I just want to be quiet

Chapter 1155: Deity to deity. (Second update! Please subscribe!)

The capital city, the "Nightmare" Immortal Temple.

The incense sticks were burning, and the cigarettes filled the hall.

Inside the shrine, the original painted clay statue moved slightly and instantly turned into the appearance of Pei Ling.

After he appeared, Spiritual Mind swept across the city in an instant, and immediately noticed that the entire capital was in chaos at this moment!

Pei Ling frowned, it really was a "depressed" breath, but why are there so many greedy slaves?

Just thinking about it, a figure flashed at the door, a pale white dress crossed the threshold, bowed and saluted, her long hair was like a waterfall, scattered all over the floor like water, and the blood pupils in her hair showed a respectful color, saying: "Lord."

Seeing "Ti", Pei Ling came back to his senses and immediately asked, "How much has Yu's cultivation recovered?"

"Ti" said: "Go back to the Lord, it has been transformed into a god."

Just a god...

Pei Ling nodded slightly, "Yu"'s current cultivation is not much different from his own.

But the location of the other party has already been exposed, as long as he stops his cultivation from continuing to recover, and after the pink bride is solved, he can arrange it immediately!

In the realm of the Spirit Transformation Stage, "Yu" can't stop Senior Sister Li and Yan Mingyu, especially Yan Mingyu's hand and his [Flag of Evil]...

Thinking of this, Pei Ling said immediately, "You can start now and go to the dead place of Zhang County."

"Find the tombstone in the 'Yu' territory and try to destroy it."

The tombstone is of great importance. "Yu" must be guarded by greedy slaves at the place of death in Zhang County.

"Ti" goes to attack the other's tombstone, which will definitely attract "Yu" to defend himself.

And now, Pei Ling doesn't need "Tiao" to break his tombstone successfully, as long as he can hold "Yu" temporarily.

Wait until Senior Sister Li and Yan Mingyu have solved the pink bride, and then concentrate on killing "Yu"!

"Tiao" did not hesitate at all, and saluted: "Yes!"

After thinking about it, she then said, "Lord, I have been protecting the living person according to the Lord's instructions during this period of time."

"But just now..."

"When the mortal emperor went to see the living man, something was wrong."


Pei Ling was stunned for a moment. So far, he has not met the emperor.

After all, there is already a "Tiao" in the capital on his behalf, and the capital of one dynasty, the important place in Gyeonggi, can move the whole body with a single stroke. In order to prevent chaos in the world, he has never made any big moves in the capital, and people hardly come here...

Thinking of this, Pei Ling suddenly asked: Is Ruan Xilu okay?

"Ti" said, "The living person is fine."

Pei Ling nodded, and then said, "I see."

"Deal with 'Yu' first, and you'll set off immediately."

"Cry" said: "Yes!"

Before he finished speaking, his figure had quietly dissipated.

In the empty main hall, only Pei Ling was left alone for a while.

His face was calm, and in his eyes, countless small and strange runes rose and intertwined, [Confused Soul Divine Ability]!

For a moment, all the greedy slaves in the city who were raging, like puppets hung by invisible threads, all stood still...


Desolate village ruins.

The gloomy and cold breath dissipated, and the long grass fell out in all directions.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the body surrounded by sword intent exploded from mid-air, blood rained down, **** aura flourished, and the terrifying impact roared through the entire world like a hurricane.

Li Lieyue was about to shoot the tombstone below, but was blocked again.

At the same time, Fu Xuanxu flew out and smashed to the ground heavily, blood gushing from his mouth, but he was already seriously injured.

In the middle of the air, Yan Mingyu, who was dressed in colorful clothes, frowned and slowly closed her hands.

The slap she just gave was to solve the "prisoner", but she didn't expect that at a critical moment, Senior Brother Fu stood in front of her.

If she hadn't withdrawn a considerable part of her strength in time, I'm afraid that Senior Brother Fu would have already stepped into the end of Senior Brother Zhongkui and Senior Brother Ning, and died on the spot!

At this time, the entire earth wriggled like running water.

The flesh and blood that Ning Wuye splattered all over the ground was quickly absorbed by the cemetery.

