"how come……"

The continuous time slot developed by Elaine also has little effect. If Leo is put into it, it can indeed suppress the activity of the time eclipse silverfish in it, but the time curse cannot also exert its due effect in it. In the end, it still Return to high-precision surgery.

"Fortunately, the prosthetic eye of God has a self-healing function. Leo's current situation is much better than that of other unlucky guys. At least relying on this unique "immunity", he can still fight against these things in his body. But there is no doubt that it is just a slowdown. "

"Is there no way to save him?"

"We are working hard..."

Leticia calmed Xiao Bai's mood for a while, then immediately turned to another room, where there were game consoles and CDs taken from Leo's house.

He did cheat that night, and Leo himself has admitted it. But it’s understandable to think about it. After all, I am a fan of the series. I have a brand new game console and game disc in front of me. Who can control my trembling hands from putting the disc into the game console?

Even if it's just a glance, it turns out that something is wrong with just one glance.

At this time the phone rang.

"Yes, this is Leticia."

The caller was Stephen: "How is Leo's situation?"

"It's stable for the time being, but I couldn't hide it from Xiaobai. She's more worried here now. I'm preparing to find out how the bug invaded the victim's body and how it escaped our inspection."

"Okay, but we don't have good news here either." There seemed to be chaos in the background of the phone receiver, with noises and maybe the sound of a cabinet falling down.

"What happened to you over there?"

"There were riots, especially in the demo exhibition area on the third and fourth floors. Those exhibitors who had purchased the game and tried it were basically all "red-eyed" and seemed to have lost their sense of awareness of the things around them, and launched a desperate attack Attacking is like playing a game in the real world. "

Fortunately, Cheng Rang brought everyone's weapons, and Stephen stepped on the ground and froze the guys who were fighting each other around him.

"The characteristics of these people seemed to be the same as the group of people sent to the hospital, but I don't know why they attacked each other as soon as they came up, but they didn't seem to be able to see us."

Cheng Rang and Isabella are also trying their best to prevent the "victims" from continuing to hurt each other. These guys whose nerves have been eroded by silverfish seem to only attack each other and turn a deaf ear to normal people who interfere with them.

"What is this, an offline brawl?"

"Don't worry about what it is. We are seriously short of manpower here. We are too busy just to suppress these crazy people. You and Elaine should quickly make some breakthrough for me!"

After Stephen said this, his phone hung up and a busy signal came.

The current situation at the HLCC exhibition is that red-eyed people are fighting with each other, some normal people are preparing to run away, and some are pulling their friends to break up the fight, but to no avail, normal people and abnormal people are fighting together.

Cheng Rang was tired of the quarrel and even wanted to kill all these troublesome guys with a knife. However, Stephen Kraus, including Isabella, must have unanimously rejected it.

The mission is to find the instigator and stop this farce, not to vent their anger on the controlled victims. They are Lebras, not terrorists who kill everyone on sight.

So now it can only be controlled by others, and then find a way to lock them all up alone.

Isabella used the Lin spell to divide a large number of isolation hives the size of locker rooms, and threw those under control into them.

However, this is an exhibition with tens of thousands of people participating, and there are only six people left on Lebra's side. No matter what, it is a serious shortage of manpower. They even had to join forces with other temporarily normal tourist volunteers to help suppress it.

The field team is also very busy. The victims in the Helsalomsz Rote area are okay. Police officers from the emergency center and HLPD are helping. But now the HLCC venue is in chaos, and there is no support from outside. They couldn't get in even if they wanted to, so they had to rely on themselves.

Fortunately, Xiao Mo can still clone himself, so he can be used as one person for several people. Although it is a drop in the bucket, it is better than nothing.

If there are too many clones, the strength will also decrease, so it is impossible for Xiao Mo to rely on the crowd tactics. As long as more than ten clones are separated, Xiao Mo's power cannot even be defeated by ordinary people.

Chapter 38 Breakthrough

Chapter 1174 Chapter 38 Breakthrough

"Oh oh oh~! They're all fighting, really

It’s a big mess~! "

Cheng Rang was so busy there that he had even forgotten that among the exhibitors at this HLCC, there were two Thirteen Kings who were watching the show.

On the steel frame of the main stage in the hall on the first floor, Fimto and Alekira were sitting on it, watching the crowd like bees mingling below, without any intention of intervening.

On the contrary, he looked on with interest as a bystander and ridiculed him.

Fortunately, they were still wary of Cheng Rang who was upstairs, so they kept the rule they had promised him at the beginning, not to cause trouble as long as they came in. Instead, they just sat aside and watched the show.

Going to the theater is also a way to pass the time for the two of them who are extremely bored. However, it seems that the situation is rapidly developing in a worse trend.

