"Isn't it convenient for us to come forward?" Xu Ai frowned.

"The person in front of the house has already found a good person, but that broken creature, you have to take the initiative to solve it, other people's ability can not do it." Said the female guard.

"Now there is no progress here, and I am not suitable to stay in the home for too long, so as not to be seen by them, just go out for a walk." Xu Ai thought for a while.


Zhou Wen took Geer to Qizi Mountain. He didn't go to the station either. He went directly around Qizi Mountain and found a hidden recess.

"I don't know if I can bring the alchemist to this stuff." Zhou Wen took out the pots and medicines, opened the lid and set them on the ground.

Then he took out the copper ball and injected energy into the copper ball.

After the copper ball absorbed the vitality, it started to light up, and after a while, it looked like a red iron ball.

The copper ball itself seems to be a fire property. As long as the vitality is injected, the copper ball will generate heat, but that's all. It has no special purpose.

Zhou Wen has tried many times before. Now think about it, the alchemist can find him, it may be related to this copper ball. It seems that it was not long before he took the copper ball out to test, the alchemist came to the door.

Sitting on the ground, Zhou Wen kept injecting energy into the copper ball to keep it burning.

Vitality is not worth much to Zhou Wen, and he is almost inexhaustible in the state of the killer.

Although it is not known whether the alchemist will be attracted or when he will come, Zhou Wen is ready to escape at any time.

Both the Earthen Beast and the Hearing were on standby at all times, and the Demolition Demon was sent out by Zhou Wen, and a large number of punctual bombs were set up nearby.

In some hidden places, Zhou Wen also arranged a lot of maggots accompanying pets.

He brushed a lot of maggots in the Valley of Non-Return, at which time it came in handy. Even in the river of Qizi Mountain, Zhou Wen had cast a lot of ancient maggots.

Do not seek to kill the alchemist, as long as you can hold him, or find him in advance.

"Well, what is this?" Zhou Wen suddenly noticed that something strange happened to the copper ball.

Because of the long-term injection of energy to burn, the entire copper ball has become golden yellow, but in the golden yellow, there is a touch of purple flowing.

The smoky purple light was flowing constantly in the copper ball, and its flow was very regular.

Zhou Wen looked at it for a while, and more and more I felt that the purple color was strange. The purple color seemed to have life. Wherever it passed, the vitality there would disappear, making the copper ball that was originally burned golden cooled a lot.

Zhou Wen tried to inject some more vitality, and the result is still the same. No matter how much vitality Zhou Wen injected, the purple color will absorb most of it, keeping the copper ball at a temperature that is not too high or too low.

"Can the purple be a kind of dimension creature? Or is this copper ball itself a dimension creature?" Zhou Wen wasn't sure, and observed for a while, seeing that purple was just swimming inside the copper ball, and Very regular, it should not seem to rush out.

"What is the use of the copper ball? Is it part of the real stove of the sun?" Zhou Wen was puzzled, and wanted to ask Liu Yun to ask for it, but he didn't know where Liu Yun was.

"Liu Yun said that there are two copper balls. If he can find him, maybe he can figure out what the use of this thing is." Zhou Wen observed for a while and saw that there was no other special reaction, so he no longer paid attention to it.

The layout around is almost the same. Zhou Wen let Yan Ting keep paying close attention to the surroundings. The earth-walking beast is under his buttocks and can be walked away at any time.

Take out your phone and continue to flash the game copy.

Buer, holding a cell phone bought by Zhou Wen, is learning human languages ​​and characters.

"Ah ... oh ... uh ... by ... 唔 ... fish ..." Buer followed the mobile phone software and studied it a little bit, without impatient.

After two days in a row, there was no movement. When Zhou Wen thought that things like copper **** and Dan furnace were useless, he suddenly felt in his heart that something was wrong.

With almost no hesitation, Zhou Wen picked up Buer and went straight into the sky.

Just after Zhou Wen had risen into the air, he saw that the body of the Tuxedo bounced directly from the ground if it was struck by lightning, and thunder and lightning fluttered from his body.

Underneath the earth-walking beast, the old alchemist broke out of the ground, staring coldly at Zhou Wen in the air, grasping him like a teleportation.

Zhou Wen directly took back the injured earth-moving beast, turned the ring of the civilization kingdom on his finger, and rushed towards the chessboard mountain not far away.

Zhou Wen didn't know what had played a role, and now he can't even consider it. When the teleportation came out, he had reached the river over Qizi Mountain.

The old man of Fang Shi even ignored the danluo and elixir on the ground, his body flickered, and he disappeared suddenly, seemingly to catch up.

Zhou Wen thought, no matter how terrible his soil was, it would never be possible to come out of the water directly, and flew along the river to Qizishan.

Who knows that the river below suddenly exploded the water waves, and the figure of the elderly Fang Shi condensed from the water waves ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ again grabbed Zhou Wen.

"This guy still has water leeches ... Isn't he proficient in the five elements?" Zhou Wen's least favorite is the guy who meets these fine passages.

An epic Yadi avatar puppet is very difficult to deal with, and the old Fangshi old man is much more difficult than that Yadi avatar puppet.

Fortunately, the old man Alchemist was not strong enough to interrupt the teleportation. Zhou Wen had teleported for six times in a row, and he had reached the vicinity of the mountain wall of Qizi Mountain, and he could clearly see the flower on the mountain wall.

"Master, save your life." Zhou Wen felt that she was better to be honest in front of Master. If she refused to show up, it would not be too late to rush straight into Lutai.

However, the flowers on the mountain wall did not respond, and the alchemist behind him had caught up, and Zhou Wen could only teleport again.

This time the teleportation came out, Zhou Wen had reached the front of the mountain wall, but the small flowers on the mountain wall were still not moving. Zhou Wen had to summon the earth beast, and he was going to forcibly pass through the mountain wall and use the soil to enter Lutai. Lead the old man Fang Shi to the nine-tailed demon fox.

The old man Fang Shi seemed to have some fears about Qizishan, but after seeing that nothing happened around him, he caught up again.

At this moment, the small flower on the mountain wall suddenly lifted the bud, and a petal fell and dissipated.

As the petal disappeared, the old Fang Shi rushed to Zhou Wen, and his body suddenly stopped in place. It felt like a horse running at full speed, nailed in place, from movement to silence. There is no buffer in the middle.

"Wish! What kind of **** is your lord? In the Xiaxian tribe, there is no intention to offend." The old Fang Shi looked at the flower on the mountain wall in horror.

"You also deserve to call yourself the Immortal? But it's just a rat-in-a-life rat." The voice of the Emperor came from Xiaohua.

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