Yuli: "They are all black boards, so strange."

"What's even weirder is that the drawers on the wall are almost all closed and can't be opened." Qianhu looked back at the source of the clicking sound behind him.

"Why did you bring that with you?"

"It always feels like it can be used~" Yuli pressed the switch on the radio happily, seeming to feel that it felt good.

"How can it be used..." Qianhu sighed.

And even if the drawers on the black walls were opened, it was not known whether there was nothing in them or whether they had been taken away.

Even if there is something, it won't be something strange.

Along the way, Yuli, who was curious, rummaged through all the drawers she could open as if opening a treasure chest and found many scattered objects.

Small pieces of rags, buttons, bullet casings and the like...

The car drove smoothly between the juxtaposed black walls. The sky above was gray, and the body felt obviously cold.

"The sky is going to change." Noretti stared at the sky and said.

"Ah, that... I think I've seen it before." Qianhu discovered the white stone statue standing high on the ground like a guard at the end of the road.

The car stopped in front of the stone statue, and the road ahead ended. Under the fence behind the stone statue was a high platform extending downwards like a cliff.

"Oh~~ The mysterious stone statue! I haven't seen it for a long time, Xiaoqian Xiaoqian, please take a photo!"

Yuri ran to the stone statue and posed for Qianhu to take a picture of her.

"You really like it."

“Because the shape makes people feel peaceful~”

Noretti stood aside with her arms folded, but no matter how she looked at the pillar-shaped stone statue in front of her, she felt that it looked like a long worm with a strange face.

Squint your eyes and look in a certain direction.

Speaking of which, many such stone statues were discovered on the lower level before. Noretti only thought that they were some kind of belief of the people who lived there before.

But the direction the eyes looked in that expression always made people care. I didn’t think so at first until the beacon spire was repaired.

Noretti patted Qianhu on the shoulder and said, "Which way are you going to go next?"

"Hey, this way."

"Do you still feel the same way?"


Noretti looked up and looked in the direction where the statue's eyes were squinting, which was basically the same direction as Qianhu's mouth.

Sure enough... this statue is not completely meaningless.

"Can you lend me your camera?"


Noretti took the camera from Qianhu and looked through the previous photos.

Yuri took many photos of the mysterious stone statues, and even found a place similar to a shrine where there were such stone statues.

"The position of the eyes..."

Combining the position of the sun during the day in the photo, Noretti found that indeed the eyes of these stone statues were staring in almost the same direction.

Does it have anything to do with the "facility" everyone is going to?

Handing the camera to Yuri who wanted to continue taking pictures, Noretti knew that in order to solve the mystery, she had to wait until the team arrived at the location of the facility.

Now, I can only wait quietly during this journey.

"It's good to have a camera. If you take a photo, you won't forget it." Yuli pressed the shutter of the camera towards Noretti, who was thinking, and looked at the result of the photo with satisfaction, "Hey, I got my face captured this time."

"You have to thank Kanazawa." Qianhu said.

"Kanazawa...who is here?"

"Hey, it's the person who gave us the camera." Qianhu complained helplessly about Yuli's short and unreliable memory, and she completely forgot about her in just a few months.

After thinking hard for a while, Yuli suddenly realized, "Oh! I remembered... If I didn't have a camera, I would have forgotten it. Thank you, camera~"

Qianhu: "I don't usually forget it so easily... I don't know what happened to him."

Noretti looked at the blue light beam in the distance.

"He should still be living well in this world." He replied softly.

Yuli: "Really?"

"Don't make it sound like he's dead..." Qianhu said instead, "But even if he's alive, it would be difficult to see him again, and the same goes for Ishii."

"I feel like I will forget about them one day." Yuli lay halfway on the platform, holding up the camera in her hand to look at it. "If the camera breaks, I might forget about it soon."


Qianhu's eyes passed through the gaps between the black iron cabinets and towards the end between them, as if he suddenly realized something. Get up and jump off the platform to the nearest black cabinet.

"So that's what it is..."

"What's wrong, Xiaoqian?"

Qianhu pointed to a line of writing on each closed cabinet door, "I was too small before and missed this thing - there is a name written on each drawer."

"It must be the owner of the thing inside."

"Are the forgotten things stored here?" Yuli asked.

"It's not so much something that I forgot to bring, but rather something that I put inside so that I don't forget them."

Noretti then explained to Yuli, who still didn't understand: "This is a cemetery."


"It should be the cemeteries of those who died in the war." Noretti stroked one of the names, "Lenton Doyle Dalle..."

