The whole body seemed to be falling apart and there was a sharp tearing pain, and every time he coughed, blood and internal organs spewed out of his mouth.

He was as hopelessly powerful as ever, but his condition got worse each time.

Until now, I can't even hold on for just five minutes.

Cheng Mo landed in front of Leticia in the stone pit with light steps and shook his head with disappointment.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, Thea...when did you become so vulnerable? I haven't even warmed up yet."

The tip of the knife was pressed against Leticia's throat. Feeling the familiar coldness, Leticia said nothing.

As she turned her wrist, several sharp spears made of rocks shot out from Leticia's side. However, they were suddenly chopped into pieces by Cheng Mo with a knife. He stepped on the wrist where she had just cast the spell, and there was an astonishing sound. The sound of teeth breaking and bones cracking.


Leticia, who was covered in scars, and Cheng Mo, who was spotless, trampled her under his feet in a beheading gesture.

He raised his brows slightly, as if he finally noticed something was wrong.

"The ultimate meaning of your curse seems to be a little bit weaker than what I thought? It is obviously a gift from me, but why is it as tattered as if it has been gnawed by a dog?"

Leticia tried her best to struggle, but she couldn't get rid of Cheng Mo's control.

"Oh, let me guess, have you ever used some costly spells? Are there costly... time spells, world?"

The flash of panic in Leticia's eyes seemed to confirm his guess. Cheng Mo laughed and said: "I see, it seems we have done this more than once?"

"There's no need to use that kind of thing to deal with you!"

"Really?" Cheng Mo looked surprised and bent down to look at Leticia's eyes that were glaring at him.

"Don't be ridiculous, Siya... Even I know that you are not good at lying at all~"

Cheng Mo opened his hands to form a seal, and the halo of the time curse began to spin in his palms.

"Let me find where you sealed the world of Time Curse, and then end it all... Oh! Look, isn't it right here~"

Leticia's arm was stepped on by Cheng Mo, and he found the number "74" written on the silk thread entangled around her wrist.

Letitia, who was furious again in an instant, wanted to attack, but Cheng Mo stabbed her shoulder with a knife and pinned her to the ground. She also lost consciousness in her other arm and could only tremble as she watched Cheng Mo approach inch by inch. Sealed palm.

At the critical moment, with several flashes of light piercing the darkness, two overlapping sounds of casting spells sounded.

[High-speed chanting]

"Transfer Spell!"

Cheng Mo's unexpected attack suddenly appeared. The moment he raised his head, the scene in front of him suddenly flashed, and he was already floating in space somewhere.

"Master!" Isabella's anxious voice reached her ears, and she appeared in front of him.

Looking at Gresta and Isabella arriving, Leticia didn't show any signs of relaxation. The first words she spoke were——

"Kill me, now, immediately!"

"Eh?! But-"

"Cheng Mo has noticed that he has fallen into the cycle of the time curse world. Kill me immediately to start the next cycle and come back, otherwise it will be over!"

"Keep your tone and say less." Gresta immediately released the healing spell to pull Letitia back with only one breath left. "He seems to have mastered the time spell, right? He understands cause and effect. Although the guy with time is a madman, he is not stupid. He will discover this sooner or later. If he launches the world again, who knows whether your condition will become worse or whether he will discover this a second earlier than last time. Something?!"

"You're so tired that you've lost your mind, right?" Gresta and Isabella helped Leticia up angrily.

"..." Leticia opened her mouth, but still couldn't come up with any reason to refute this sentence.

In fact, Gresta was right. If the cycle was repeated again, she, who was in a worse state, could not guarantee that Cheng Mo would see the clues faster. This time he almost broke the cycle, but no one can predict the next time.

"So we only have this one chance left?!" Isabella asked.

"No, we have one more time..."

Leticia looked at the Lin Curse Grandmaster badge on Isabella's chest, "There are other things in there.

A time curse world is something I have paid a price for a long time ago. I just need to activate it, but the restriction is that it can only be activated by Isabella herself, choosing the time to look back, and she herself will also be reset, which requires Someone needs to guide her after being reset. "

Leticia shook her head slightly: "You have also seen my current situation. This leader cannot be me."

