Looking at Cheng Rang who was running around celebrating like he was mad, Stephen put out the cigarette butt in his hand.

"Is there something wrong with his brain?"

"No, I just think he wants to laugh at me." Leticia gritted her teeth.

After all, you can't hide someone's gaze.

This time, the HLCC Comic Exhibition has been returned by the King of Despair. You can probably go shopping with peace of mind.

Jett, this time you can still meet those paper people and fall in love with them~

Congratulations, congratulations!

Chapter 43 The reunion of brother and sister Macbeth

Chapter 1179 Chapter 43 The reunion of the Macbeth brothers and sisters

The "Second HLCC" without the chaotic incident came to a successful conclusion. After the time closed loop pursuit was completed, Leticia also announced that the time eclipse silverfish incident was finally over.

Without any surprise, the Master Chief and the Gray Witch Miss Irena, played by Mr. Claus and Letitia, once again came out on top and even went viral on the Internet for several days.

It is worth mentioning that Cheng Rang also gained a lot from the HLCC this time. There were several boxes full of game CDs for game consoles, various top peripherals, animation CDs, and figures, etc., and he received a great deal. of satisfaction.

"This is it, a limited edition life-size Rem figure! In my previous life, I could only enjoy it on my mobile phone, but today I can finally buy it in person! Yahoo~!"

Isabella raised her hand to cover her forehead, not knowing what to say to Cheng Rang who was kneeling in front of the transparent acrylic display cabinet.

Maybe it can only be explained by saying that men have their own unique romance. Anyway, Isabella can't understand why those anime characters made of clay are so expensive.

But she didn't understand, so Isabella didn't say anything. Her tolerant attitude towards Cheng Rang also aroused complaints from members of the association.

"Isabelle, are you doting on this guy a little too much?" KK looked like someone who had experienced this before, holding Isabella's hands and speaking earnestly, "You two haven't been together for a short time, so you have to be there too." He has some say in the family, otherwise this guy will go to other worlds all day long to meet those beautiful little girls. If one day he can't control it, then..."

"Sister KK... I'm quite relieved about this aspect. After all, he has never done anything sorry for me. It's normal for a boy to have some hobbies. Too strict supervision will make him have a rebellious mentality." indefinite."

"Do you think he is still a child?!" KK scratched his head and shouted.

"Is not it?"

The two of them looked at Cheng Rang who was hugging the transparent display cabinet and giggling at the clay figure inside. KK was defeated first.

"Okay, what you said seems to make some sense."

At this time, the cell phone rang from Cheng Rang's pocket, but there was no caller ID on the call. He straightened his expression and got off the cabinet, pressing the button to connect.

"Hey, who's there?"

"Is this Mr. Cheng? I am William Macbeth..."

St. Theraniat's Central Hospital - This is where Xiaobai has lived for a long time, and his brother William Macbeth is sitting on the bench waiting at this moment.

Ever since the King of Despair completely took over his consciousness, he has been falling into a deep sleep. I don't know how long it took, but after waking up again, William lost the memory of coexisting with the King of Despair.

It seemed that that existence had completely left him. The person he was most worried about now was his sister Mary Macbeth. However, after following his last memory and arriving at the hospital where she lived, he was told that she had already been discharged from the hospital.

William was also a little overwhelmed by this huge strange city where the other world and the real world intertwined. In addition to the phone numbers of his deceased parents, there were only the hospital's landline number on his mobile phone, and a string of newly entered phone numbers marked as Cheng Rang. The mobile phone number of this name.

He still had a vague impression of this name. He seemed to be a colleague of his sister's friend Mr. Walker. With his pockets empty and no other choice, he could only call this number to ask for some help from him.


There was a voice calling his name from behind. William raised his head and looked back. A young man with black hair and black eyes was walking towards him with his pockets in his pockets.

"Mr. Cheng."

After the two met together, William learned some things from Cheng Rang.

Since the big barrier has been completely stabilized, Xiaobai no longer needs to be hospitalized, and his relationship with Leo has also been cultivated.