The aura of the pink bride and the "prisoner" has grown again, and it is only a thin line away from becoming a god.

Li Lieyue's face was expressionless, she directly lifted the white jade-like weed, and slammed her palm towards the solitary tombstone.

Fu Xuanxu, who was still on the ground and couldn't get up, suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura, and he used [End Dao Qingxian] impressively. His figure was as fast as lightning, with only a slight movement, he was already in front of the tombstone.

Seeing this scene, Yan Mingyu opened her lips slightly and raised her hand, but in the end she did nothing.

Senior Brother Fu has now been deceived by ghosts, and even if he stopped the demon girl himself, it would be meaningless.

More importantly, the rules of this world... people die, they can start all over again!

boom! ! !

The earth vibrated violently, and a huge deep pit appeared on the ground. The edge of the deep pit had traces of spider webs cracking towards the surrounding chap. For a while, the sky was dark, and the wind roared towards the surroundings.

Bright blood stains and meat glutinousness fluttered.

The aura of the pink bride and the "prisoner" has finally been successfully restored to the divine transformation!

Li Lieyue's expression was calm and unmoved.

Both are gods, these two ghosts are not her opponents!

Even if there are a few more fake Dao disciples who have self-destructed, it is just a futile struggle.

Li Lieyue stepped out one step, the wind was blowing behind him, and in the cold, a pair of black pupils gradually opened.

The smoky skirt swayed, and the ghost maid quietly walked out of the void and surrounded her.

Yan Mingyu looked at the "prisoner" coldly, and said indifferently: "Li Yaonu, you deal with the pink bride."

"Give me this one."

"I'm going to get rid of it myself!"

As he spoke, his whole body rose steadily, his long hair fluttered wildly, and the corners of his eyes and brows were filled with icy suffocating energy. In the void, a small pink silk umbrella appeared all over the sky like a dandelion.

Li Lieyue nodded slightly, the ghost maid beside her either covered her lips and chuckled, or looked around, or Pingting took a step... "Hee hee... hee hee... hee hee hee... hee..." In the cold snicker , have floated towards the pink bride.

At this time, the pink bride slowly raised her hand, flicking her fingers, and a huge ghost crawled out of the cemetery.

The ghost is as big as a mountain, strangely shaped, and its breath is extremely cold.

They raised their heads and let out a mournful roar, and greeted the ghost maid without any hesitation.

boom boom boom...

The war broke out in an instant!

A top silk umbrella was erratic and dense, and immediately flew towards the "prisoner".

"Prisoner" stood in the air, holding a grass cage in his left hand. In the cage, at some point, three phantoms with vague faces and the same appearance appeared.

The right hand slowly grabbed into the void.

The next moment, a forest-white human bone chain appeared in his palm.


The human bone chain slid in the palm of his hand, and soon pulled out a huge iron cage.

This iron cage seemed to cover the entire world, and when it appeared, it trapped Yan Mingyu and the umbrella shadows all over the sky.

The iron cage appeared, and it continued to shrink.

But before the iron cage was "prisoned" back into the palm of his hand, a light pink silk umbrella suddenly appeared on top of his head, covering it tightly.

The aura of "prisoner" suddenly became chaotic, and the next moment...


A flower branch quickly crossed, and the "prisoner"'s arms were immediately cut off by Qigen.

His arms were broken, and the grass cage and iron cage he was holding both fell to the ground.

When the grass cage fell, the three phantoms within it immediately disappeared. At the same time, Yan Mingyu, who was in the iron cage, also got out of trouble in an instant.

She held the handle of the umbrella and twisted it gently.

Umbrella shadows flying all over the sky, covering the "prisoner" completely in an instant...

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, all the umbrella shadows exploded in an instant.

After the flying sand and stones slowly fell, they saw that in the deep pit, the "prisoner" stood upright in a blood-colored cage that could only accommodate one person.

The cage was like a forging of flesh and blood, and the fences were intertwined with red and white, and they were still wriggling.

The "prisoner" stood in it, and at the broken arm, granulation quickly grew, staggered and long, but it was slowly growing its arms.

Yan Minghuan didn't give him a chance to breathe, and immediately thought about it and took out the [Flag of Evil]...

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