Although they were not on the side of Shitai, Mexis was too big, and the people on the side of Shitai also saw the horrible body of the giant god.

When Zhou Wen saw the King of Emperor, his eyes suddenly turned on. He had smelled the breath of the guardian. There was no doubt that it was another guardian.

Those great god-level guardians, Zhou Wen still can't do it now, but not every guardian is so strong. Maybe this giant **** emperor has the same strength as the six-winged angel?

Zhou Wen also wanted to take a closer look, but Mexis had already taken the Guardian back.

Zhou Wen thought for a moment, and suddenly frowned, secretly: "Wouldn't that guy want to use the power of the guardian to move the magic grave? Isn't that to death?"

The guardians came to earth to fight on behalf of different heterogeneous races, and they are hostile to each other. Now use one guardian to bombard another sleeping place of the guardian, and use his buttocks to know what will happen next.

There is no doubt that the goddess sleeping in the devil's grave will probably run away in all likelihood. At that time, I am afraid that it is not only Zhangjia that is unlucky. Everyone must die.

Zhou Wen didn't want to die, let alone Zhang Yu caused his family to die, so he was already thinking about how he could stop the guardian if he really agreed to let that guardian bombard the tomb.

Zhang Siyou is still considering Charlie and Meses' proposal. It seems that two different schemes can be tried, but at the same time it is difficult to say which one will really work.

Both Charlie and Mexis are arguing, and both hope that the Zhang family can use their own solution.

"Spring and Autumn, what do you think?" Zhang Siyou asked Zhang Chunqiu looking.

When Zhang Chunqiu was a teenager, he had helped the family guard the magic grave, and Zhang Siyou intentionally cultivated him as the next generation of master of the Zhang family. At this time, he asked Zhang Chunqiu not only to know his opinions but also to compare them. his meaning.

Zhang Chunqiu thought about it and said to Zhang Siyou, "I believe, if I can, I can listen to more plans before making a decision."

"Unfortunately, no one except us has been able to find the mask in the tomb, let alone remove it without damaging the tomb." Meses said.

Zhang Siyou looked at Zhang Chunqiu thoughtfully and asked, "Are there any other plans?"

Zhang Chunqiu said quickly: "Zhou Wen, who came from Luoyang's home, also has a plan that can solve the problem of the magic tomb. Tianshi may wish to listen first."

"Is that the child of Yuzhi?" Zhang Siyou obviously knew who Zhou Wen was.

"Yes, Yuzhi has a good relationship with Zhou Wen. He has also rescued Zhou Wen. He is not malicious to the Zhang family." Zhang Chunqiu said.

"Then invite him to come and talk about his plan." Zhang Si thought for a while and thought.

Zhang Chunqiu hastened to find Zhou Wen, Zhang Chunqiu left, Charlie said, "Tian Master, then Zhou Wen is just a little bit of luck. You won't really believe what he said, so important Leave it to him to do it? This is a major event that affects the fate of the Zhang family.

"It's okay to listen to more opinions. In the end, whoever's plan is better, use the one." Zhang Siyou said calmly.

Seeing Zhang Siyou had made a decision, neither Charlie nor Mexis said anything.

Zhang Chunqiu met Zhou Wen and told the details. He still believes in Zhou Wen. After all, Zhou Wen not only saw the mask, but also knew that there was a monster under the mask, and the lower puppet.

And Charlie and Meses just found the top mask.

If you really want to try, Zhang Chunqiu is more willing to believe in Zhou Wen.

"They only found the mask, not to mention whether they can remove it, even if it can be removed, the monsters below are still there, it's no use just removing the mask." Zhou Wen paused, and said solemnly to Zhang Chunqiu: " And I suspect that the following maggot is actually a guardian. What is the relationship between the guardians? We do n’t know if they are hostile to each other. If you let Mexis use the guardians to bomb the tomb, I'm afraid it will cause big trouble. "

Zhang Chunqiu frowned when he heard this, and asked, "Are you sure that you are the guardian?"

"There is no way to be sure, after all, I can only see a part through the ability to see through, but it looks like I am really a guardian." Zhou Wen said.

"If there is such a possibility, then you can't let Mexis try anyway, you can't take such a risk." Zhang Chunqiu already had a decision in his heart, and said Zhou Wen, "You go with me to heaven first. , You try your best to get the chance, and I will help you. "

"Okay." Zhou Wen agreed and went to Zhang Siyou with Zhang Chunqiu.

"Zhou Wen has seen Heaven Master." Zhou Wen salutes Zhang Siyou.

The hero king of the Zhang family was the first of the six heroes. Now every Zhang family master has a special status in the Federation. Even members of the six major families are respectful in front of the master ~ ~ Dare not to have the slightest neglect.

"You are Yuzhi's friend. You don't need to be polite with me. I often hear Yuzhi mention you, and now it looks like a young hero." Zhang Siyou looked at Zhou Wen and continued: "I heard that you also have the effect of eliminating the grave Method, can you elaborate? "

"My method is actually very simple. It is to dig up the magic tomb and kill the dimension creatures inside, so that we can completely solve the problem of the magic tomb." Zhou Wen said.

As soon as this word came out, not only did many Zhang family members frown, Charlie even said dismissively: "If you can dig up the magic grave and use the Zhang family's means and capabilities, why bother you?"

Zhang Siyou did not directly deny Zhou Wen, but just looked at Zhou Wen and said, "Why do you talk about it, why do you have to dig the magic grave?"

Zhou Wen said calmly: "I have a kind of perspective skills. I can probably see that the magic tomb is divided into three layers, the first layer has a mask, the second layer is a monster, and the third layer is the creature guarded by the aristocracy. If To completely solve the problem of the magic tomb, it is necessary to remove both the mask on the first layer and the monsters on the second layer. Without the excavation of the magic tomb, I really cannot afford to remove both. "

"It's ridiculous. The Zhang family has the power of heavenly eyes. Even the Zhang family can't see through the scene in the magic grave, but you can see clearly and understand that it is divided into three layers. Is your power of perspective better than Zhang's? Is Tianyan still awesome? I'm afraid I didn't eavesdrop on what we said, knowing that there is a mask in the devil's grave, and use the news to make a frightening sound, and want to make a profit from it? "

"Tianshi will know whether it is true or not." Zhou Wen also did not argue with Charlie and turned to Zhang Siyou. "Tianshi, if you want me to do it, you must dig up the magic grave. There is no other way. method."

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