"In other words, the two of them live together now?"


The young man widened his light blue eyes and kept a surprised expression for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly: "Well, Leo is a good person, and I, a useless brother, can only wish the two of them happiness. "

"The two of them have a good relationship, so you don't need to worry too much. I also know my brother Leo, and Xiaobai will definitely not be wronged... It would be better to say that the only person who will be bullied is Leo. "

"Haha, that's right." William smiled knowingly.

"Do you want to meet them?" Cheng Rang suggested, "After all, you have not been heard from for a long time. Leo may have been using the excuse that you have returned to China to excuse Xiaobai."

"Is that okay? That's up to you, Mr. Cheng!"

"There's no need to be so formal, just call me Cheng."

"Then, please call me Xiao Hei."


On Leo's side, Xiaobai, who was not infected, kept the memory of that period after going back in time, so these three days were considered another visit to HLCC with Leo.

But luckily Xiaobai was there, otherwise Leo might have thrown all his savings into the pool full of fatal temptations.

Even so, Leo burst into tears while holding the limited edition HardDive1-RE gift box numbered 199 that he snatched back. Although Xiao Bai already knew that he would definitely be able to grab it this time.

"But, Leo... you seem to be quite healthy? Don't you feel a sore throat?"

"Sore throat? Not at all."

Only Xiaobai felt that there was something fishy about Leo's change.

Last time, he coughed like he was terminally ill and was about to die in the next second. How come the second time the same day happened, this guy was jumping around as if nothing had happened?

The only explanation is probably that he is pretending to be ill?

"Leo, is there anything you're hiding from me?" The more Xiaobai thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He pulled Leo over who was holding the game gift box and questioned him.

"Hey, no, what am I hiding from you?"

"Don't pretend to be innocent, I think you must be hiding something from me."

"Really not, really not!"

When Cheng Rang knocked on the door of Leo's house, he was holding an ice pack on his face and opening the door with a bruised nose and face.

"Hey, it's Senior Chen."

"Leo-kun, what are you...?"

Leo seemed helpless and let out a long sigh, crying to Cheng Rang about Xiaobai's unreasonable behavior like a frustrated little daughter-in-law.

"I don't even know what she went crazy about today. I obviously didn't hide anything from her! What I told is the truth!"

"——Fart! I was almost worried about you, but you acted like nothing happened, and you said you didn't hide anything. You are so stubborn!" Xiaobai's shout came from the bedroom.

"Ah, this." Cheng Rang couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, maybe you really don't remember anything. I will explain this to Xiaobai later, but first you have to see who is coming."

Giving way, William appeared from behind Cheng Rang and waved to Leo.

"Hey, Leo...Long time no see~!"

Leo was stunned for a moment, then took a breath of air and stuttered when he spoke: "Xiao Xiaoxiao, Xiao Hei?!"

Then he quickly welcomed the two of them into the door and called to Xiaobai in the bedroom: "Xiaobai, come out and see your brother, your brother is back!"

"Don't use such outrageous lies to trick people into coming out. Who knows where my brother has disappeared to? There has been no news for such a long time. If he really comes, I will give him a good beating! Really! Each one is more trouble-free than the other!"

"I really didn't lie to you this time. You'll know if you come out and take a look!" Leo knocked on the door relentlessly, and William, who heard Xiaobai's words, also smiled bitterly and rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"I'm so noisy that people won't listen! You will definitely use that foul method to coax people again, so they won't be fooled by you!"

I have to say that it was a real pleasure to hear the tsundere insults in Naugiya's voice. Cheng Rang even began to envy Leo.

Of course, envy is just a little bit of envy, just a little bit! (Galaxy between fingers)

Cheng Rang nudged Leo with his elbow and asked curiously: "Let me tell you, what is the way to coax people into committing a foul?"

Leo looked back at his brother-in-law who also looked curious... No, it should be Mr. William. His face suddenly turned red, he coughed a few times and said, "It's nothing...really!"

