I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly

Chapter 1762: My world has no end

"How would you choose to live and create miracles?" The woman's voice echoed in Zhou Wen's mind.

"I choose to live and create miracles." Zhou Wen said calmly.

The woman gave Zhou Wen a frame, but Zhou Wen didn’t believe that this frame was really an iron rule that could not be detached. Both paths were just the route set by the woman herself. Why should he choose according to the route set by the woman?

The two paths women so called are not the best choice for Zhou Wen.

"To survive and create miracles, you can only choose one of the two, there is no third way," the woman said.

"That's your way, not mine." Zhou Wen said.

"Oh, then tell me, what is your way?" the woman asked.

"My path, nothing is absolute, no matter whether it is a girl or any weapon, it will not become a necessary existence for me." Zhou Wen said.

"You mean, if you don't kill the girl, you won't take that weapon?" The woman frowned.

"No, I will do my best to seize that weapon, but even if I don't get it, it's not a dead end for me." Zhou Wen said firmly.

"Speak clearly." The woman asked.

"As long as I am not dead, there is no end to my world." Zhou Wen said every word.

"Is there no end?" The woman chewed on what Zhou Wen said, her voice gradually becoming a little strange: "Even such a supreme existence is not the end for you? Do you still want to be an existence beyond him? Really ignorant It’s meaningless, I’m afraid you don’t even know what kind of existence it is, but if I like it, let me see where your end point is."

Following the woman's voice, her consciousness suddenly rose, erupting like a volcanic eruption.

Looking at Zhou Wen with a weird expression, Zhou Wen had stood for a few seconds in the white light consciousness that had turned into substance, but he still had a calm expression, as if he hadn't suffered any damage.

The human beings beside him, such as Feng Qiuyan and Mingxiu, were already five-body thrown on the ground, lying on the ground unable to move under pressure.

"How is it possible! He could actually resist the will of the unnamed god?" Xun Mi felt incredible in her heart, and the next second, her eyes reflected the splendor of fireworks, making Xun Mi's eyes widened to the limit.


As if an invisible force spewed from Zhou Wen's body, the white light enveloped him burst into pieces, splashing around like fireworks, and then disappeared.

The horrible white beam of light seemed to be pierced from the bottom up by a general sharp blade, and it collapsed in an instant, turned into scattered streamers, and finally disappeared.

"The will of the unnamed **** was actually defeated." Xun Mi could hardly believe her eyes. In the brilliant white streamer, Zhou Wen's figure was like a **** or a ghost, and it seemed to cover Xun Mi's eyes. I can't see clearly how to look at the fog.

As the white beam of light collapsed and disappeared, the extremely black sky also regained the blue sky and white sun, no longer the previous weirdness.

The residents of Guide Mansion who were suppressed to the ground disappeared without any pressure, and stood up one by one.

Xunji raised his face and looked at Zhou Wen in a daze. He didn't recover for a long while.

In the different dimension, the pupils of the trajectory holy master shrank sharply, and his face showed a look of horror that had not been seen in thousands of years.

In the forbidden area of ​​the six races, the white light vertical eyes of the stone statue burst open, and the white light was lost in an instant, and the previous cracks were restored. On both sides of the vertical marks, many small cracks appeared, like spiders. The net is generally distributed.

"The consciousness of the unnamed **** has been swallowed. It's impossible. How could there be such a terrifying life form on the earth. Could it be that the one of the immortal clan disappeared on the earth because" the locus of the holy master's mind flickered, for a time It's hard to be self-sustaining.

Zhou Wen narrowed his gaze and looked at the Kneeling Seeker who was still kneeling in front of him, and said in his heart: "Why do you say that the weapon is the supreme existence? Isn't it clear that you are inferior to you? What on earth are you? Why did you become my destiny? That mystery. Where did the celestial scripture come from?"

The things he thought in his heart did not get a response from the woman again. Wang Zhi sighed and his fate had already converged, and there was no more movement, like death.

Suddenly, Zhou Wen thought of something. Since he had the king's sigh life style, no matter how powerful the existence, he could not make him kneel. Only once, he kneeled.

At the beginning, Zhou Wen thought it was the Demon Infant that cooperated with Suona too well, so Wang Zhi sighed and didn't respond.

But now it seems that he underestimated the power of Wang Zhi's sigh. The reason why he would kneel down is probably not because the woman knew she couldn't stop Zhou Wen from kneeling, so she didn't show up.

In terms of a woman's performance of defeating that consciousness, I am afraid that even if she wants to kill the demon infant who possesses the suona, it will only be a matter of thought. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

"Could it be that?" Zhou Wen thought of a possibility, and his expression became more and more weird.

If it wasn't because the power of the Demon Infant and Suona was too strong, then it seemed that there was only one possibility left, and that was that Zhou Wen had to kneel at the time, and even Wang Zhi sighed without stopping them.

"Will this reason be the corpse?" Zhou Wen could only think of such a possibility after thinking about it. At that time, other than the corpse, he really couldn't think of anything nearby that would make Wang Zhi sigh. No reaction to his kneeling.

"Are you really a human being?" The trace-seeking voice interrupted Zhou Wen's thoughts. She looked at Zhou Wen and her eyes became confused.

From small to large, the thoughts that the Holy Master of Track instilled in Xunji are the unnamed gods, which are invincible. Once she truly masters the unnamed gods, then she can rule the world, even if it is the resurrection of the immortal clan, She also doesn't think she will lose.

However, the consciousness of the unnamed **** would be defeated, which completely subverted her worldview and made her confidence in herself and the unnamed **** shaken.

"Since you have already worshiped me as a teacher, you must be aware of etiquette and obey the rules, do you want the teacher to know in the future?" Zhou Wen said lightly while looking at Xun Mi.

His conviction in the search was shaken, and he couldn't think of anything to refute Zhou Wen for a while, but looked at him blankly, as if he had tacitly agreed.

Suddenly, the light of the Rubik's Cube bloomed, and there was another creature breaking through the barrier. Zhou Wen turned his head and saw that it was another human being who had broken through the barrier, and he was quite familiar with this person.

A white robe is casually draped over the body, revealing a little white and solid chest, his head is full of long hair, and a sheathed long sword is casually placed on his shoulders. The whole person looks like a lazy and wild taste. He didn't come to break through the barriers, but to bask in the sun on vacation.

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