There is a game release exhibition on the main stage on the first floor at noon today. The riots that only existed on the third and fourth floors at first immediately infected all the visitors on the main stage in front of the big screen on the first floor after the exhibition started. However, this information is very important to the busy people on the third and fourth floors. The insufferable Lebra officers are still unknown.

It seems that whenever someone sees something they shouldn't see on a screen, people are quickly infected by silverfish and then turn on each other.

There were also the largest number of people on the first floor. The picture on the big screen was still playing, and the crowd's riot quickly spread outward in a radiating index.

What was originally a large-scale exhibition for game and animation enthusiasts turned into a violent street in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, Fimto, I finally know why weapons are not allowed in the exhibition - is empty-handed fighting their romance~ Yahoo! Knock him out!"

Alekira shouted and waved her fists, cheering the crowd in the audience.

At the research institute, Leticia was plugging in the power socket of the game console and pressing the power button.

As the screen lights up, the game console begins to read the game disc in the disc compartment by default and automatically enters the game.

The game title of "HardDive1-RE" was displayed on the screen. Leticia picked up the controller and clicked the option to continue the game.

The screen was from a first-person perspective, and the protagonist was holding a gun in a daze in a corridor that looked like a research institute. Leticia tried to control the character to move a few steps, but found nothing unusual.

Due to the very realistic picture quality and the excellent sense of immersion brought by first-person shooting, Leticia explored along the mission route and soon encountered the first enemy in front of her.

A terrifying humanoid beetle with an alien head stood up from the experimental table the moment it saw her. Just when Letitia was about to pull the trigger on the enemy, she suddenly stopped and allowed the monster in front of her to pounce on her.

As her health continued to decline, Leticia narrowed her eyes dangerously, and the enemies in front of her continued to attack her.

In the end, the protagonist of the game died, and the screen was stained with blood red, displaying the words GAMEOVER.

Leticia did not choose to continue the game, but stood up and put down the game controller. The golden spell light flashed and she removed one of her eyeballs with surgical precision.

Although the picture was a bit strange, Leticia soon discovered the silverfish parasitizing in the removed eyeball. Because the game time is not long, the number is very small, only a few.

She seemed to be relieved, and said to herself: "So that's it. It seems that the guy who studied these bugs didn't expect anyone to do this... It's incurable in every sense, but that's it."

The loud noise in the next room startled Xiaobai who was sitting outside the corridor. Elaine, who was operating the computer, also noticed the noise. She quickly got up and walked out of the control room. When she was about to knock on the door, she was faced with a surprise. I met Leticia who opened the door and walked out.

"What happened to you over there?"

"It's nothing, I figured out how this thing is contagious."

Elaine was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "So fast? How did you do it?!"

Leticia raised the sealed glass bottle in her hand, which contained a few lively red dots that were almost invisible to the naked eye.

"As long as you infect yourself once, you can take it out. It's just a simple and crude method that the other party can't think of."

"Miss Leticia, are you..."

"Don't forget, even though I can't use the Time Spell, I am still an immortal after all - a thing that makes living people helpless. As long as I "die" once, I can understand everything. "

Elaine blankly took the sample handed over by Leticia, shuddered subconsciously when she looked at the silverfish in it, and then immediately ran to the laboratory.

Xiaobai stood up and wanted to ask about the situation, but Leticia stopped him with a word.

"Watch your boyfriend here. If anything happens, press the red call button next to him."


The two came to the laboratory as quickly as possible, and Leticia immediately informed Elaine of the infection process and simple principles.

"It's true that the carrier of this thing is a game disc, but it only exists as a medium for generating silverfish materials. This thing even involves things at the computer program level, but my involvement in that aspect is relatively shallow, so I have to leave it to you. ."

"No problem!" Elaine immediately pulled up her chair and sat in front of the computer, put the glass bottle into the isolation box, and connected the robotic arm and the electron microscope.

"We are only excluding game discs wholesale

However, it is equivalent to looking at a harmless "unfinished" product after looking at it again and again, and I can't find any clues. All programs start running only after the disc is inserted into the game console, the game console displays the image on the screen, and is seen by the victim at the same time. Until then, no one had been able to find any clues from the pile of scattered parts. Leticia sneered, "The source of infection and the infection of the victim happened at the same time. No wonder it seems to be hidden better than anyone else." "

"You're saying that they used all media such as discs, game content, and game consoles, and then used a similar assembly method to generate this..."thing" to infect the victims? "

"Yes, thank God your IQ is much higher than others, and the professional knowledge in your mind is not limited to books."

"Don't underestimate me, Miss Leticia... I'm a genius."

Leticia looked at Elaine, "A genius who studies women's adult products?"

"...That, that's for the institute's research funds! It's a side job, a legal side job!"

"Let's just believe you and get back to the point."

At this time, the computer screen also displayed the image magnified by the microscope, and Elaine finally saw the true appearance of those bugs.

