I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1215: Super genius

Zhou Wen still couldn't believe it: "A person's strength dared to contend with the entire federation, or in such a blatant situation?"

The old demon said indifferently: "Hui Haifeng only represents the federal government. Now there is not only the federal government on the earth, but also the Guardian Union, the Holy Spirit, overseas and other forces, and these forces need a resource exchange Place, this place is the underground trading market of Fireworks Lane. Here, as long as you have money, you can exchange anything you want. Even the six big families need some resources they do n’t have. It can balance all parties. Relationship, not many people have done this. You said that such a person, can the Hui family move? "

When the old demon said so, Zhou Wen understood that the faceless Buddha at Fireworks Lane represented not only himself, but also the guardian federation, the Holy Spirit, overseas, and even the federation's own interests.

Not to mention that the federal president does not mean that he controls the entire federal government. Even if he can truly control the federal government, he needs to consider carefully to use Fireworks Lane and Faceless Buddha.

However, going directly to the house to grab a woman, Zhou Wen still felt too outrageous, presumably there must be another reason for it.

"Who the **** is that A Cai? Why did the faceless Buddha rob her?" Zhou Wen asked.

"I'm afraid only the faceless Buddha knows it yourself, or you can also ask the people in the Hui family. But the faceless Buddha has issued an order not to allow anyone in the Hui family to enter Fireworks Lane, but he can do it when he says. At that time, there were people in the six major families who did not believe in evil and were beheaded in the fireworks lane. "The old demon glanced at Huiwan. Obviously, the Hui family he meant was Huiwan.

"The faceless Buddha is the big bad guy, he snatched Acai." Hui Wan gritted his teeth and said.

"I do n’t know if the faceless Buddha is a big bad guy, but since the faceless Buddha came to Fireworks Lane, this place was originally at the bottom of the society and was bullied everywhere. Now no one dares to bully us women casually, nor People dare to kill people for joy, "said the bunny girl seriously.

Zhou Wen could not help but be silent, he had heard some before, knowing that the bunny girl was very realistic.

Because the earth ’s abnormalities are getting worse and worse, and the living environment is getting worse, many women who ca n’t afford to protect themselves, and even have trouble getting food, have to do some special work.

However, because those who can come to enjoy this kind of place are those who have the ability, power, or money, coupled with too much mental pressure, under weak legal constraints, women are bullied and cannot receive money, even Being beaten and killed is a very common occurrence.

Not just holy cities, many human cities have the same problem.

"So, the faceless Buddha is still a good person." Zhou Wen said.

"Not a man, he is the Buddha of Fireworks Lane, the **** here." The bunny girl corrected seriously.

"It seems we really should go." Zhou Wen didn't want to get too involved in such complicated things, but just wanted to send Huiwan back safely.

"I won't go back if I don't see Acai." Huiwan insisted, but he was not like an ordinary child, but he was purely angry, and he also had his own thinking.

"I want to see the faceless Buddha and ask him how he would let A Cai, as long as he willing to let A Cai, so that I can pay any price, money or products researched by our family, within my ability. Within, he can take it. "Huiwan continued.

"So how big is your ability? How much do you have at your disposal?" Lao Yao looked at Huiwan with a scornful look and asked.

He doesn't think how much resources a five- or six-year-old child can have, even if his surname is Hui, even if he is Hui Haifeng's son, at most, he has saved some pocket money that ordinary children can't have.

If that money can settle the faceless Buddha, A Cai will not be forced to leave Hui's house.

It seems that Huiwan was really prepared. He opened his schoolbag and took out some documents and other things from it.

"These are the different-dimensional stocks I own in the Holy City, as well as some different-dimensional stocks in the North and South Districts, which were purchased from the six major families. As long as the six major families do not fail, the income should be very stable. There is also my company here, I occupy 73% of the shares ... "Huiwan introduced it briefly.

Everyone was stunned, and even his brother's look at Huiwan changed a bit. He picked up some documents and looked at it, and then said strangely, "These are true."

The old demon also picked up one of the materials and looked at it. At a glance, he suddenly yelled, "Is Dale Group company yours?"

Huiwan nodded: "Strictly speaking, after it was acquired half a year ago, it belongs to me."

Zhou Wen heard it, and was a bit surprised. The name of Daeraku Group, which he has really heard of recently, is that the main items are some associated pets and technology, such as the construction of some associated pet power stations. In terms of business, Anjia and Dawan Group have business cooperation. It can be said that this is a large group spreading across the Federation.

"You are still so young, you can rest assured to give you such a large group at home?" The bunny girl looked incredible, said Huiwan.

But Huiwan seriously corrected: "No, it wasn't given to me at home, I bought it myself."

"The money you bought is not in your house yet," said the old demon.

"No, my money was obtained through selling inventions and investments. Except for some experimental instruments and materials my mom gave me, I didn't take a penny at home." Huiwan said.

"What did you invent?" The old demon asked.

"The latest invention that has been brought to the market is called the Associated Egg Backpack. Have you heard of it?" Huiwan said.

"You invented the accompanying egg backpack?" The bunny girl and the old demon stared wide, and looked at Huiwan's eyes as if they were looking at monsters.

They really can't believe ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ That thing was invented by such a small child.

"If you don't believe me, you can look at the contracts I signed with the six major families, and the associated egg backpacks made by the six major families have purchased my technology." .

After the old demon watched them, when they went to see Huiwan, there was no way to see him as a child.

"As long as the faceless Buddha is willing, I can exchange all this for A Cai." Huiwan said.

"Although your sincerity is indeed sufficient, but there are some things, I am afraid that can not be solved by money, you still go quickly." Brother Niu said.

Zhou Wen naturally knows that if money can solve the problem, the faceless Buddha will not forcibly steal A Cai from Hui family.

"Why? These added values ​​can buy a half of the holy city, can't it satisfy the faceless Buddha?" Huiwan obviously didn't understand.

He may indeed be a super genius in some ways, but for the most part he is just a child.

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