"In a world like this, would there be anyone else?"

"It will happen, it will definitely happen." Noretti said firmly: "So please live on, continue to draw the map belonging to this layer area, and use it to help people like us. This is yours The meaning of survival - please continue to live.”

The man stared blankly at the pair of clean silver eyes under the rising moonlight, seeming to have forgotten to breathe.

Then, the surroundings became brighter.

He knew it wasn't the moon's light, but for a moment the moonlight did shine on him.



From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Yuri looked up at the suddenly bright light source above her head, and found that the surrounding street lights were lighting up one by one, illuminating the city that was plunged into darkness.

The light was dotted like a frozen heavy rain, reflecting the upper level of the city warm and bright.

"The street lights are still on..."

"Then what is the farthest and brightest place?"

Several people looked at the city in front of them that was slightly lit by light.

"Even in such a world, there will be such beautiful scenery..."

Kanazawa raised the camera and pressed the shutter, leaving her profile and the beautiful scenery on it.

"I know, I will continue to draw the map."

After Kanazawa left the camera to the three of them as a gift, he embarked on his journey without hesitation.

The camera contains various landscapes he has photographed.

He said: "I have seen the most beautiful scenery, so you can fill in the rest for me."

"If we meet again..."

You must let me see it again.

Chapter 25: First up

Chapter 1214 Chapter 25 First up

Inside the pitch-black building, the walls flashed with the cold light of blades cutting metal. The thick metal sealed door was kicked open, letting in a rumble of dust, stirring up thick dust.

Three figures filed into the building.

In the field of vision of God's Righteous Eye, the internal layout of the dim building can be seen at a glance. There are countless buttons and consoles covered with dust. When entering through the external corridor, the signs of various departments are hung at the door. , making this place look like a research center or base.

Cheng Rang sheathed the sword, "It should be right here."

Cheng Rang and his party, who entered the upper area earlier than Noretti and others, noticed strange noises coming from a certain area before dark, like a red-hot iron imprinting on the snow, emitting heat spreading outward. fluctuation.

Although it disappeared quickly, several people were still attracted to come here to check it out.

After all, in this icy city that was so monotonous and seemed to be completely dead, that thing was as dazzling as the sun shining for a moment.

"It's so dark..." Mori Chisaki rummaged through his backpack and took out a flashlight. When he was about to turn it on, Cheng Rang held him down.

"Can you be considerate of your night vision? Don't throw flash bombs in front of your teammates. Use this."

An infrared night vision helmet was thrown into Mori Chisaki's hands.

"Oh, so handsome!" Chisaki Mori exclaimed after putting on the night vision goggles to see clearly the surrounding scene. She didn't know whether she was praising the effectiveness of the night vision goggles or simply thinking that this style looked awesome.

Cheng Rang said: "Based on my experience, there will definitely be important clues or intelligence documents in a research institute like this. Let's look around separately. Maybe we can gain something."

"Experience...Captain, do you still have this kind of experience?"

"After all, I also opened a research institute, although I was the sole proprietor."

Christian stretched out his hand and said, "I'll go east and have a look."

"Then Chu Er and I will go over there."

Cheng Rang and Mori Chisaki were rummaging around aimlessly in the dust, but most of the paper documents were stained and shattered with a light touch.

"Let me say, Captain... where does the research institute you mentioned store the important documents?"

"In the computer?"

"Will there be computers in this world... I haven't played games for a while, and my hands are itchy."

"Aren't you an Internet addicted boy? Besides, even if you find a computer here, it's still unclear whether it can be started...if energy, aging and rust of equipment parts, and the expiration date of the memory media are all taken into consideration."

Basically impossible.

"If you choose primitive means, you can preserve the information for the longest time, such as carving it on a stone slab or something." Cheng Rang opened the cover of the box and found that there were no insects or anything else. Scenes like when exploring ruins like opening up stone slabs and causing a few bugs to run around won't happen here. It would be better to say that finding anything that moves is a luxury.

——It is a world that is completely withered and dead.

In this world that is plunged into death and end, is there any hope?

With a soft click, Cheng Rang squinted his eyes slightly as the dazzling white light suddenly lit up. Fortunately, the performance of God's Prosthetic Eye was excellent and would not cause dizziness, but the sudden bright light in a dark environment still made him squint. Makes people feel uncomfortable subconsciously.

"what happened?"

"Ah ah ah, Captain, I'm blind!"

Cheng Rang grabbed Chisaki Mori, who was shouting beside him, and pulled off the night vision goggles on his head. "It's still early to go blind. It's just that the lights are on."


"You touched something."

"No, I didn't touch anywhere." Chisaki Mori looked around at the suddenly bright environment. The white lights from the ceiling lit up the entire interior of the building.

There is dust everywhere, and the light diffusely reflects on the dust-covered surface to illuminate the entire room, giving the surroundings color.

Soon the news came from Christian——

"I found something similar to a distribution box. It's surprising that the lighting source here can still operate reliably after closing the switch. You can come over to my place to join us after checking."

"Chris turned on the light,

There is even electricity here. "Cheng Rang looked at the stable white light source on the ceiling and sighed, "It must be hundreds of years old... Shouldn't it be said that it is a higher level? "

After turning on the lighting, searching becomes more convenient, and most of the depressing feeling of groping in the dark is gone. After the two quickly checked the rooms on this floor, they found nothing of value except a facility map.

"Christian, how are you doing there?"