At this moment, the bedroom door suddenly opened, and Xiaobai appeared impatiently and said:

"Yes, yes, it's nothing. Isn't it just saying some love words while hugging someone's waist and giving them a passionate French wet kiss? I really don't know where you learned these nonsense..."

The moment he saw William behind Leo, Xiaobai's words stopped abruptly, his emerald green eyes widened, and he even blinked in disbelief.

Finally, from the bottom of her fair neck, a visible blush quickly took over her entire little head.

"Brother...? Ah-ahhhhh!!"

It was a loud slap. As a sword god, Cheng Rang couldn't even see Xiaobai's move clearly. The most powerful palm in the world established the battle situation in an instant and took away the consciousness of the two people.

Cheng Rang looked at Xiaobai who returned to the bed and wrapped himself in the quilt as if he were a turtle, and then turned to look at Leo and Xiaohei whose eyes turned into mosquito coils. He could only shrug helplessly. .

"Did I come at the wrong time?"

Chapter 44 Lebra’s Responsibilities

Chapter 1180 Chapter 44 Lebra’s Responsibilities

Later, Cheng Rang did not interfere too much with matters concerning Leo's family. He felt that it was better to leave it to Leo and the others to handle it themselves.

Mainly because I can't do much to help. At most, I can introduce a job to William who wants to stay here?

But later, according to Miss Werewolf, who likes to gossip, it seems that their relationship has been recognized by their uncle, and they are ready to move forward on the right track.

"Isn't this great! Leo is finally getting married. This old father like me is really happy... woo woo woo."

Jane: "Mr. Zabu, you are the least qualified person to say such a thing."

"What, I'm one of the people who single-handedly brought Leo up to this point!!" Zabu immediately put aside his fake cry and counterattacked dissatisfiedly at Jane who was trying to undermine him.

"You probably just want to save a gift money, or do you want to keep other people's betrothal gifts and dowry as your own?"

"Do I look like someone who can do such extreme things? That's too bad!"

"Huh? What you did is so unconscionable that thousands of pages of a phone book could not be written about it - a white-haired sewer-skinned baboon!"

"A sloppy drunkard fucked a bitch to death, what did you say?!"

The two immediately started bickering and bickering every day, and others around them seemed to have become accustomed to such scenes.

But at least Xiaobai's words were true. She really beat her own brother until he lost consciousness as soon as they met.

Stephen walked out of the office with coffee and walked towards the sofa where everyone was watching the quarrel.

People asked: "Has any of you seen Jett?"

"Jet? He seems to have never come out of his room."

"Perhaps I'm already addicted to falling in love with the paper man. I'm really putting myself in the face of the heir to the blood-fighting method."

"You guys still have the nerve to say that?"

"What's wrong!!!"


There was a knock on the door and footsteps approaching.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say." Leticia put down the documents in front of her and looked at Cheng Rang who was coming.

Letitia, who then noticed the time and date, seemed to suddenly realize something and asked quickly: "Are you leaving?"

"Well, there's no rush, there's still some time anyway." Cheng Rang smiled and signaled her to feel at ease for now, "I'm here to ask you for advice on how to deal with Leo...or should I say his sister Michela. The problem."

"Is it about the contract with God's Righteous Eye?"

Cheng Rang acquiesced and pursed his lips, as if listening.

Leticia did not pause her work like she had done a few times before, but instead stamped the document while correcting it, "Leo's life is now gradually getting back on track in Hersalemzi Lot." , the same goes for Miss Walker, she got married earlier than her brother Leo, and is very happy now, I think you don’t have to worry about this."


"I know that your pair of God's Prosthetic Eyes was obtained without making a contract. That's because the person who made the God's Prosthetic Eyes is far from the level of the true God, that is, "that" Isabella. They are just existences in millions of different worlds with higher technology and civilization than this one. "

Cheng Rang said: "Doesn't this mean it is simpler?"

"Before you do this, you need to know what our responsibilities are."


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