The decoration style inside is also more gorgeous, with lotus leaves made of metal and colored glass, and fish models sealed under transparent glass plates.

The vivid scene of the lotus pond is frozen here forever. However, no matter how exquisite the workmanship is, they are just handicrafts.

"Has Noretti ever seen real animals and plants?" Qianhu asked while driving.

"Yeah, I've seen it."

Yuli was also interested in this topic, "What do those look like, how do they feel? How do they taste?"

"The taste of animals, you should have tasted beef and pork."

"Ah, that's it! It's really delicious."

"As for plants..."

Noretti raised her head and looked at the blue sky along the gaps between the buildings. After being in a daze for a while, she seemed to remember something. Put your hand into your arms and turn out a bright red rose.

"Oh! What is this?!" Yuli suddenly shouted in surprise.


"Where did it come from! Why didn't I find it before?"

Noretti raised the corners of her mouth slyly and shook the rose in her hand, "I'm a magician."

She handed the rose to Yuli, "Haven't you seen it?"

"This is the first time, is it true?"


Yuli looked at the delicate rose in her hand. The sharp thorns on the green stems had been removed, leaving only small light green dots.

"Is this light green dot originally there?"

"No, it was originally a rose thorn. It would hurt if it pricked your hand, so it was removed."

Yuli raised her nose and sniffed carefully. She smelled the scent of roses for the first time and screamed happily.

"Hey, Xiaoqian Xiaoqian! Look, it's a rose. It's very fragrant. Do you want to smell it?"

Qianhu groaned when Yuri shook him, and quickly straightened his crooked helmet, "I'm driving."

"Then stop now."

Chihu, who stopped the car, was also particularly surprised that Noretti could conjure roses from her arms, and she sniffed them tentatively.

"It's very fragrant. I can't imagine the smell just based on the description in the book."

"Compared to the smell of Sister Noretti, it seems to be richer and warmer." Yuli nodded and said, "I don't know if it tastes good or not."

"Why do you want to taste everything...!" Qianhu slapped Yuri's helmet and snatched the rose from her hand, as if she was afraid that Yuri would really throw the flower into her mouth the next second.

Qianhu gently twisted the flower stem with his fingers, and the red petals rotated.

"I read in a book that roses are a symbol of love."

"It's such a red color, a color you can't usually see... like blood." After a pause, she gave the closest answer she could imagine, "So what does love look like between a man and a woman? Is there some inseparable relationship between them?”

Noretti asked: "Has Xiaoqian read about it in a book?"

"Yeah, but very few, and I don't know the specifics. What would it feel like?"

Noretti stared at the rose in Qianhu's hand, as if seeing the blooming flower would remind her of the story behind it.

"The so-called love is something that is beautiful when you have it and sad when you lose it."

"How sad is that?"

"It's like my heart is bleeding, and the blood has dyed the originally white flowers this color."

"So the roses are dyed red by blood, so they are this color?"

"That's just a metaphor. This rose is inherently red."

She finally gave the rose to the two of them, saying that if they liked it, they could keep it. It might survive for a while if put in water.

But in fact, the roses inserted into the water withered after only a few days, and the two felt sorry for this.

The rose has been blooming in Noretti's system backpack for a long time. I thought it could continue to bloom, but if no one is looking at a flower, there is no point in blooming more beautifully.

In the end, Yuli couldn't help but take a bite of the rose petals. She originally thought that such a beautiful and smelling flower would taste very sweet.

However, when I bit into my mouth, it was all bitter.

"It's so bitter and astringent. It's not delicious at all. It's completely different from what it looks like!"

Yuri's expressions were squeezed together and she stuck out her tongue, and Noretti was amused by her cute appearance.

"Before you saw the beauty and fragrance that represents love, now

, you will taste the taste of lost love. "

Noretti said to her.


It rained the night before the three of them were about to leave the dense residential area. They parked their car downstairs and chose to enter the building for the night.

Pushing open the creaking old iron door, I found simple furnishings in the room that I thought was empty.

Two sofa chairs and a small square table.

The lights on the ceiling automatically turned on after the three of them entered the room. Noretti originally thought that there was a complete power outage on this floor. However, it seems that the lighting in these houses has an independent power supply. Judging from the relatively stable lighting, it should be still possible. It can stay bright like this for a long time.

The patter of rain outside the window blends into this steel-like city, forming a peaceful white noise.

It’s hard to imagine how many people would have lived in such a dense residential area before.

"A thousand people?"

"Probably more."

Yuli took the lead in occupying a chair, slumped on it and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Phew, this chair is really nice."