Cheng Rang and Chisaki Mori came to the wall of the distribution box and found Christian who was tinkering there.

"I don't recognize the writing here. Come and take a look."

Christian pulled out an old piece of wire, and Cheng Rang leaned over to check it out.

In the eyes of Shen Zhiyi, it seems that all the words that have appeared in the history of "Earth Civilization" can be interpreted. Because of this, Cheng Rang combined the map and the words on the interface switch of the distribution box to learn that this research institute has at least Four floors.

The circuit that has been connected to the distribution box is on the first floor, which is where everyone is.

"Here, there is the basement level, the second floor, and here is the lighting power supply for the third floor...and the equipment power supply."

The aging and decaying wires were replaced, and with the buzzing sound generated by the power supply, it seemed that the lights on other levels also turned on.

Located on the second floor is an office-like place. Chisaki Mori found something similar to a computer screen here as she wished, but it was obvious that it could no longer be started.

The third floor is empty, with only a few pillars supporting it. It is clean as if it has not been used since the renovation.

Finally, they went down to the first floor and found the energy supply device.

A huge coil was buried underground, with only an irregular groove that looked like something could be inserted into it. There were various complicated consoles next to it. From the readings of the indicator above, it was clear that the energy reserve here was actually Still full.

"Since the energy reserve is full, isn't the power drop rate a little faster?" Cheng Rang approached the hand of a meter similar to the "power indicator". As the entire building was powered on, the meter hand was reading at a slow rate. decline.

Christian pointed to the gap in the coil, "Maybe the previous energy fluctuations came from this thing."

"Are you saying there might have been something inserted here before?"

"It must have been taken away."

"Who can take it away? There is still..." Cheng Rang's words stopped abruptly. The three of them looked at each other in unison and said in unison: "The last player."

There are no traces of anyone coming here, but if you think about it, if you are the last player, you will definitely hide your traces reasonably. It is not difficult to do this.

Then the thing that might have been inserted into the huge coil before might be one of the clues to branch C, otherwise the other party would not be able to take it away at the risk of exposure.

You must know that the energy wave bursting out in a dead city is very obvious.

The three of them then found a second distribution box underground, which was obviously much larger.

"That's right. In addition to supplying this research institute or power distribution station, the energy here is also distributed to an upper-class urban area nearby."

This became immediately clear when Cheng Rang and others came out of the power distribution station and saw the street lights lighting up the alleys and alleys around them. The energy reserve inside was declining at a rate that was probably just enough to last until dawn.

Because I came in before dark, the street lights were not visible inside the institute, and there were not a single window there.

"So, that player has already jumped in ahead of us, right? He seemed to have found some clue somewhere and came straight over, so he was faster than us."

"We can't let the person on the other side intercept it... The last mission is to restart the world. Maybe the mission reward is a world seed."

After sending information to Noretti, I have determined that the player has reached the same level as the area where they are, and has obtained the activation clue of Branch C before them.

In this case, the possibility of the opponent taking the risk to attack Noretti is much smaller. Even if one-on-one, Noretti's strength should not be killed instantly, so Cheng Rang decided to temporarily suspend the surrounding guard mission, relax the scope of investigation, and strive for Find traces of that player.

Noretti: "I understand. I will inform you if there are any other situations here."

"Keep in touch, that's it for now."

Chapter 26 Clues

Chapter 1215 Chapter 26 Clues

[Main line branch C: Restart the world journey (optional/extremely difficult)]

Introduction: At the end of all despair there will be a small hope.

Goal: Restart the end world wrapped in winter (Clue 1 has been found).

Clue 1: The micro-fusion reactor seems to be able to provide energy for a certain beacon building.

Clue mission: Obtain micro fusion reactor (1/3) from the energy supply in any upper half of the city.

(Clue Two will be unlocked after completing the Clue mission.)

Liang Yilan was walking through the complicated alleyway lightly, because Liang Yilan knew that her traces might have been discovered.

In a factory with the same appearance as the previously obtained confidential intelligence documents, Liang Yilan found a micro fusion reactor located on the energy distribution coil on the underground floor.

The reactor is marked with a faint golden indicator outline in the system interface. This is a clue.

One of the items.

However, during the removal process, due to failure to follow the regulations, energy leaked and fluctuated, and several auras immediately locked onto this side.

After getting the first reactor, the system clearly prompted the message that clue 1 was unlocked.

Liang Yilan immediately chose to evacuate.

"We still need to find two more..."


On Cheng Rang's side, although the mission items were acquired first, based on the map and energy supply range, it can be inferred that the area of ​​the city that will be subject to power outage after dawn only accounts for one-third of the entire level.

In other words, there are at least a few energy supplies that are the same as the previous one.

"Including those taken away by the player, there should be a total of three identical energy supply devices on this floor, which are plugged into the coils underground in the remaining energy stations. These energy supply devices should be used to activate What?" Cheng Rang spread out the map, divided several areas, and pointed to the area where everyone was.

The search was as fruitless as usual, which meant that the other party at least had the ability to remain undiscovered under the eyes of everyone.

Christian: "Are you going to wait and see?"

"Not yet. Since we can't find any trace of him, we will go to an energy facility as quickly as possible and try to see if we can get the mission items. We will first unravel the clues. The premise of waiting for him is to know what he wants. What purpose is achieved?”

"We have a large number of people, so we don't rule out that the system will leave enough collection items for the remaining two teams of players to unlock clues at the same time."


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