"Well done!" Chisaki Mori waved her fist vigorously, letting out a breath of evil in her heart.

Pulling the hammer of the howitzer again, there was a sound of running out of ammunition when the firing pin hit the air. Chisaki Mori looked at the spirit puppet who stood up again and slashed at him violently, and ran away quickly.

"Big brother, big brother, big brother! To bring hatred, please save me, please save me!"

Cheng Rang raised his pistol and took aim, pulled the trigger continuously, and fired several shots, once again sending sparks flying all over the spirit puppet's body. One shot even passed through the gap in his body without causing any damage.


The bullets of the revolver were also empty. However, the damage from these shots did not attract the BOSS's hatred back. Now the only ones in the audience who can have certain output capabilities are Cheng Rang, Mori Chisaki and Lux. The other two, Liang Yilan and Noretti, used the bodies of Chisaki Mori and Cheng Rang respectively. One had no weapons to use for output, while the other had weapons but could not exert their effect at all. It can be said that they were not of much help. .

But it can’t be said that it can’t be helped at all…

"Noretti, where did you put the bullet?!"

Noretti looked at "herself" who was running and shouting to this side not far away. She couldn't help but feel that this experience was very subtle. Then she came back to her senses and immediately patted the back of her waist, " it's here!"

Cheng Rang immediately lifted up his gray coat and touched his waist. Sure enough, he found a small waist bag on the left side of the back.

The right hand holding the gun quickly opened the revolver magazine, pulled out the empty revolver, took out a new one from the waist bag and replaced it.

Thankfully, Noretti, who has a meticulous and cautious fighting style, had already loaded all the bullets into the spare runner in advance, and neatly stacked them in the ammunition bag in a position that is very convenient for blind sight. If he had reached in and caught a handful of scattered bullets, Cheng Rang would have felt a little broken.

Cheng Rang changed the bullets as quickly as possible and picked up the revolver again. He accurately hit the spirit puppet's head with several shots, attracting its attention. When it turned around and chased after it, Cheng Rang ran away.

"Chisaki Mori, change your bullets quickly!"

Cheng Rang, who had bought time for Chisaki Mori to reload, started to be chased by the spirit puppet holding a scythe, and he was dodging the blade coming from behind in a panic.

Noretti's physical fitness is also very flexible, but it is obviously not very consistent with the "center of gravity" of the body she is used to. However, this will only make Cheng Rang feel slightly unaccustomed and distressed for a moment. There are already many With his "adjustment" experience, he quickly adapted to Noretti's body rhythm.

However... it was also the first time that he felt his physical strength being exhausted so quickly. Although she has a lot of flexibility when running, Noretti's body obviously does not have the same physical attributes as her own. As she flew the puppet's kite around the field, she felt an overwhelming feeling coming from her lungs after only a few laps. A tearing sensation.

"Not yet...I can't run anymore, Noretti! You have to exercise hard in the future!" Cheng Rang was out of breath, but because he was using Noretti's The voice, such a breath sounds unexpectedly astringent.

Bang bang bang!

The howitzer in Chisaki Mori's hand finally began to roar again, and a violent explosion rumbled, knocking the spirit puppet directly to the ground and hitting its head on the ground.

At this time, Liangyilan has already

He took off the Gatling gun from "his" original body, swung the long bullet chain over his head and hung it on his shoulder, and pulled the trigger hard. The sound of the motor drove the barrel to rotate, and after a brief warm-up, it connected A hail of bullets struck like a golden sword!

The dense crackling bullets suppressed the spirit puppet to the ground, unable to get up. Lux did not let go of this perfect pursuit opportunity, and rode up to chop off the spirit puppet's head with a sword.

Three-quarters of the remaining health bar visibly fell away, and only about one-third remained.

Then the spirit puppet whose head was beheaded exuded a silvery white light, and stood up again with a squeaking sound, carrying the fire suppression of machine guns and howitzers. It seemed that it briefly ignored the suppression of guns and artillery, and even the health bar stopped slowing down. Decline.

"Ceasefire! Pay attention to enter the second stage!"

There are very obvious signs of entering the second stage. Since the blood is directly locked into the second stage, there is no need to waste limited ammunition on it.

After the silvery white light faded, the sickles on the multiple mechanical arms retracted with a click. The eight jointed limbs curled up like a spider, and the entire body of the spirit puppet sank and was fixed on the ground.

After giving up flexible movement, the remaining arms and legs immediately deformed, unfolding the thick steel plates, and the spirit puppet wrapped its entire body in the armor, and then poked out a dense circle of muzzles.


Now, it's finally the opponent's turn to suppress fire.

Ta-ta-ta-ta! !

As if he wanted to return all the guns he had taken in the first stage to them, fierce artillery fire from 360 degrees with no blind spots came towards everyone, and there was no way to avoid it!

