"That's not what I meant... forget it..." Liang Yilan always felt that the further explanations would only make things worse, so she could only follow Xiao Bai's words and strip herself naked.

When they first arrived in this city, they were bound to the world of the team leader. As team members, the two of them certainly did not have any privileges and needed to abide by the rules of this world. He had the responsibility not to cause trouble to Cheng Rang, so he chose to comply with Xiao Bai's request.

If they were in their own world or another mission world, Liang Yilan and Noretti would definitely not be so obedient.

The inspection was completed quickly and the results were that everything was normal.

However, Xiaobai, who informed the two of them of this originally best result, seemed a little nervous.

"Nothing is wrong, you are all healthy...but please wait in the room for a moment, I am going to print the report, it will take about five minutes, and then I will take you back."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Please don't run around. All corridors here have active defense mechanisms. Thank you both for your cooperation!"

After Xiaobai emphasized something,

, opened the door and left in a hurry. Then, in the room where Liang Yilan and Noretti were, a thick airtight bulletproof steel plate fell on the window, and even the door when they came in was locked with a bang.

In her opinion, the test results of the two people in front of her are indeed completely normal and healthy human women, but now this is the only thing that is most abnormal!

They stayed in the anti-mechanics zone for a full ten minutes, but any normal person would have died long ago! No matter how lucky you are, it is impossible for the results to be normal during the test. The only possibility that leads to this result is that the two of them are definitely not normal people!

When scanning the two people, Xiaobai also compared the tourist registration data of the entire Hershalemzi Lott. There was no information about these two people at all. The login information of temporary residents and permanent residents were the same. No, they can't be guys who suddenly appeared in this city for no reason, right?

Ordinary people... how is it possible? This is Helsalemz Lott!

"Something big happened...something big happened!"

Xiaobai kept muttering, but the first thing she thought of in panic was still Elaine. She was the only one who had the experience and ability to solve the current problem for herself, so she ran to find her non-stop.

Chapter 86 Prevention, Control, and Prevention

Chapter 1276 Chapter 86 Prevention, Control, and Prevention

"Elaine, it's not good!"

Xiaobai rushed into the room in a hurry, frightening Elaine who was lying in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard with a fairy look on her face. She jumped up from her chair.

"What's the matter? You damn girl, why are you so startled? Isn't it just checking two people? You can't handle this!"

"No, Elaine, listen to me..."

"You didn't come at the right time. Don't disturb me. The calculation results are almost coming out. This is the result of two weeks of work in the time slot... Is there anything I can do beforehand!"

Elaine's condition clearly looked very unhappy, as if she was about to faint at her post in the next second. After the quarrel with Xiaobai, she had a patient and irritable temper and didn't work for long, but she was surprised again. cried the ground. For a researcher who has been working continuously for a long time, Elaine did not pull out the gun and killed the girl on the spot, which was already a great kindness to her.

As she spoke, Elaine impatiently urged Xiaobai to leave the room.

Before Xiaobai was about to be "invited" out of the door by Elaine, she vomited out the situation she wanted to tell Elaine.

"Those two people stayed in the anti-mechanics area for ten minutes, but the inspection results showed that everything was normal!"

"Isn't it good that everything is normal? Then send them back - wait...what did you say?!"

It wasn't until Elaine took a few seconds to realize the other meaning contained in the vernacular that she woke up as if a basin of ice water had been poured all over her head from top to bottom.

"Ten minutes? Everything normal?!"

As Elaine repeated in disbelief, Xiaobai's head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and her widened emerald green eyes were filled with pleas for Elaine's help.

"...What should I do, Elaine?"

"Where are they now?" Elaine, knowing that the situation was not quite right, could only temporarily give up calculating the outcome, grabbed the white coat on the back of the chair, put it on her body, and walked out quickly.

"In the exam room."

"Where are the weapons?"

"I didn't see them take it out." Xiao Bai followed closely behind Elaine, with a little uneasiness in his tone.

Sighing and rubbing her swollen forehead, Elaine glanced at Xiaobai, who had an uneasy face, and comforted her: "Don't worry, I'm here."


The road leading to the examination room seemed so long with the ups and downs of the gates. Xiaobai looked at Elaine who was just walking forward quickly, and whispered: "Elaine...it's my fault."

"What's the use of saying this now?" Elaine didn't look away, her high heels touching the ground, leaving a series of crisp sounds.

"Don't worry about that. It's not your fault. You are performing your duties as an assistant. The responsibility for any accidents lies with me. I just didn't take good care of you."

"Elaine...I...I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear meaningless apologies. If you make a mistake, make up for it and cooperate with my work well. Otherwise, I will fire you."


“Remember what the Scranton Foundation was about?”

Xiaobai took a deep breath and replied: "Prevention, Control, Stop."

"Very good, I hope you will always remember it."

During the conversation, the two came to the last closed metal gate, where the two people were.

Standing at the door and taking a deep breath, Elaine adjusted her expression and state, and swiped the permission card in front of the electronic lock.

【drop! 】

The light turned from red to green, and the two of them filed into the room.

Through the reinforced glass that had just raised the bulletproof steel plate, Elaine had time to carefully look at the two women not far away in front of her.

"Hello, I am the director of the institute here, Elaine Scranton, and this is my assistant Mary Macbeth... What are your names?"

"Kampf Noretti."

