Chapter 259 Dispute! (seven more, third, ask for votes)


“Yes, the judge’s son has to bear all this. Since he is the judge’s son, then his fate is inseparable from these things.”

“Soon, the world will change drastically. If he doesn’t have the ability to protect himself, how can he survive?”

Facing Ma Xiaoling’s words, Wang Zuer continued to retort: ​​”Your Honor has done so much, can’t his son live safely?”

“Don’t you cultivators have the obligation to protect him? Except for his status as the son of a judge, he is also a citizen of our country!”

“Why do you have to push him down this road? Have you forgotten what the judge said in the car?”

“He said that if he had a choice, he would not embark on this path. Do you want his son to do the same?”

The movement of Ma Xiaoling’s hand stopped, her eyes were very lost.

“You’re right, I don’t want to impose this on a child.”

“But do you know how much I miss him? How much I wish I could see him again one day. Seeing this child, I seem to have seen the reincarnation of the judge.”

“So in any case, the little judge must go this way.”

“The son inherits his father’s deeds, the principle of heaven is revolving, and no one can change it!”

Ma Xiaoling’s eyes were a little red, which was obviously a sign of enchantment.


“Ma Xiaoling, I think you are wishful thinking. With me here, I will never let you succeed!”

“Little judge, let’s go.”

It was said that Wang Zuer was about to take the little judge to leave, but Ma Xiaoling immediately blocked her way.

“Wang Zuer, there is no problem if you want to leave, but the little judge must stay here.”

“Then what if I have to take him away?”

“Then I can only say sorry!”

The eyes of the two women were constantly fighting in the air, and the strong smell of gunpowder was almost suffocating.

“Fight! Fight!”

The little judge did not know when he put down the game controller in his hand, took out a camera, and his little hand waved from the side: “Pull your hair! Tear your clothes! You guys fight! I can’t wait.”

“There is a saying, the scenes of women fighting are always exciting.”

Ma Xiaoling: “…”

Wang Zuer: “…”

Why should we worry about such a heartless little bastard! Wouldn’t this kind of scum let him die?

Agree! At that time, I will ask Ma Jia Shenlong to send him a ride.

“Fight! Why didn’t you fight? Why did you stop!”

Wang Hao put away the camera in disappointment, and said lightly. “I really can’t figure out why you think you can decide my future path.”

“In terms of status, you are just my girlfriends. You can only make suggestions at most. It seems that you are not qualified to make a decision for me!”

“If this is the case, who gave you the courage to say the words just now?”

Ma Xiaoling: “…”

Wang Zuer: “…”

This seems to be the reason. Although the two of us are talking about his girlfriend, we definitely cannot tell this identity.

Now, only his mother, Gao Xiaoyue, is qualified to decide his future path. We really don’t seem to be qualified.

“Let’s take a rest! It’s better to watch the show if you have this strength. Sister Xiaoling, too, put away your magical artifacts.”

“If your magical tools attract the attention of that ghost, it will add a lot of trouble instead.”

Ma Xiaoling frowned when she heard Wang Hao’s words. “Little judge, how can you think that, there are a few lives next door!”

“You know, your Honor is compassionate and compassionate!”


“Which one of your eyes and ears sees the judge is compassionate and compassionate.”

“The blood on the judge’s hands can wash all of Tokyo.”

“It was just the battle in Bangkok, do you know how many people died in his hands?”

“Also, the entire Golden Triangle area has turned into a purgatory. How many people will there be in that area?”

“Five million, one million, two million, or five million!”

“I’m afraid there are more than tens of millions of people in that area! But the result? All the people in that area are dead.”

“Dare you say that there are no good people in it? Do you dare to say that there are no innocent people in it?”

“But the judge still hurts the killer in such a sinful place.”

“Tsk tsk!”

“What a killer this is! If there are really 18 levels of hell, the judge will have enough to walk back and forth a few times.”

“Do you know why the judge was able to become famous in Bangkok? It’s because he killed enough! Killed hard enough!”

“Otherwise, why do you think that the judge can be famous and famous all over the world.”

Facing Wang Hao’s questioning, Ma Xiaoling was silent. She did understand the World War I in Bangkok, but she did not expect it to be like this from another angle.

“Xiaoling! You are still young, and there are some things you can’t see through and understand, so don’t be too persistent.”

With that said, Wang Hao turned on the TV with the remote control, and the picture inside showed a room.

“This is the situation in the next room. I took advantage of their inattention yesterday and sneaked in and set up a surveillance.”

Ma Xiaoling: “…”

You are perverted! You go to other people’s homes to monitor. How do I feel that your style resembles someone! No one believes that you are not his son.

There are two big and one small three people in the room, one is a gorgeous housewife, the other is a red-haired accompany girl, and the other is a cute little girl of five or six years old.

Soon, an inexplicable force rushed in in the room. The accompany girl hugged the little girl to protect her, and all the appliances in the house exploded.

Finally, the escort girl threw the girl to the housewife and ran to the balcony by herself.

“Take Zhisha and leave it to me!”


The escort girl rushed to the street. After the middle-aged woman ran out of the room holding the little girl, the whole blood-stained room showed no signs of biological activity.


“The happy time is always so short, and it’s gone so soon, it’s not awesome!”

“Everyone, go to sleep! Tomorrow is the real drama.”

Wang Hao was about to go back to the room to sleep, Wang Zuer took Wang Hao’s hand and asked. “Do you know something? How do I feel that you know everything!”

“Are the woman and the little girl who just ran out safe? Will they be in danger!”

Wang Hao: (≖_≖)

You have a lot of questions! I do not want to answer.

“It’s not safe, that woman is dead, and the little girl should be fine.”

“I know a lot, but you don’t know a lot.”

After speaking, Wang Hao took away Wang Zuer’s hand and returned to the room.

“Xiaoling, look at what the little judge is like now, it won’t work anymore!”

Facing Wang Zuer’s complaint, Ma Xiaoling didn’t speak, she narrowed her eyes and stared at Wang Hao’s door.

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