"Remember to interrupt him at the last second before the spell is successfully cast. This is called -"

"The priority is to attack the heart. Okay, master, please stop talking! People's ears are about to get calluses~!" The girl nodded impatiently and muttered in a low voice: "The priority is to attack the heart. To put it bluntly, isn't it just about the mentality? To have such a serious name..."


"I understand, Master, and I won't chew your tongue again." The girl turned her back and secretly stuck out her tongue.

"Bie Qianfeng and the others are on their way to negotiate and cannot be disturbed. The situation is now confusing. If we can surrender one of the other parties first, we will have an advantage."

Li Yingying was ready, and while waiting for the spell to be cast, she said to Yu Chengyun who was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed behind her: "Master, you can't figure out why the lone player didn't leave with the remaining four. Isn't it almost the same here?" Are you finished?"

"Hey~ The secret must not be revealed."

"It just can't be calculated, okay." Li Yingying seemed to have been used to the master's words behind her. She rolled her eyes with disdain.

"She... is of a higher level than me." Yu Chengyun looked like he wanted to explain, but finally gave up and told the truth to his young apprentice who had his back turned to him.

"Then it would be better to admit it sooner."

Yu Chengyun's level is 905, and he can clearly calculate the general behavior of Christian, who is lower than him. However, for Noretti, who is level 910, he can only shake his head and make a rough guess.

And perhaps Yu Chengyun never imagined that beside Christian, there would be a 999-level boy with chuunibyou and a 1500-level [PVP Emperor]. Their existence was not even known.

It's still a lack of talent and learning, which is a yes.

Just here, Cheng Rang was on alert, waiting for Christian's spell to be completed.

"Okay, I'll go there first." Christian looked at the Blood Realm Gate that was about to take shape, and told his teammates around him: "As soon as I arrive at the location, you guys should follow me immediately."


"The transmission beacon is ready, don't worry."

After receiving the response, Christian stepped towards the Blood Realm Gate, but the next second, a ray of light falling from the sky flashed above his head.

Snap, very fast!

Christian stepped on the air, and the Blood Realm Gate disappeared out of thin air. He was unable to react in time and fell onto the ground.




Everyone's lips twitched sharply as they looked at the "old man" who lay on the snow and died socially on the spot.

Cheng Rang bent down and asked with a wry smile: "My wife, are you okay?"


Liang Li raised the barrel of the gun and hit Chisaki Mori on the head, who was barely holding back: "Hold it!"

Christian pushed himself up from the ground as if nothing had happened, but in this embarrassing situation with his teammates watching, even though his tone was still cold, there was an inexplicable sense of humor in it. .

"The spellcasting was interrupted."

Chisaki Mori controlled the corners of his twitching mouth, spread his hands innocently and shrugged vigorously: "Haha? How is it possible? We are all watching around, there is nothing at all..."

Cheng Rang opened the God's Righteous Eye and looked around the large area, and also gave the answer: "There is no one around here at all."

Christian frowned and spat lightly, opened his personal information and found that the [Silence] status that flashed from the status bar had long since disappeared.

What's even more weird is that even if I open the system history, I don't find any record of being dragged into a battle state by other players.

"I said, maybe we are in trouble. The other party has the means to determine our position regardless of distance and interrupt it with spells. And I have not entered a combat state." Christian's serious tone made others gradually realize the seriousness of the matter. sex.

"Wait...that means that the other party knows where we are, and its purpose is to prevent us from getting there?"

"That's so smart." Christian said this in a rare sly tone to Chisaki Mori.

Then he said: "And we don't know where the other party is yet. From now on, the intelligence and information gap will give the other party the advantage."

Chapter 47 Negotiation?

Chapter 1237 Chapter 47 Negotiation?

The silver revolver split into two by a smooth cut was scattered on the snow. Noretti stood there with the gun drawn. In her silver eyes when she looked at the other party, the burning sparks seemed to destroy the snow in front of her. ignite.

An inch in front of her throat, there was a long sword flashing with cold light.

The defense that I was proud of was torn apart like a piece of white paper by the opponent. I felt the cold temperature from the metal in my throat, and I didn't even give myself time to react.

The opponent is very strong and he loses. The current situation is as simple as that.

There is no other reason——

To his surprise, the other party actually possessed the power to [stop time].

Noretti swore that she took this encounter with the invasion team seriously enough. But no matter what, the other party also has someone higher than herself, and she needs

Protect the two almost defenseless people behind him - Chito and Yuri.

What's more, it's one-on-three...

The opponent took action before he realized that he was about to burn the boat and activate his ultimate skill [Eileen].

It is true that Noretti has a trump card that is sure to win when activated, but for a PVP battle of this level, the opponent is likely to have a method that is guaranteed to win when activated, which is not worth mentioning.

The second is the gap in numbers and levels. The other party is very cautious. Even if they have the advantage in numbers, they do not hesitate to choose to meet and open up.

In a duel between killers, the one with the faster time will undoubtedly win.

However, the most important [time] is not on Noretti's side. The one who moves in the stopped time is undoubtedly the one who can take the advantage.

The sword in the opponent's hand was already placed on his neck. He could have killed him with one sword at any time, but he did not do so.

Only caring about this point, Noretti did not choose any further radical action, but wanted to see what the other party wanted.

"This is our first meeting. I am the captain of Yunxiao's team. I have offended many of you. This situation is for safety reasons. I need to be responsible for the team members around me. Please forgive me." The young black-haired man holding the sword spoke. He was polite and courteous. If you ignored the long sword on Noretti's neck, he seemed to have the appearance of a handsome young man.

"Kampf Noretti..."

"Miss Noretti, I personally think that instead of fighting to the death and both sides losing, we should sit down and negotiate a peaceful solution. What do you think?"