"My name is Liang Yilan, Miss Scranton...I heard that the test results are all normal. Can we go back?"

"Of course, soon! But I need to make some inquiries about the purpose of your visit..."

Xiaobai walked to the operating console and called up the result data just checked for Elaine to compare with the identity information.

Only one item is displayed above: [No comparison result record yet]

"Why are you here?" Noretti tilted her head slightly, as if she didn't understand what Elaine meant.

"Then let me tell you straight... You two don't seem to be ordinary people, and there is no record of you in the visitor registration information of Hersalemz Rote. According to the law, you will be charged with smuggling. Yes, it will be very troublesome if you are questioned by HLPD, that is, the police, and I need to understand further because I want to help you."

"Of course, we don't mean any harm!" Liang Yilan scratched her head. She didn't know about this. Of course, she couldn't prepare things like entry registration and visas.

Rather than not being prepared, it is better to say that I didn't expect to be prepared... After all, in this kind of strange city, where humans and people from other worlds live together, it is true that the problem of "smuggling" will not be considered at the first time. .

Could it be that those guys staring at the tentacle heads and speaking English are legal residents? !

The answer is - of course.

"What procedures do I need to go through to stay?"

"Of course, it's actually very simple. This is a tourist city after all, and we need to protect the safety of tourists as much as possible. If you have walked around a bit or used the HL tourist guide, you should be able to understand what this city is like. , it’s best not to go to dangerous places.”

"We understand, thanks for reminding."

Elaine snapped her fingers and signaled Xiaobai to turn on the lie detector with her eyes, and then asked the two of them some basic information.

Of course the most important question -

"Are you from this world?"

Liang Yilan shook her head and replied: "Strictly speaking, not really."

Elaine looked at Xiaobai aside and got her approval.

Not lying...

"Can I take the liberty of asking where you are from?"

Noretti said: "It's not convenient to disclose this, but our stay will probably not exceed two weeks, and we will not cause trouble at will during this period, because we also have standards that restrict our behavior and will try our best to abide by the laws here. "

"So, through the method you mentioned, are you two the only ones who came to this world?"

"That's right." Liang Yilan nodded.

The red light turned on silently on the instrument table. Xiaobai looked over and signaled that there was something wrong with Liang Yilan's words.

Elaine's expression did not change at all, "Then are there other existences that are not "human" coming? "

"There is a dog." (green light)

"What dog?"

"Single dog." (red light)

"Sorry, your joke doesn't seem funny to me..."

Liang Yilan paused for a moment, then reorganized her words and said, "Okay, I'm a single middle-aged man."

The green light came on on the console, and the corner of Xiaobai's mouth twitched slightly.

Wherever and wherever, this is all...

"He seemed to have made deals with an organization here called "Lebra" before. "

"Oh?" After hearing the name of her organization, Elaine obviously found a clue. She took out the tablet she carried with her and rummaged through recent records.

Soon, she showed an expression similar to that of a subway, an old man, or a mobile phone, and asked tentatively: "What is that...the descendant crown prince of the pure land of dark hell, in charge of the thirty-four different worlds——"

"Okay, stop talking, it's him." Liang Yilan held her forehead as if she couldn't bear it, and very shamefully stopped Elaine from continuing to read the string of unpleasant epithets.

The green light on the console seemed to light up the faces of Xiao Bai and Elaine standing in front of them a little green.

Elaine finally seemed to remember something and confirmed to the two of them: "So, do you two know a person named "Cheng Rang"? "

Liang Yilan and Noretti looked at each other and blinked at the same time.

"——Of course, he is the one who brought us here."

As the lie detector turned on the green light, Elaine and Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, as if they had received an amnesty, and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

"Well, it turned out to be one of our own. It was a false alarm."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! We will help you with the temporary stay procedures for the two of you. To be honest, the chairman of this research institute is Cheng Rang."

"...Ah, that's it." The two nodded in understanding.

"Well, Miss Escort, Miss Noretti, welcome to Hersharemus Lot!"

After expressing her welcome to the two of them, Elaine asked Xiaobai to send them away, and then turned around and received a call from Stephen's mobile phone.

"Fantou, what's wrong, Cheng asked that boy to bring back two beauties from another world!"

Stephen: "...Why did you say "again"? "


Chapter 87 Cheng Rang belatedly realized

Chapter 1277 Chapter 87 Cheng Rang belatedly realized

"I see, you have already met Elaine and Xiaobai..." Cheng Rang held up his mobile phone. On the other side of the phone was Liang Yilan, who was reporting the recent situation.

Cheng Rang scratched his head and said in an apologetic tone: "I'm sorry, when I get back

I was a little busy, and I forgot to get a visa for you first, hahaha..."

But when they heard that Elaine had taken care of these things for them, they felt relieved. Because there was something more important waiting for him today.

The final sequence of the instant spell - the practice of "World".

However, it is obvious that learning the "World" spell cannot be done in Helsalemz Lot, so Cheng Rang will probably go on a "far journey" with Letitia.

To be precise, back to her hometown.

"This is not a train transfer station. I must charge a fee next time!"

Danterian protested loudly outside the door, expressing her firm resistance to Leticia's dangerous behavior of always bringing people here to travel through the world. However, she ignored her and jumped in anger.

This time, Isabella was also traveling with her, saying that after such a long time, she wanted to stop by and visit her teacher.

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