Qianhu said to Noretti: "You sit down first."

"You've been driving and you're much more tired than us. Just sit back and relax." Noretti held Qianhu's shoulders and pressed her into another chair. She waved her hand and said, "I'll go check out other rooms. Maybe There are chairs that can be brought over.”

The soft chair gave off a bit of dusty smell, but at least it was more comfortable to sit on than the hard tracked motorcycle. Chihu's butt seemed to be sucked on it and he didn't want to get up, so he agreed with a hum.

Soon, Noretti came back with a sofa chair of the same style in her hand, placed it beside the table, and sat around the table with Chito Yuri.

"I feel so longed for." Looking at Noretti who pulled the chair closer to him, Qianhu seemed to feel something.


"I want to live in a place like this, with a ceiling and walls around me. With everyone around me... it feels like home."

Yuli chuckled and said, "Yes, we had a home before, and there was a stove over there, so it was warm."

She pointed to a corner of the wall.

"Grandpa is with me, and there are other people, and everyone lives in the house."

"Those are gone now." Although Qianhu's tone was very calm, it sounded distressing.

That’s why many people hate war. They take away everything without mercy. What can they gain in the end?

What is lost is always more than what is gained.

"If it's a place to live, there should be that one!" Yuli raised her hand and shook her index finger in thought, "Bed."

"Bed, I've seen two people sleeping in bunk beds before. Just like this." Qianhu gestured with the bunk bed with his hands, as if he had already conceived the complete shape in his mind.

"That's great, I want it so much~" Yuri narrowed her eyes happily and began to plan with Qianhu in this empty room.

"If there is, it should be placed there. I want to sleep on the upper bunk, and Xiaoqian should sleep on the lower bunk. You don't like heights."

"Well, I also want that, the bookshelf..."

"what is that?"

"It's just a shelf for books. It can hold a lot of books."

"Then I want the food shelf!" Yuli stood up excitedly and raised her hands.


"——The shelves filled with food need to be so high!"

"There are also bathtubs, heaters, etc., hehe..."

Noretti sat quietly aside, listening to the two of them enjoying themselves, but she could not escape such questioning, and soon Qianhu and Yuli brought the topic to herself.

"Where's Noretti? If you lived here, what would you want here?"



She thought for a moment, then shook her head, "I can't think of anything necessary, but anything is fine."

Qianhu said: "It really fits what you said, Noretti."


"What if I have to say one thing?" Yuli asked reluctantly.

"Then, let's be friends. As for me, nothing is ok, I just don't want to be alone."

Yuri paused for a moment, then remembered something.

"Noretti doesn't like being lonely. She seemed to have told me so the first day we met."

"Did she say that?" Qianhu showed a puzzled expression, saying that he did not remember Noretti saying that.

Yuli hurriedly scratched her head and said, "Ah, maybe you forgot Xiaoqian, hehe."

On the first night, he pointed a gun at someone and had a conversation... Of course Chihu didn't know.

Thinking of this, Yuli glanced at Noretti and her face turned red.

"We ended up becoming good friends. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, that's true."

Chapter 29 Showdown

Chapter 1218 Chapter 29 Showdown

After resting in the residential area for a night, Chihu and others hit the road early in the morning, and headed to the next level on Noretti's suggestion.

Cheng asked the team to return to the lower area in the completely opposite direction and trekked for three full days before arriving at the location indicated by the mission.

Nearby is a group of dark brown abandoned factory buildings. Due to being in a dark and humid place for too long, the metal buildings here are basically

Fragile due to rust. The strong metallic taste filled the nose, making people feel sweet in the mouth.

The buildings arranged radially from the center of a circle freed up an open space. Cheng Rang slowly walked to the center of the square and looked up.

The scenery above the head is completely blocked by the upper level, and the sound of rushing water can be heard. If the entire city-state level is compared to an asymmetric pyramid structure, this is probably the center of the entire pyramid base.

The soles of the shoes crunched on the ground, crushing and flattening the rusty areas, creating a thin layer of dust mist.

In the buildings in the distance, Christian and Chisaki Mori were hiding there, paying attention to their surroundings.

"There seems to be no one nearby." In the team channel, Christian reported to Cheng Rang who was walking towards the central area.


Cheng Rang denied it softly, and then looked at the ground under his feet.

"She's already been here."


The ground beneath my feet vibrated, and the iron filings were vibrated like gravel on the speakers, causing them to jump for joy. Two semicircular floors rumbled apart, revealing the deep darkness inside the underground.

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