"Then it can only be me!" Gresta rolled her eyes and urged: "So hurry up and do whatever you have to do. We don't have long to discuss the plan. He can be found in a few minutes. ! We were able to succeed in the sneak attack just now because his attention was on you, but there is no chance to face the enemy head-on for the second time."

The only question is where to use this one-time backtracking opportunity.

"Wait a minute, I thought about it. The leader does not have to be Teacher Gresta!" Isabella held her forehead with both hands and thought hard: "You think, before I fell into this cycle, I was not here. , which means that the time cursed world can only affect the timeline of one world, and the time on Helsha Remuz Lot's side is proceeding normally!"

Gresta: "So?"

"So I can use this time spell to return the world to the time before I came here!"

"But even so, you will still be reset. No one can guide you. You will still take the same path as before and come back here. What's the point?"

"Of course, because if the two worlds do not affect each other, just go back to a slightly earlier time, and Master Leticia was also there at that time!"

Gresta seemed a little confused, but Leticia looked thoughtful, "I understand what you mean, that is to say... you want to jump out of the current cycle of this world and return to the world." Before entering the cycle, and then go find me who hadn’t started the cycle at that time?”

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Is this possible?!" Gresta looked at Leticia in surprise.

Until she nodded slowly: "Of course it is possible... Because of the principle that the timelines of the two worlds do not interfere with each other, you can even bring Cheng Rang and "me over there" with you. "

"What did you say?!"

Leticia pinched her chin and said: "Yes, it is feasible. As long as we at that time are allowed to set off later, Isabella can bring the two of us whose "plan was postponed" over there. This way, it was the same as when she first entered the cycle. "

"Wouldn't this cause a time-space paradox? For example, as soon as the two of you meet, they will all be destroyed with a bang?"

Leticia said: "Such a situation will indeed happen."

"Then you're talking about a hammer!"

"But you only need to bring one person back..."


Leticia raised her lips and smiled mischievously, "So what does it have to do with Cheng Mo that you brought Cheng Rang here? Just defeat Cheng Mo in the "Drunoy" cycle, and then kill "He" before this Cheng Rang comes out. All he needs to do is to send the Cheng of Ersha Remuz Lot back to the point in time where he should go. They are parallel lines and do not interfere with each other! The same operation as in a certain world I took him to before. "

"In that case, wouldn't the other timeline be in chaos?" Gresta said.

"Of course not. After everything is over here, send Cheng Rang back to the timeline where he was taken away for a short period of time. There will be no chaos over there. Except for him suddenly disappearing and reappearing, it is equivalent to Nothing happened."

"——Have you never watched Avengers 4?"

No longer caring about Gresta who seemed a little unable to turn around, Leticia patted Isabella on the shoulder, "So where were you at that time?"

Isabella said that she was still on a business trip at the time, but she should have rushed back immediately after receiving Cheng Rang's call.

"Okay, I'll find you then."

Gresta on the side finally blinked and asked, "So what is Avengers 4?"

"It's just a movie..."

Then Isabella clenched the badge on her chest and disappeared with a burst of dazzling green light.

Chapter 19 Leading to the decisive battle

Cheng Rang dialed Isabella's phone as Letitia and Leticia were preparing to leave for the battlefield in another universe.

The call was quickly picked up and her voice came through.

"Jean, are you back?"

"Ah... yes, I heard that you and Fan Tou are on a business trip."

"I just went to discuss cooperation and attend the banquet. I won't be back until tomorrow morning."

"Is that so? What's wrong? I..." Cheng Rang looked up at Leticia and cast a look at her for help.

Leticia stepped forward and took the phone decisively.


"Master? It's me..."

"Where's your Lin Curse Master badge? Do you remember what's in it?"

Isabella subconsciously held the Lin Curse Master badge as an ornament on her chest, only to find that the seal containing the fluctuations of the curse power had disappeared.

She realized something and said quickly: "The badge is here with me, but Master, the contents inside are missing...!"

