Facts have proved that sleeping with hunger will not last long, nor can you easily skip the unbearable time.

Wiping away the tears seeping from the corners of his eyes, Qianhu slowly opened his eyes.

"...It's so cold."

The originally warm quilt was just an illusion brought to me by the residual heat of the engine. When the steel under me returned to its original coldness, the coldness was like a steel needle, easily piercing through clothes, blankets and cotton, and piercing into my body.

His whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and Qianhu was also shaking.

I am glad that I endured hunger and fell asleep, otherwise I would have been unable to sleep and frozen to death here...

What made her feel abnormal was that only her right hand was moist and warm. She opened the blanket next to her and found that her hand had been bitten into her mouth by Yuli at some point. She must have had a big meal in her dream, and she still kept eating. He murmured vaguely in his sleep and licked his right hand.

Yuri bit so hard that Qianhu had to use some strength to press her head and pull his hand out of her mouth with a bang.

The handpiece covered with her sticky saliva made Qianhu a little disgusted, but he didn't know where to apply it. The transparent mucus hung in his separated fingertips and he pulled out the thread. When the breeze blew it, it trembled slightly to make himself feel Even colder.


Chito, who suddenly noticed something, raised his hand again in the darkness, and this feeling became more obvious.

He was looking for direction aimlessly and wanted to go out, but he didn't expect that the wind would give him the direction.

The exit should be near the direction where the wind is blowing!

This news undoubtedly brought a lot of excitement to the girl. She pushed Yuli next to her and tried to wake her up.

"Hey, wake up."

He pinched her soft cheeks hard, and first returned the saliva on his hands to her as if to retaliate, but Yuli seemed to show no sign of waking up.

Thinking that I was just worried about her sleeping to death, so I had to wake her up, Qianhu slapped Yuri's little face without any guilt.

"Yu~! Hey...!"

However, for a girl who enjoys a long-lost meal in her dream, such a blow can't pull her away from the "dining table", right?

After all, he is a foodie through and through.

Thinking like this, Qianhu finally clenched his fists, took a breath, and hit her on the head hard.

There was a crisp sound.

"Oh~~It's poisonous!"

Yuli, who suffered a heavy blow, finally woke up from her dream, and the awakening procedure was finally declared successful.


"The wind is blowing, we can find the exit."

After the engine restarted, the headlights tore through the darkness ahead and continued to move forward.

Yuri sat in the back seat and sucked her index finger, then raised it up to point the way for Chihu in front of her based on the cool breeze she felt.

"How about it?"

"...Well, over there." Yuri smiled and pointed to the branch road on the right as if she was amused by this.

"Then go left."

"More to the right."

"...keep walking along this road."

After finding the direction, the traveling efficiency was greatly improved. Finally, the exit ahead shone into the light and was discovered by the two people.

"It's light, Xiaoqian!"


The moment I walked out of the cave, I even felt my eyes hurt. I couldn't help but squint slightly, waiting for a little adaptation to the light outside before opening them completely.

However, it was night at this time.

"It's amazing!" Yuli held up the driver's seat and looked at the starry sky above her head. The shining Milky Way reflected the brilliance like a diamond, and the surroundings seemed to be about to have a fish-belly white morning light. Everything was in full view. She hugged Qianhu excitedly and motioned for her to look around as well.

"It's so bright, Xiaoqian!"

Qianhu reluctantly obeyed her and looked up, showing a startled expression.

The long-lost canopy even made the surrounding air feel fresh - maybe it was indeed much fresher than inside.

While thinking about this, Qianhu sighed: "It turns out it's night..."

"I finally came out, let's have some soup?!"

Yuri hugged Qianhu and rubbed her face hard.


It seemed like he was rubbing his saliva back on her face again...

"Okay...just take it as a souvenir." Qianhu supported Yuri's cheek with all her strength.

"Okay, let's eat!"

Chapter 4 Footprints

Chapter 1193 Chapter 4 Footprints

The orange-yellow flames from the simple fuel stove gently licked the bottom of the military teapot, and the translucent soup base exuding a light salty aroma was filled with small bubbles.

The rising steam conveyed a slight warmth through the air to the two girls sitting tightly around the stove.

"That's it, right?" Yuli swayed happily, looking longingly at the soup in front of her.

Qianhu picked up the jar with gloves and handed it to Yuri, "Here, this is the last jar."

"Hey, hey...sss~ It's so hot!"

Yuli, who couldn't wait to take the jar and took a sip, was immediately burned on her tongue and her shoulders shrank.

Then he and Chito blew the soup cans in their hands together.

The white mist mixed with the heat rising from the soup surface made the eyelashes coated with fine water droplets. After waiting for a while, the two of them couldn't wait to take the soup into their mouths and savor it.