"They used special means to assemble these things directly in the victim's eyeballs, so they are impossible to prevent. However, it seems that these are not living creatures, but extremely sophisticated nanomachines, controlled by some kind of signal wave..."

"Then as long as we can intercept and shield the signal band, and then reverse engineer and develop a device that can automatically disintegrate in the body, we can treat the victims!" Elaine clapped her hands vigorously, feeling proud of the breakthrough progress in the research experiment. Excited.

"It's too early to be happy now. It's not certain how long it will take you to build those things. Time is also a problem."

Elaine proudly raised her lips and said: "Time? Miss Leticia, don't forget that even if the continuous time slot is of little use against the enemy, it is simply used to [buy time] for myself." A piece of cake!”

"Oh, that's true. You might not even think about it. How can we still act so unconventionally?"

"Without further delay, act quickly!"

Chapter 39 King of Despair \u0026 Dispar

Chapter 1175 Chapter 39 King of Despair \u0026 Dispar

In a room full of surveillance screens, scenes of riots at all levels in the HLCC venue and scenes of everyone working together to stop Lebra were being played out.

"The people in Lebra are already in a hurry, and the kid with the Prosthetic Eye of God has also been confirmed to be infected."

"Inform the other side that it's time to make this city agitated."


After someone took the order and left, the handsome young man with blond hair and red eyes raised his feet on the stage, looked at the chaotic scene on the screen and grinned: "Happy cooperation, everyone in Dispar, I am really happy to meet you. "

"You and I have been dormant in the darkness for so long, just for today... We are not the guys who can bear it for so long." The man hidden in the darkness said calmly, "The collapse is yours, and we will handle that man."

He raised his glass, and the liquid in the glass was as red as blood.

"Also, it's a pleasure to work with you...King of Despair."

The boy known as the King of Despair turned back to look at the man, with a bit of teasing in his eyes, as if there was something in his words from the beginning.

And at the moment when the plan was announced, the victims who occupied the major medical facilities in Helsalemz Lot suddenly started to move. At first, they were just unconscious and motionless, and they suddenly jumped out of the hospital bed. Get up, grab the doctors, nurses or other uninfected people around you as soon as possible and launch an attack. As long as you look into their eyes that emit a strange red light, they will be infected and controlled immediately and become the next source of infection.

And everything happened so suddenly that the hospital had no time to respond. Almost at the same moment, the entire medical facilities of Helshalemz Lott were declared to have fallen.

All the individuals infested by the silverfish, including those in the ambulance and the families of the victims who had not yet been visited, began to riot.

This kind of infection is so rapid that all physical protection and standard procedures for biochemical hazard protection have no effect on it. As long as you look into the eyes of an infected person, you will be infected instantly, unless you keep your eyes closed or use something similar to a one-way mirror. Protective goggles block and reflect the light propagation path to survive.

However, other people's ignorance of this information caused the infection index to rise rapidly at an extremely difficult to understand level. As long as there is an infected person within a hundred meters, as long as he glances over, he will be infected in a few seconds. Dozens of people, and dozens of others will continue to infect more healthy people with the highest efficiency in a flourishing manner.

As soon as the Time Eclipse Silverfish is activated and infects its victim, it will quickly replicate and multiply, occupying the brain's nerves and causing it to enter an imaginary fantasy world.

This super-spreading silverfish, which is comparable to memes, can even spread through media streams, which means that even if some people are completely shut in, they will be infected as long as they see the eyes of an infected person on any screen.

Almost the entire Helsalemz Lot declared its fall in just thirty minutes, without giving anyone time to react.

Of course, official security organizations such as HLPD are also among them.

, when they discovered the "stunning scene" on the street through CCTV cameras, the police officers who checked the surveillance footage were first infected, and then the outbreak began in various HLPD police stations and buildings.

At the research institute, Letitia and Elaine, who have stepped up the development of countermeasure devices, have entered the improved continuous time slot device. At the moment of activation, almost all energy sources in the entire research institute except emergency power were consumed. It draws away.

The suddenly dimmed corridor made Xiaobai feel uneasy, but there was nothing she could do. She could only sit on the chair and anxiously watch Leo's situation in the room, praying that everything would go well for Leticia and others.

At this moment, Leo, who was lying on the bed, suddenly sat up. Xiaobai immediately leaned on the glass and asked: "Leo?! Are you feeling better?"

But he didn't answer Xiaobai's voice of concern. When he opened his narrowed eyes, the original blue eyes of God had been dyed light red, and he looked straight over.

Xiao Bai was startled at first, and when he heard the news, Leo didn't respond at all, he just stared at him.

Just as she was about to enter the isolation room, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and held her wrist firmly.


"Calm down, it's me." Letitia let go of Xiaobai and took two steps back. "If we open the door now, we will be done. That glass is a one-way mirror."

"Miss Leticia...you came out so soon?"

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