I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1760: The King Bathed in Light

The weird white light fell from the sky, as if there was no process at all. It fell directly on Zhou Wen, without any room to escape, let alone Zhou Wen's current speed, even if his speed was ten times faster, it would be difficult to avoid this emergence out of thin air. White light.

   Zhou Wen didn't panic in his heart. Now he is no longer the weak person who didn't understand anything and was always worried. He already has a set of his own knowledge framework in his mind, and he can analyze and judge various unknown forces based on his own knowledge framework.

   Like this kind of force that directly acts on the body and cannot be avoided at all, it cannot be a force that directly kills, or even a damage skill.

   Sure enough, the white light fell on Zhou Wen and did not hurt his body, but it made Zhou Wen's legs trembled and his knees bend involuntarily as if being suppressed by the mountains.

   In an instant, Zhou Wen already knew what power this was. He was half right. It was indeed not a direct death power, but this power would still hurt his body. He was so familiar with this kind of power, he didn't know how many times he had seen it.

   That is the power similar to the sigh of the king, no, to be precise, it should be similar to the power of the weird woman who lives in his body through the sigh of the king.

  Because a woman has no entity, she naturally cannot control the power of materialization. This white light, like the woman who Wang Zhi sighs, is pure consciousness.

   In this world, consciousness is one of the most mysterious things. Even at Zhou Wen's level, it is impossible to turn consciousness into an entity, even if you want to control a piece of paper to fly with your consciousness.

   No matter how strong the will is, it can only control one's own body, and cannot influence other people.

   Other skills that seem to use consciousness to control power are nothing more than conscious power controlling some kind of power in the body, not pure conscious power.

Just like the sword intent, the sword intent is a mixture of sword power and consciousness. It is not pure consciousness. Such sword intent can only affect the opponent's consciousness, but cannot produce actual material. hurt.

   But Zhou Wen has seen two and a half people who can truly turn consciousness directly into substance and can act on foreign objects.

   One is the woman who is sighing Wang Zhi, and the other is this white light. The reason there is half of it is because Zhou Wen himself is not sure whether that person is using pure consciousness.

   That half is the Emperor. She can make her wish come true. Zhou Wen believes that the wish itself should be a consciousness, but he is not sure if it is, so it can only be counted as half.

The consciousness of this white light was not weaker than the sigh of Wang Zhi that Zhou Wen had seen, and even stronger. Coming across the space, he was able to press his legs to bend, and he was about to kneel to the ground, possessing this consciousness. The existence of force is simply unimaginable powerful.

   "Are the eschat-level powerhouses so terrifying?" Zhou Wen was shocked, he had exhausted all his strength, but his knees still fell to the ground quickly.

   In fact, not all eschatological grades have such consciousness power, or it can be said that there are very few creatures in eschatological grades that can reach this level of consciousness.

   Hard-willedness and consciousness turned into tangible power, which are completely two different magnitudes. No matter how firm Zhou Wen's willpower is, he can't stop the bending of his legs.

   Watching Zhou Wen's legs bend, Xunji secretly said in his heart: "I want to be my Xunji teacher, and I want to be worshipped by me, I'm afraid you don't have that order."

   Tracking is of course very clear, like the unnamed god's almost god-like weapon, how arrogant is his pride, how can he tolerate his contractor bowing his head to any other creatures.

After    three prayers, Zhou Wen was already a dead person in Xun Mi's eyes.

"I gave you a chance. It was you who chose to let me apprentice. You can't blame me if you die. But if you can die under the power of the unnamed god, you can be considered dead, not an eschatological existence, unnamed The God of God didn't bother to have any reaction at all." Xunji thought this way, but she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She didn't have a murderous intention at first, but was forced to this point, and she bowed down in anger. Seeing Zhou Wen who was about to kneel down, he said inwardly: "Don't want to be someone else's teacher in your next life, let alone be my Xunji teacher."

Li Xuan, Feng Qiuyan, Mingxiu, and Qin Zhen who are close to Zhou Wen are all top combat power among human beings, but just the aftermath of the white light makes them stand still and unable to move. No matter how hard they struggle, it will be difficult. Movable.

   It's not just them. In fact, in the entire Guide Mansion, everyone can't move. The humans with less strength and willpower are directly pressed on the ground.

   Feng Qiuyan, Mingxiu and the others also fought desperately against the force, but their knees had fallen to the ground, and their hands were still hard to fight against the ground, and their bodies were about to lie on the ground.

   Li Xuan stood still, his legs didn't bend, he just heard his bones crack and the broken bones were pierced out of the flesh.

   Qin Zhen used the sword to prop up the ground and forcibly kept herself from kneeling, but the sword was quickly pressed into the ground, her body quickly approached the ground, and she had to lie down.

   How can the unnamed **** exist? His contractor is kneeling on the ground, how can other people stand, let alone standing, even kneeling.

   Kneeling while looking for a trace, then everyone can only throw five bodies.

   And this is just the aftermath of the consciousness power, Zhou Wen who is confronting the consciousness power, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com has not yet touched the ground with its knees, and its strength and will are far beyond that of everyone, but it is still not enough to fight against that power.

   Xunji closed her eyes, she had already anticipated the ending, and didn't want to see Zhou Wen's horror being completely destroyed by her consciousness.

Xunji closed his eyes and waited for the sound of broken bones and blood splashing, but after waiting for a while, only the sound of the people next to him hitting the ground was heard, but the knees and the ground were never heard where Zhou Wen was standing. The sound of the impact, not to mention the broken bones she imagined.

   "Could it be that it was because of the anger of the unnamed **** who had been exposed to the anger of the unnamed god, and the body was completely destroyed to ashes before it reached the ground?" Xun Mi could not help but open his eyes and look at the location of Zhou Wen.

   In the next second, after looking for a clear sight, his eyes opened wide, as if he had seen a ghost, his face was filled with consternation and disbelief.

   Zhou Wen was not destroyed into ashes as she imagined, nor did she kneel down on the ground as she thought before. Zhou Wen actually stood there, with some bent knees before, but now they are straight.

   is not just his knees, even his spine is straight, even his head is high, showing no sign of falling.

   Zhou Wen stood there straight, gazing at the void with his head high, like a king bathed in sacred light.


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