Although it is just a simple soup with some seasonings and water, the hot liquid with a salty taste and a bit of artificial flavor can dispel the coldness in the body and temporarily numb the empty stomachs and dryness of the two people. Withered taste buds.

"Drink it well……!"

The girls couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of their hearts. Perhaps the happiest moment for the two of them was when they were eating.

But no matter how little sips you take to give the hot soup in your hand a long "Ling Chi", you will eventually finish it.

The last bite of soup base

It has even lost its temperature again and has become a little cold. When it is put into the mouth, it is so salty that it feels like drinking one's own tears.

Until then, the girls who were pulled out of this short-term happiness felt sad because their bellies were still not filled.

But this is something they have long been accustomed to.

Yuri leaned against the wall, holding Qianhu in her arms, her head resting on his chest, and the two looked at the distant and shining starry sky together.

"I didn't know it would be so bright at night."

"After all, we've been in a dark hole and become sensitive to light."

"...Then, what will happen when the sun comes out?" Yuli then asked.

Qianhu stared at the starry sky, paused for a moment and said: "——Be burned to death."

"Eh? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Suddenly she felt herself being hugged tightly, and Yuri screamed as if to welcome the final moment.

"It's so noisy!"

Pushing his head hard against her chin to shut her up, Qianhu and Yuri stared into the distance at the night sky where meteors streaked across from time to time. As if they had a tacit agreement, they fell into a long silence together.

The girls would often hug each other and be in a daze like this to spend this meaningless time. After all, there is no living being in this world except each other. If this goes on for a long time without any way to pass the time, I'm afraid I will go crazy on the spot.

But fortunately, both of them think they are used to this kind of life, and their mentality is pretty good.

"Hey, Xiaoqian, let's go to sleep?"

"Didn't you just sleep?" Qianhu struggled to get up from Yuli's arms, put away the dishes and put the lights out to load the car.

"It's dangerous to sleep outside at night. Keep walking. It should be almost dawn."

The running engine can also bring some heat to the two of them at night, making them less uncomfortable.

Just when Qianhu was about to start the car, Yuri's shout came from the side.

"Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian!"

She seemed to have bypassed the dilapidated house that served as a shelter from the wind and wandered around in the back. Chito, who couldn't see Yuri, jumped out of the car and walked towards the direction where her voice came from.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at this, what is this?! It smells so good inside!"

Yuli was holding up a bright yellow paper box with steaming meal styles printed in gorgeous words, but the words she had never seen before. It looked like unknown words from other countries.

It seemed that the fragrant food aroma was still lingering on the plastic shell in the packaging box, making Yuli keep sniffing it in a posture that looked very embarrassing.

"Stop smelling it! There's nothing inside..." Qianhu took the box and looked through it. There was basically no word on it that he recognized.

Probably only a string of numbers, perhaps representing the production date, can guess the intention.

"2021/1/28...? Is it the production date or the shelf life? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look very similar."

If it really is the production date or expiration date of this thing, it is really an old thing that has been thousands of years ago. Not being broken down by fungi and bacteria is nothing short of a miracle of food manufacturing.

After all, it's already the thirty-second century now... maybe the thirty-third century?

"Xiao Qian, what on earth is this?"

Yuli came forward again without giving up, "I seem to have eaten this in my dream!"

"How is that possible?" Qianhu said helplessly to the snack foodie next to him, and pulled out the plastic shell, and a strange smell of spices came to him.

It’s very special…put it away and take it away.

After all, it was an unknown text, so it might have some meaning. Anyway, a cardboard box wouldn't take up much space.


Qianhu suddenly stopped and frowned slightly.

"Xiao Qian, what's wrong?"

"This is made of paper. Doesn't it look too new?"

It doesn't look like something that would appear in such ruins at all. Whether it is the painting style, manufacturing technology or sense of age, it is too fragmented.

It looks like it was thrown here after being used by someone.

But...are there anyone else in this world?

My heart was suddenly so nervous that it started to beat loudly, and my voice was trembling a little, maybe because of the cold.

"You..." Qianhu put the curry packaging box in her hand, pushed Yuri away and looked at the snow behind her.

Even though the night is very bright, it is still not as bright as the day. The two sets of footprints on the snow that are about to disappear are difficult to detect unless you look carefully.

"Are these the footprints you made?" Qianhu asked Yuli, pointing to the footprints.

"No, I haven't been there... Is it someone else?"

other people.

An indescribable throb ran through his chest like an electric current, and Qianhu immediately called Yuri back to the car.

"Let's follow these two footprints up and take a look."

"Eh? But the gas station..."

"There should be enough fuel for fifty kilometers. If we don't catch up after twenty kilometers, we won't have time to change direction."

The roar of the engine drove the connecting rod transmission, and the tracks crushed two deep marks in the snow. Qianhu sped up and chased in the direction of the two footprints.

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