I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1707: The whereabouts of the fairy sword

Pata was in a trance, and suddenly heard the phone ring, and subconsciously touched it and pressed the answer button.

"Pata, are you here yet? Where are you now, lend me the no-leak beetle." Caroman's eager voice came from the phone.

When Caroman talked about the No-Leaking Golden Tortoise, Pata became even more heartbroken. The blow was too great just now, and he hasn't recollected it yet. Now he is really sober, and even more heartbroken.

"Thanks to your sister, don't ask me for anything related to Zhou Wen in the future." Pata cursed, hung up the phone, and then turned off the phone.

Caroman was scolded inexplicably. He didn't know what was going on. He immediately dialed back, only to hear that the other party had shut down.

"What's the situation?" Caroman looked weird, recalling Pata's sentence "Don't find me for anything related to Zhou Wen in the future", he probably guessed something in his heart.

"This guy went to Zhou Wen? And also suffered a loss?" Carloman guessed part of it, although not all, but he was already a little scared.

"Although Pata's strength is a little bit worse, but after all, he has no leaking beetle protection, so he won't suffer a loss, but listening to Pata's tone, it seems that he has suffered a big loss, can it be said that no leaking beetle can't resist Zhou Wen The power of the taboo?" Caroman couldn't think of how, Pata even got the beetle without leakage by Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen is quite comfortable at home, watching the attributes of the non-leakage beetle.

Leakless beetle: natural disaster level (evolvable)

Fate: the body without leakage.

Soul of Life: Immortal and immortal.

Wheel of Fortune: All laws do not invade.

Fearing: King Kong does not fall (S grade).

Natural disaster domain: invincible (hell).

Strength: 200.

Speed: 200.

Physical fitness: 200.

Vitality: 200.

Talent skills: guarding, breaking the ban, exorcising evil, eternal.

Associated state: armor.

"I have just been promoted to the Hell Rank, and the attributes are still the initial attributes of the Hell Rank." Zhou Wen was not greedy enough, and originally wondered if the attributes of the No-Leaking Golden Turtle had reached the apex of the Hell Rank.

He also didn't want to think about where most people would get so many resources to feed the natural disaster-class companion pet, and Pata could get the non-leakage beetle to the **** level, which is already a bloodbath.

This is because he became the spokesperson and used most of the resources given by the different dimensional races to the non-leakage beetle. Otherwise, it would be difficult to say whether the no-leakage beetle could be promoted to natural disasters by himself.

Zhou Wen was a little curious as to whether the Golden Tortoise could withstand the power of the Master Domain, so he summoned it out and tried it, and found that this thing was really not afraid of the power of the Master Domain, or not completely afraid.

The division domain can also affect the non-leakage beetle, but it cannot be completely blocked.

Zhou Wen did not continue to study. The better the beetle is, the more uncomfortable he is. If this is really one of the three companion pets of the Little Buddha Temple, he will definitely be swallowed by the truth in the future. More uncomfortable.

"Let me see, is it you? I hope not." Zhou Wen summoned Di Ting, wanting to see if Di Ting would react to the No-Leak Golden Tortoise.

Die heard the golden tortoise without leakage, and a pair of golden eyes suddenly lit up. Before Zhou Wen could speak, the earrings on its ears shattered on their own, and soon turned into the appearance of a golden great ape. Leaky beetle.

"Really!" Zhou Wen was a little helpless, and simply ordered No-Leaking Golden Tortoise not to resist, and let Di Ting directly swallow No-Leaking Golden Tortoise.

After swallowing the truth of the golden tortoise, he automatically returned to Zhou Wen's body for the tattoo, no matter how Zhou Wen summoned it, he couldn't come out.

"This guy is becoming more and more willful, did he learn from the Devil Infant badly?" Zhou Wen muttered, and began to study the next target for promotion to natural disaster level.

At present, the only vitality tactics that have not been promoted to natural disaster level are "Devil God Ji" and "Demon God Inheritance Illustrated Record", Qizishan Zhouwen will definitely not go now, even if he wants to go, he will have to wait for Di listen to digest it.

"The origin of "Devil God Ji" is unknown, and I don't even know which of the gods' vitality tactics, but its attributes are related to space. Try it out in the dimension field of the space system." There is no particularly suitable copy on Zhou Wen's phone. , I can only go through the information, hoping to find a more suitable dimensional field.

Xianzu Xiandu Yulou.

"Where is the person I want?" A cold woman's voice came from the Yulou.

Wang Mingyuan sighed lightly: "I have handed the token to Zhou Wen. He has not come. Maybe he has made a decision, or maybe he hasn't thought about it yet."

"This is not the answer I want." The woman's voice does not contain the slightest emotion, and she can't hear any emotions, but she has a sense of awe after hearing it, as if she is listening to the teachings of the gods.

Wang Mingyuan was not afraid, and still calmly said: "He is just my disciple, not my son. Even if he is my son, he may not fully listen to me."

"If you can't do it, what's the use of keeping you?" The woman said lightly, but she seemed to have pinched Wang Mingyuan's life and death in her fingers.

"I know the whereabouts of that fairy sword." Wang Mingyuan didn't seem to care about life and death at all, still smiling.

"I hope that what you say next can get your life back." The woman said.

"The sword is in Kunlun Mountain." Wang Mingyuan replied.

"How do you know that the sword is in Kunlun Mountain?" The woman did not believe what Wang Mingyuan said.

"Saw it with my own eyes." Wang Mingyuan answered calmly.

"If you can see it, why don't you bring the sword back?" the woman asked again.

"I can see that I can't get it."


"The dimensional creatures of Kunlun Mountain are beyond my ability, and there is a phoenix guarding them beside the sword."

"Which kind of phoenix?" The woman asked strangely.

There are many mixed-blood dragon species, but the phoenix is ​​pure. I have never heard of the existence of different species of phoenix.

"Phoenix's Phoenix~www.ltnovel.com~Phoenix's Phoenix." Wang Mingyuan answered strangely.

The woman seemed to understand, and said thoughtfully: "That's no wonder, it's really not what you can do."

After a pause, the woman said again: "If you were to go to Kunlun Mountain again, would you be able to find the sword?"

"If you just look at it, you can lead the way at any time, and it will live up to the expectations of Xianzun." Wang Mingyuan smiled.

The meaning in his words is also very clear, let him lead the way, but let him take the sword, that is absolutely impossible.

"You only need to lead the way, and someone will naturally take the sword." The woman said.

"Always listen to Xianzun's dispatch." Wang Mingyuan said.

"You stay in the fairy clan and take orders, someone will inform you when the time comes." The woman said, there was no voice.

Wang Mingyuan saluted slightly, then turned and left Xiandu Yulou.

Inside the Xiandu Yulou, a woman in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, as if thinking about something important.

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