I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1729: Chaotic egg break

     The Chaos Egg just wrapped Zhou Wen's body, and it suddenly sank without warning. It seemed that something was squeezing the Chaos Egg from all directions, causing the Chaos Egg to continuously twist and deform, like a balloon that would explode at any time.

Seeing the crystals of vitality appearing crazily in the Chaos Egg, Zhou Wen secretly applauded the danger. He could not sense the existence of that sword qi at all. If it hadn't been for the intuition and the existence of the Chaos Egg that had been cultivated over the years, he would have been horrified. His sword energy was hit hard.

   The woman was also a little surprised when she saw that her emptiness of sword aura could not pierce the Chaos Egg.

   "See how long you can hold on." The emptiness of the sword from the woman rolled out, trying to explode the Chaos Egg forcibly.

   But no matter how fierce her sword aura is, there is no defense that can break the Chaos Egg.

   "Sure enough, the earth has not completely broken the ban, and her power has been suppressed to a certain extent, and it is still within the scope of the natural disaster grade." Zhou Wen saw that the Chaos Egg had blocked the void sword energy, and he was relieved a lot.

   "Your Excellency, play slowly, you won't be accompanied by me." Zhou Wen said that he wanted to go down the mountain.

"It can block the Void Sword Qi. Your power should belong to Chaos. It is a pure defensive type of vitality tactics that can cultivate the chaotic attribute of vitality tactics to this level. I am afraid that it is only you who can cultivate multiple vitality qi at the same time. Talents with tactics can do it." The woman said, but her tone became stronger, and she continued: "It's a pity that you are just a natural disaster after all, and the level of exposure is too low."

When    spoke, the invisible and invisible sword energy suddenly changed, no longer directly attacking the Chaos Egg, but quickly revolving around the Chaos Egg.

   Although the Chaos Egg has amazing defensive power, it does not have any destructive power. It is wrapped in sword energy and rotates, where it can rush out.

   not only couldn't rush out, but was even forced to spin together by the power of sword energy.

   The chaotic egg rotation has no effect on Zhou Wen inside, but being trapped here and unable to leave is obviously not good news for Zhou Wen.

   "The level of natural disasters is still low, so you are at the end of the world? But it seems that the end of the world is nothing more than this. What if you can keep me here?" Zhou Wen said tentatively.

The woman said contemptuously: "Chaos is the source of heaven and earth, seamless without cracks, without beginning and without cracks, it is an uncuttable whole, and all the laws of the world are unbreakable. If you face only ordinary people, no one can break it. It’s a pity that you met the deity. What about the one yuan of chaos, not to mention your little chaos body, even if it was the chaos that day, it was broken by the supreme power. Today, the deity will slash the chaos and do that. It's something that breaks the ground."

As soon as the voice fell, the Void Sword Qi that was rotating around the Chaos Egg split into two, one Sword Qi wrapped around the Chaos Egg and turned forward, the other Sword Qi wrapped around the Chaos Egg and turned back, one forward and the other reversed. Pulling the Chaos Egg to rotate in two different directions.

   Zhou Wen's face changed slightly, and he immediately understood what the woman wanted to do.

   The Chaos One Yuan is an indivisible whole, so the Chaos Egg is unbreakable, even if it is stronger than Zhou Wen, it is difficult to break it by force.

But there is no real chaotic unity in this world, just like microscopic particles. Every time people think that a certain particle is the smallest inseparable particle, with the development of science and technology, they will find that it is not the real smallest. It is not truly indivisible.

   What the woman does is to forcibly add Yin and Yang to the Chaos Egg. When the Chaos Egg is divided into Yin and Yang, it is no longer an unbreakable whole.

   It was almost impossible to do this kind of thing, but the emptiness of a woman's sword aura is also a chaotic attribute, making the impossible possible.

   Of course, the main reason is that the original level of women is too high, and they are at a level far above Zhou Wen, and their understanding of chaos is beyond Zhou Wen's ability.

   If Zhou Wen's understanding of chaos can reach the same height as a woman, then whether the chaos egg will be changed by the void sword aura depends on whose power is stronger.

   Although Zhou Wen has realized the problem, it is already a little late.

With the continuous two-way rotation of Void Sword Qi, cracks appeared on the distorted Chaos Egg. The cracks showed a strange symmetry and looked extremely beautiful, but for Zhou Wen, they were fatal. Blow.

   This is the first time the Chaos Egg has been torn from the front. Even if the Chaos Egg is exploded in the past, it is also burst, and has never been torn directly from the outside.

   Zhou Wen couldn't help sighing that knowledge is power. Although the power of both people is at the natural disaster level, Zhou Wen's body has not reached the natural disaster level, and all aspects are slightly smaller, but the gap has not reached the degree of crushing, and the gap in knowledge is fatal.

   Seeing more and more cracks on the Chaos Egg, Zhou Wen felt extremely calm in his heart.

   Fighting is always changing rapidly, anything can happen.

   It is terrifying that the strong can control the battle between the hands, but if they don't have the ability to deal with various emergencies, they will not be regarded as the top existence after all.

   Although Zhou Wen is far inferior to women in terms of knowledge, the art of fighting is invariable, and some of the most basic things cannot be violated.

   "Since my level of knowledge is not as good as yours, then turn your knowledge into my knowledge." Zhou Wen has been opening the teacher domain, analyzing the emptiness of a woman's sword spirit.

   If the other abilities of the fairy clan are changed, it is only the division of the Hell Rank that may not be able to analyze it~www.ltnovel.com~ But the Void Sword Qi, like the Chaos Egg, is a chaotic power.

   In addition, the woman just said some key information, let Zhou Wen understand the key point, Shiyu's analysis of Void Sword Qi is much faster than usual.

   Even if it is analyzing some ordinary natural disaster-level biological abilities, it will not be as fast as it is now.

   If a woman knew that the words she just said would have such a significant influence on Zhou Wen, she would not say so much nonsense anyway.

   The power of Void Sword Qi was born in nothingness. Like chaos, it is the power of the time when the heaven and the earth are not opened. Said it is Sword Qi, it can actually be transformed into any form.

   It can be a wall, a shield, or even a palace. As long as a woman needs it, it can change into any shape with her heart.

   "Nothingness does not mean that there is really nothing, nothingness itself is a kind of existence..." As more and more rules were analyzed by the teacher domain, Zhou Wen's understanding of nothingness sword energy became deeper and deeper.

   "It's still a bit worse, Chaos Egg hold on!" Shi Yu has not yet fully analyzed the emptiness of sword qi, and the rule chain is not complete yet and cannot be turned into a vitality tactic.

   But Chaos Egg couldn't hold on anymore, and was twisted to pieces under the emptiness of the sword aura, and Zhou Wen's body was instantly exposed.


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