Lux Shang was able to hold the door-panel-like sword in front of him as a shield to block the attack, but the four members of the Light Chaser team simply couldn't do it at the moment - none of them could use a shield to defend against such a blind-angle attack!

The only thing that can be done is to hide, but dodging requires at least a certain amount of space... In this kind of fully enclosed cave terrain, which is not very wide, it is simply impossible to avoid the blind-angle fire coverage attack of the central spirit puppet turret.


"……team leader!"

Cheng Rang and Mori Chisaki subconsciously made the choice to block the attack of their teammates closest to them. However, the moment before the barrage was about to hit, everyone's bodies and consciousness switched again.

Puff puff puff puff!

It was the bullets that penetrated the skin, and the sound of death bloomed in the muscles... They shattered the internal organs and muscles into pieces, and the blood mist covered the field of vision in an instant.


As the round of firing ended, the muzzle of the spirit puppet retracted, the armor covered the whole body, and there was a rattling sound inside. It should be reloading the bullets for the next round of no-dead-angle attack.

Chisaki Mori looked at Ryo Yilan's blood-covered face in front of her. Her eyes that could have stared at the death of all things lost their original luster, and her body fell softly in her arms.

Her arms and waist were even torn apart by bullets, and they were torn out abruptly. Her whole body was in pieces, and her warm blood dyed Mori Chisaki's whole body scarlet.

"Why come back at this time...?!"

[Member: Liangyi Lan, player number: No.0001111——died]

"Lan...Lan!? Liangyi Lan!!"

The broken body in her arms had completely lost the warmth of life, and the hot blood slowly condensed on her face.

The system that came back online finally popped up a cold prompt at this moment. Chisaki Mori stared blankly at the dissipated dark red font, her eyes trembling violently.

In an instant, an uncontrollable violent rage in his chest overwhelmed his reason.

"I'm going to... kill you!!"

Chapter 142: Frankness

Chapter 1332 Chapter 142 Honest Confrontation

The flames like purgatory erupted in an instant, accompanied by Mori Chisaki's extremely grief-stricken roar, engulfing everything around him. Even Lux had to pick up the reins and fly into the air to avoid the fierce black flames.

Almost the moment it came into contact with the black flames, the spirit puppet huddled in the armor was instantly sublimated. It only had a blood volume of less than 100 million at level 500. It did not even last a second under Chisaki Mori's violent explosion. Disappeared completely.

【——The powerful enemy has been killed——】

This time, however, no one was celebrating as the golden font appeared.

At the moment of body transformation, the vector distortion device on Noretti's body resumed its function, deflecting all the incoming bullets. She and Cheng Rang were basically uninjured.

However, as the most fragile assassin in the team, Liang Yilan's health and defense could not support her body in resisting a full round of attacks from the BOSS.

Therefore, Chisaki Mori originally sacrificed his body to block Ryogi Lan's attack, but Chisaki Mori controlled Ryogi Lan's body to block him.

"What stupid thing did I do...?!"

The black flames gradually extinguished. Cheng Rang and Noretti came to Mori Qiansaki, who was kneeling on the ground. They also saw Liang Yilan's broken body scattered quietly in a pool of blood.

Noretti's face turned pale, her legs also lost strength, and she slowly sat down on the ground. Looking at her teammates who were chatting and laughing before, they lost their lives in the blink of an eye. A strong feeling of falling internal organs and guilt invaded her whole body.

"Blame me

...It's all because of the curse on me... If I hadn't joined the team, if I hadn't—! "

"Norletti, that's enough." Cheng Rang stopped Norletti, who kept blaming herself, "This is not your fault."

Only one person is responsible for the sacrifice of the team members.

That is Cheng Rang as the captain.

"……It is my responsibility."

Chisaki Mori lay on Liang Yilan's body and cried bitterly, still calling her name in a low voice, but the person was already dead, and Liang Yilan's portrait in the team list had turned gray. For those who still refused to accept this fact, The guy who can't pull himself up no matter how hard he tries. Cheng Rang could only pull him up by his collar.

"Can you please act like a man? This is the team conquest mode! Anyone can die here. It's not like Liang Yilan can't come back. As long as we successfully clear this dungeon and survive until the score is settled, we will have enough The points that can bring her back to life—do you know?!”

"...Eh? Resurrection?!" Mori Chisaki stared blankly at Cheng Rang's sullen face in front of him, feeling at a loss.

"Didn't I tell you, or were you so frightened that you forgot?"

Cheng Rang let go of his hand and let Mori Qiansaki fall to the ground.

After regaining his soul for a while, he suddenly jumped up from the ground: "Yes! Resurrection! We can resurrect our fallen teammates! Lanlan still has a chance to survive!"

"Yes, as long as we clear this dungeon, the 5,000-point reward plus the original 2,500 points will be enough for her to live fifty more times, so now is not the time to mourn for her at all, do you understand?!"