"Yuli, do you know how a person is truly dead?" she asked.

Yuli tilted her head, "Well, doesn't it mean that you are dead when you die? You can't move anymore and are buried in the soil..."

"No, a person's true death is when he is forgotten by everyone. No one knows them or remembers them anymore."

"Do you know this man - Daler?"

Yuri shook her head.

"So, here are all the people who have truly died...disappearing in this world, just like ice cubes melting in water, no one remembers them anymore."

Chapter 40


Chapter 1230 Chapter 40 Singing

The cold wind blowing suddenly stopped, and soon afterwards, there was falling white frost everywhere, like light feathers, taking away the warmth of the world.

The furry appearance makes people feel warm, but it turns into water when it falls on the palm of the hand, but it is cold.

The girl opened her hand to catch the snowflakes, "It's snowing..."

Chihu seemed to have made up his mind.

"Yuli, we have to send these things back."

"Hey~! Why?"

“Those things don’t make sense if they don’t stay here.”

"But, I have completely forgotten where I got it from..."

Noretti: "There are not many drawers that can be opened. Just follow the route you came from."

But many cabinets are also empty. If you really can’t remember, there’s nothing you can do about it…

In the end, only a black button and the radio in Yuli's hand were left.

"This feels useful, why don't you bring it with you?"

"It's useless..."

"Didn't Noretti say you can listen to music?"

"So there is no radio station anymore...you can't listen to the song, put it back quickly!"


Qianhu and Yuli struggled again, while Noretti held the remaining button and looked at the end of the cemetery.

Too much……

We passed through only a small area, and if we added it all up, there would be at least tens of thousands of relics here.

They are all people who died because of the war.

Will they have friends, will they have a family, will they have people who still remember them?

The cold air and lonely snowflakes covered the road, making Noretti feel like her heart was being pulled.

Noretti, who carries the weight of the lives of those who have passed away, truly feels sad for these dead people who have been forgotten by everyone here.

She gently took off her hat, clasped the buttons and closed her eyes in silence.

She hopes that there will be no more wars in this world. Even though it is coming to an end, they will find the light of hope in this despair.

In the end, Qianhu, who still didn't snatch Yuri away, sat on the ground panting and looked at Noretti curiously.

"Noretti, what are you doing?"

Noretti opened her eyes and looked at the radio that Yuli was holding tightly in her arms.

"Do you want to listen to a song...I can sing it to you."

Yuli's eyes widened in surprise, and she pressed her hand on Qianhu's helmet and came closer: "Can Noretti sing?! I've never heard of it before! I want to hear it!"

"Well, actually quite a few know how to do it... because some of my friends always liked to get together to sing, although I was most likely the one sitting next to them and listening."

As if recalling the time when she was dragged to a karaoke party during the intermission of traveling across the world with everyone, the corners of Noretti's mouth couldn't help but raise.

But when I returned to reality from the beautiful memories and looked at the endless black tombs, I suddenly felt a sense of desolation and sadness.

Gradually, Noretti breathed in gently.

"Just think of it as a final tribute to these forgotten people..."

A sad love song was played in this snow-covered cemetery by her cold and melodious voice.

"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?"

"Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme..." (parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme)

Yuri and Qianhu instantly fell silent as Noretti sang, as if they were brought into the world in that song.

The unsuppressable sadness in her voice was like red-hot iron in the snow, hissing on the apex of people's hearts.

The smell of the sea, the smell of sunshine, the fragrance of spices. It seems to echo the faint melancholy and sadness of the returning warrior, bringing with it the deep longing and the loneliness from the soul.

Under the dim and bleak sky of autumn, the struggles, sufferings and hardships of the past have become peaceful, just like the colorful leaves of sparse yellow leaves, and like the confusion of waking up in the morning.

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme represent the sweetness, strength, loyalty and courage of love respectively.

While depicting a sad love song, it is also a very sharp anti-war song.

Qianhu and Yuri even felt an illusion of déjà vu for an instant...

In the long night, the warrior who picked up his gun and sword and rushed to the battlefield with his friends was Noretti.

And when the sun rises and sets, after a long battle, when the bloody light of dusk sinks into the dim horizon, only her returning figure staggers forward.

She has silver hair and silver eyes, covered in blood and scars. What kind of brilliance will shine in those eyes of her, the only one who came back alive?

Tired, sad, lonely?

Or is it the strength that flashes in the tears in his eyes...

One song is full of sadness and joy, and the other is heartbreaking.

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