"Don't worry, you should know what is happening now. We still have plenty of time now. Can you rush back immediately? We are on Tallienne's side."

"I see!"

An hour later, the tired Isabella rushed to the room where the two of them were.

"Call that old woman Gresta over here."


Cheng Rang, who was a little confused, patted Letitia and asked, "Hey, what happened? Why did you call Gresta and Isabella over?"

"Unfortunately, I can't beat that guy Cheng Mo, and the insurance I set up has made my condition worse and worse because it has been activated too many times. Now I am located in Durunoy, which is another timeline battlefield in my universe. The situation is already very unsatisfactory, and it can be said that plan A has failed.”

"So - who came here to call for reinforcements? What is Plan B?"

There were rapid footsteps outside the corridor, and Gresta's figure walked out of the torn space-time door in the room, and almost at the same time, Danterian also kicked in the door.

"Hey, you only said you were leaving, but you didn't say you were bringing people from other worlds in!" Danterian looked at the enchanting figure in a witch costume and shouted, "What on earth do you want to do?"

But her voice was almost ignored by everyone. Gresta twisted her hair with her fingers slightly uneasily, "So I have been thinking about how to send this guy Cheng Rang to our battlefield so that he can fight with us. If you go to fight yourself, you want to pull him over across parallel time and space?"

"Oh, you finally understand, your hundreds of years have not been in vain." Letitia said.

That means there are equivalent to several parallel space-times. Hershareimz Rote's assumption is that it is A, B, and C, and Durunoi's is A1, B1, and C1.

If the two lines A and A1 are experiencing the same situation as before, then where everyone is now is line B, line B1. In line B generated by Isabella's reset, the course of line B at this moment must be Let the universe brought to the A1 line compete with Cheng Mo to develop new C and C1 lines.

Finally, Cheng Rang, who was on line C1 to support, was sent back to line B. Universe A continued the previous cycle without being affected, while Cheng Rang, who was in line B to support in universe B, returned and everything followed the same process as line A. If the method continues, that is, the parallel space-time of line AB will be completely consistent at that time.

Only the new timeline from which line C was changed is left running backwards.

"Which one of the ABCs is the real me?" Cheng Rang asked.

"Of course it's all you. For example, just like I took you to save Lina in a world full of lolita. Although Lina in another parallel time and space died, there is always one Lina who can survive. "

"Good guy, is this operation really feasible?"

"As long as you can beat Cheng Mo, everything will be fine."

"What if you haven't been beaten before?"

Leticia said angrily: "Gresta and I, who are on the A1 line, can't beat him even though we are three against one?"

"I'm just afraid of what might happen..."

"If we don't win, then it's nothing. We don't have a second chance to come back, that's it."

Danterian, who was dumbfounded when she heard everyone's plan, kept shaking her head, then exited the room and slammed the door.

"You're a bunch of lunatics, I can't control you anymore!" She screamed angrily and gradually faded away.

Leticia immediately began to arrange the arrangements.

"Gresta is responsible for helping me locate the world line. You are the only one who can get there this time. Cheng Rang, are you ready?"

"What can I prepare?! And how can I come back?"

"Go say hello to us over there, and ask "us" over there to take you back after you're done. "

Gresta chanted a spell, and the seal on the Witch's Eye was lifted, and the spell circle covering the entire room began to unfold and move at high speed.

"Your enemy this time is only yourself. The only person waiting to be saved is you..."

Gresta: "World line positioning completed, offset rate 35%"

The huge spell power set off a violent whirlwind, and luminous spells began to form a ring under Cheng Rang's feet.

"Be your own hero and see you later."

Cheng let the world in front of him fall into pure white, and then pulled out colorful scenes, as if passing through layers of magnificent world membranes in a wormhole, and finally all the wonders and visions were divided into two, separated in front of him. door.

Holding the long knife in his hand, Cheng Rang took a step forward and instantly arrived at the battlefield illuminated by the dying stars in the deep sky.

[Timeline A1 - Durunoi continent universe, deep space, unmanned galaxy group]

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