Cheng Rang raised his hand and pointed at Noretti, who was also a little distracted, and shouted: "And you, don't take the death of your teammates on yourself. Even if the fucking sky falls, I will still be your captain. Hold on! Even if you all die, I can defeat all the bosses in this continent and bring you back from the Palace of Hell! If the King of Hell doesn’t let you go, I will kill the King of Hell too! So I understand. No - cheer me up!"

"What are you afraid of? Why are you crying! If you can't forgive Liang Yilan, Qiansaki Mori, just pay back the life you owe her with your own hands. With this stronger belief, continue to walk forward with me!"

Chisaki Mori wiped her eyes hard, straightened her body like a steel nail, and shouted: "Yes!!"

Then, with Cheng Rang's calm voice, several people picked up Liang Yilan's body bit by bit from the battlefield, pieced it together, and put it into a special coffin.

According to Cheng Rang's explanation, although the player can be resurrected in the team conquest mode, the system will resurrect her in who knows where. Everyone has seen what happened in the cemetery before. If Liang Yilan's body is left here like this, it might turn into a monster if it is corroded by the red moon. So just put it away and take it away.

"In this way, she is traveling with us. The situation is special and this is just in case. Don't think it's okay."

"……how come!"

As long as they are not living things, they can be thrown into the system backpack. Although it takes up a lot of space, Chisaki Mori still took some things out of the backpack and handed them over to Cheng Rang and Noretti for safekeeping. He was responsible for carrying Liangyi Lan. coffin.

Lux was waiting quietly for them to finish handling the funeral affairs, and he had not disturbed them in any way until now.

At the place where the BOSS was evaporated, Cheng Rang lit up the second red moon emblem. During a short break, the three of them held a combat meeting.

"Now the team is temporarily missing one person. After this lesson, we must know how to deal with this situation if it happens again next time." Cheng Rang said: "Without the system support, I found that although we are in the same team, we still have a good relationship with each other. Our understanding of each other is still superficial. For example, Noretti went straight to kill the BOSS without knowing the detailed values ​​​​of my weapons. If Chisaki Mori and I hadn't reacted quickly, she would have been the first one killed."


In the team conquest mode, Cheng Rang encountered a situation that he had never experienced before. It was the weirdest among the weird. Just let the team members swap bodies, and under the guidance of the shielding system, the team's combat effectiveness will plummet to nothing.

If this BOSS had a slightly higher blood volume and a higher level, I'm afraid the entire Light Chaser team would be wiped out here, and even Cheng Rang would have no choice but to save himself.

Originally he thought he was strong enough to protect his team members from difficulties, but reality slapped him hard here.

"If we know each other thoroughly, have complete trust, and are familiar with each other's fighting habits and methods, maybe Liang Yilan will not die in battle."

If the tacit understanding between the team is so good that they can fight and cooperate with sufficient strength even using each other's bodies, then the BOSS with only level 500 just now will not be able to dance so much in front of the team with an average level of almost 1,000. joyous.

Even the unavoidable global attack in the second stage has a way to survive it without any damage.

"Although there isn't enough time for us to practice now, I would like to tell you all your trump cards. Yes, it's you, Lux. Turn around and don't eavesdrop."


Lux obediently led the horse to squat on the other side, and the remaining members of the light-chasing team began to tell their teammates all their secrets.

After ten minutes of candid conversation.

"at last

, I usually wear black underwear with lace. That's it, I'm done. "Noretti was sitting obediently by the bonfire. The light red light cast a halo on her calm face, and it was hard to tell whether she was blushing or not.

The expressions on the faces of Cheng Rang and Mori Chisaki at this moment can be described as subtle.

"Ahem! No, Miss Noretti, although you mentioned the previous fighting style, skills and habits in great detail, there is no need to tell us the last thing about what color underwear you usually like to wear. Bar!?"

"Don't you want to know the basics?" She tilted her head.

"——That doesn't mean you should also tell us the color you like to wear!"

"It doesn't matter, I trust you."

Cheng Rang and Mori Chisaki looked at each other, and they could see helplessness on each other's faces.

"Ahem, thank you, but what's going on with this sudden feeling of guilt...?"

Chapter 143: Sue Ming Crow to death? Kill him directly!

Chapter 1333 Chapter 143: Sue Death Crow? Kill him directly!

As the large elevator descended, everyone had arrived at the third underground floor of the prison in King Aifoghar.

Along the way, Chisaki Mori, who had been the most talkative before, lost someone to quarrel with, and the team suddenly seemed a little lifeless.

After the combat meeting, no one took the initiative to speak again. It seemed as if they had finished everything they said after that. The three of them followed Lux ​​towards the prison door.

Everyone has a suppressed fire in their heart, and they need to find an outlet to release it. Currently, there is only one outlet - clearing the underground prison of the royal city!

Lux naturally also felt this feeling like a light on his back. Being stared at by the three of them made his back numb. Fortunately, he was not their enemy now, but the monster in front of him...

It might be miserable.

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