheng Rang's chest pocket.

"Yes, I have seen Miss Xuecun, but..." Cheng Rang seemed to pull up the corners of his mouth helplessly and began to lower the flying height.

At this time, Aguri was flopping on the beach like a landlubber, using his hands and feet to scream for help.


Even in the afterlife, I am still a landlubber! Aguri wailed in his heart while regretting his recklessness.

Fortunately, in the next second, she was pulled ashore by her collar. She gasped for air and collapsed on the beach after escaping from the "death".

"Huh, uh, thank you...!"

"Miss Xuecun, you are obviously a landlubber like your sister, why do you still jump into the sea?" Cheng Rang handed her a towel and used a spell to throw a fireball to dry her clothes.

"Hey, do you know me? Do you know my sister too!?" Aguri looked surprised at first, then immediately nodded as if understanding, and said to himself: "That's right, this is the place after death. The world..."

She glanced at the fireball thrown by Cheng Rang with his bare hands, her eyes lit up, and she asked, "Can I do this too?"

Xiao Mo jumped out of Cheng Rang's pocket and returned to his original shape. The two looked at each other for a moment.

"...Are you sure Teacher Yukimura's mind is still normal?"

"That's too much! I'm Leticia's personal disciple. I'm sure... maybe... maybe, there won't be any problems, right?"

The more Cheng Rang talked, the less confident he became. Finally, he spoke like a mosquito and looked at Akuri Yukimura with starry eyes in front of him.


Miss Yukimura, this is actually not the afterlife, but I have resurrected you. "

"Resurrected? Hahahaha, are you kidding? These are not things that can appear in the real world at all~ Stop being ridiculous, is this a popular joke in the afterlife?"

Aguri was just stunned for a moment and then smiled and waved his hands as if he had reacted, as if he didn't believe it at all.

After all, whether it’s people flying in the sky, or cute little girls who can jump out of people’s pockets and grow bigger like Pocket Girls, or fireballs thrown out by chanting magic spells, they are all completely beyond the real world. The laws of physical science!

"To be honest, I was a teacher when I was alive, so these things——"

"The teacher of Chugigaoka Junior High School's 3rd grade class E, right?"

The words in Aguri's throat were suddenly choked back, and he nodded subconsciously.

"Which god are you? Why do you know me so well?"

Xiao Mo immediately cleared his throat, stretched out his hand and introduced Aguri: "What is standing in front of you now is the unparalleled strongest swordsman in the world, the national champion of the Fishing and Drinking Competition, and the first-level master of retreat - Ouch !”

Cheng Rang took back the finger that knocked her out of her mind, and explained: "Don't listen to the children's nonsense. I am currently the physical education teacher of Class E, Grade 3, Chuqiu Middle School. The specific matter is more complicated, otherwise we should go first Let’s talk about it when we get back, shall we?”

"Go back? Where?"

"Go back to school. Your students are waiting for you there...and there are people who are very important to you."

"How do we go back?" Aguri then asked.

Cheng Rang stretched out his hand and said, "Just hold on to me. It's best to close your eyes."

Aguri hesitated for a moment, and then did it.

After she closed her eyes, Cheng Rang activated the teleportation function, and the three of them returned to the school building instantly.

Only the slight weightlessness and dizziness made Aguri frown in discomfort. After Cheng Rang told her that she could open her eyes, the scenery in front of her changed completely to another place.

And this place is very familiar to him - under the influence of optical camouflage to the outside world, the old school building of Class E of Chuqiuqiu Middle School appeared in front of Yukimura Aguri, exactly the same as before he left.

Chapter 132: Reunion but approaching the time of separation

Today is the first day that classes resume after the summer vacation. However, on this day, the teachers and students of Class E received bad news one after another.

First of all - Teacher Cheng is missing.

According to Koro-sensei who came to the office, as soon as he entered the door, he found that Mr. Cheng, who had been serving as a statue in the corner all summer vacation, was missing. Then he found his cell phone still charging on the table.

"Maybe they were abducted by aliens!!"

"...Koro-sensei, please calm down. Who in the world can capture that guy?"

"Hey, that's right."

Secondly, as the deputy head teacher, Karasuma-sensei left this classroom, claiming that the mission was completed, but in fact, Korosensei, who was ostensibly a super creature who wanted to destroy the earth, had been "killed" and there was no reason for him to continue to stay. Here it is.

Also leaving with him was teacher Irina Yelabichi, a professional assassin. The reason is almost the same, because there are no targets that need to be killed, and there are no bounties to get, so naturally there is no reason to stay here.

However, the students can still roughly guess that the main reason is the collateral impact of Mr. Karasuma's departure.

Now it seems that only Korosensei is left in Class 3E, and Korosensei has still lost his superpowers and become an ordinary person.

Although everyone could still see the yellow octopus walking into the classroom with its tentacles waving on the first day of class, it had completely lost its ability to dodge at supersonic speeds when faced with the "prank" shots fired by some students. Ability, the rat was so beaten that it ran away with its head in its hands and howled.

Seeing Koro-sensei like this for the first time, many students were so happy that they raised their daggers to avenge the previous teasing, but they were easily subdued.

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