Noretti pursed her lips and said helplessly: "I don't seem to be able to refuse."

"As long as you understand." Bie Qianfeng smiled slightly, but did not put down the sword in his hand. Instead, he said to a woman behind him whose face was covered by a veil: "Sister Liu."

With just one call, the woman seemed to understand the meaning of Bie Qianfeng. The silver bell on her waist rang, and the snow under her feet was instantly smudged with ink-colored handwriting like an ink scroll, sweeping around and surrounding her. scenery alternative.

Noretti's eyes narrowed dangerously. This was a personal barrier...she had seen it before.

As long as it is pulled in, it will undoubtedly be the opponent's absolutely dominant home court. Even if Irene is successfully activated in the opponent's personal barrier, Noretti is not 100% sure that she can get rid of the opponent's three people within ten minutes. In the past ten minutes, there was nothing the other party could do to him, but if he chose to avoid fighting and forcefully drag them on, he would also have nothing to do with them.

Once they fail to resist, Qianhu and the others will definitely be in danger. The other party has shown a posture of negotiation, so it is better to play it safe first.

Noretti's figure disappeared not far away along with the other three, and until the end she did not look back at where Qianhu and the others were hiding.

Qianhu and Yuli hid for a while. After seeing no movement around, Qianhu finally couldn't help but jump out of his hiding place.

"Noretti!!" Qianhu's eyes widened in disbelief, and he yelled Noretti's name like crazy while running in the direction where she disappeared.

"Xiao Qian, wait for me!"

Yuli suddenly failed to follow, staggering and almost falling. She quickly adjusted her pace by holding the rifle she was carrying behind her, and chased Qianhu.

My feet were getting weak, and I was shaking constantly. It felt like someone had taken out a piece of my heart, and the cold wind carrying snowflakes could pass directly through the middle of my chest.

what happened? What's going on? Are your eyes dazzled?

Noretti raised her gun and prepared to fight one second, but the next moment she had her weapon broken and a sword held at her neck.

Who is the other party, and why does Noretti want to fight them?

Don't know... nothing.

Now Qianhu has no idea where Noretti has disappeared to.

In an instant, she felt as if the sky was falling. When she ran to the end of Noretti's footprints in the snow, Qianhu suddenly fell to the ground. Huge fear enveloped her, making her tremble with fear.


There was nothing he could do, he could only watch Noretti being taken away by them.

Will Noretti die?

He would probably die - this was the answer she gave herself from the beginning.

What would you do if Noretti died?

The answer is, there is nothing you can do, there is nothing you can do but accept the result.


Yuri came behind Qianhu, who was kneeling in the snow, and called her unbearably.

Qianhu turned around, his eyes filled with panic tears, "You, what should we do?"

So desperate, so desperate, so desperate...

Qianhu even prayed in his heart that Yuri could be as lacking in nerves as ever at this moment and just give an unrealistic comfort in a cutesy way, but——

"Try to make peace with despair, Chi."

Yuri stood in front of her expressionlessly, holding the gun belt on her shoulder tightly. Her tone was unexpectedly calm.

"At least you still have me, right?"


The scene of the world was changed, and the surroundings were made of rice paper-like texture, slightly yellowish white, filled with countless outlines drawn in ink. Drawings of distant mountains, close-ups, streets, houses and fences.

This is a black and white world, and the only people with colors are myself and a few of them.

After entering the personal realm, don’t let the wind blow your mind

He took off the long sword in front of Noretti's throat and put it into the scabbard behind him.

With a wave of his hand, a handful of ink-colored smoke rose up like a wave, forming a circular stone table and stone piers.

"Please take a seat."

After Noretti sat down first, Bie Qianfeng and the other three sat down one after another.

He introduced the woman he had just called Sister Liu to Noretti and said: "The one on my left is called Liu Zhen. I usually call her Sister Liu."

The white gauze covered the outline of the lower half of her face, but just by looking at her bright and lively eyes, one could infer that she must also be a classical beauty.

"Sister Liu cannot speak due to physical reasons, so she can only express herself with the help of objects around her. Please forgive me, but she can still hear."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care." Noretti nodded.

"On the right is my brother, his name is Qin Wu."

The man sitting on the right side of Bie Qianfeng is tall and strong. He looks like a good martial artist. He has a very powerful cloak and armor. He is carrying an iron spear seven or eight feet long. The tip of the spear is large and heavy, and it has a sharp edge. Now, the momentum is overwhelming.


Qin Wu put his fist into his palm and moved neatly. He didn't say a word and just nodded to Noretti's subsequent response.

Bie Qianfeng: "Then let's stop chatting and get to the point."

After a slight pause, he took the lead and said: "This time we came here and what we are looking for is nothing else but the aboriginal people here."

"It's exactly as I guessed." Noretti said: "Your world is parallel but not different from ours. I'm afraid you have found the facility and can only stare outside the door without being able to get in, right?"

Bie Qianfeng chuckled and nodded: "That's true. Although the facility gate can be forcibly broken through, this behavior has been warned by the system. Only those indigenous people who still survive in this world can enter and exit unimpeded. And activate the facility's The equipment also has to be completed by their own hands.”

"In the eyes of that facility, we are "abnormal human beings" and cannot complete the final task of restarting the facility plan by our own means. "

Noretti: "So, how did you find the location of the facility? Without the guidance of the indigenous people, it is almost impossible to find a small and well-hidden entrance on such a large planet."

"We did it by calculation."

Facing Bie Qianfeng's answer, Noretti looked puzzled.


Chapter 48: He who knows the current affairs is a hero

Chapter 1238 Chapter 48 Those who understand current affairs are heroes

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