"I'm living as Lisa Haruna right now, so I also call it epis, because she's pretty smart."

Epi's voice echoed in the cave lined with tombstones.

Me, Epi and Lisa Haruna are in An Holy Wood, the graveyard area.

I started the transfer crystal the other day, but Lisaharuna did not cut herself into the crystal, so she walked normally.

It is faster to go by yourself, but then it is encouraging to have Lisa Haruna.

Since it took a little time and there was no inconvenience, I walked.

But, thanks to a miscalculation, Epi arrived at the graveyard area, which was turned back much earlier than before, because Epi knew the short route.

Well, here is the actual performance.

We go through the graveyard.

The zombies and skeletons glanced at them, but when the episode glanced, they left.

That was even before I came here.

As expected, a vampire.

"It's a nostalgic scent. This doesn't change over time."

As Lisa Haruna missed her, she breathed air into her chest.

It's cold air for us, but it's home air for vampires.

"I told you that you lived in the ruins of Sunori, but were you here before that? Mr. Lisa Haruna"

"Oh, yeah. I happened here."

"It's an interesting way to say that it's happening.

Speaking with a smile, Lisa Haruna smiles and shakes her head.

"No, it's deeper, it's a smooth marble-like cave. It's a beautiful place, not a frightening one."

"Hey, that beautiful back. Did the episode come from here?"

Look at the episode.

However, Epi shakes his head slightly and opens his mouth.

"Now it's changed, Lisa Haruna. When you were there."

"Is that so? But it's natural, it's been a long time."

"It's not just time .... It's been a catastrophe recently."

"What happened recently?"

"Maybe it has something to do with trying to get a way out?"

Epi nodded and began to talk.

When the earth's evil elements faded and Lisa Haruna began to live with people, many undead returned to their hometowns and undarkened Unholy Woods to preserve their power.

And in this undead paradise, Undead has long been free to live.

But recently, that has changed.

One powerful undead has come to dominate the other undead.

The opponents are mercilessly annihilated, and if you are a low-ranking opponent, you are a powerful surgeon who also has the ability to directly manipulate undead behavior, and it gradually began to follow the undead monsters in Unholly Wood.

Sometimes, umbrellas that use their powers to act innocently have appeared, and the dungeon has a more disturbing air than ever before.

Of course, some don't find it interesting and keep a distance from them. It means that he is open-minded.

`` One of the undead who is against the current situation is epic. ''

Say the episode in disgusting tone.

"I see, I'm trying to get out of Unholy Wood because I can't keep up with it anymore."

"That's what it's like. I don't like to obey him under him. I would do anything for Lisa Haruna."

Epi soot, snuggle up to Lisa Haruna and stick your body exactly.

You really like Lisa Haruna.

"I don't want to follow anyone anymore. I just like each one, but I don't care about that undead. Who is that?"

"Yeah, I have to listen to him. It sounds like I heard it, and if he manages to do so, he'll be able to fit in."

Epi must have sharpened his eyes and said with a stinging voice.

"Elder Necromancer Demirich"

Elder Necromancer Demirich ...!

"The name is long."

"Is that your first voice!"

`` In other words, the Elder Necromancer Demilic was all the rage in this Unholywood, and needed a way to get outside to get away from it. ''

"Such that"

"After that, were you going to spend in a human town like Lisa Haruna?"

Epi thinks for a while, then turns his neck.

"It's not a clear decision yet, but for the time being, if we were able to successfully secure ourselves, we were going to tell people."

"Tell me, what?"

"Demirich is trying to raid humans."


Huh ?!

"Are you raiding humans and coming out on the ground?"

"Yes. We used to take the earth to ourselves. He was whispering, whispering humans, robbing us of what we made, and reclaiming the earth."

"It's not very calm."

Epis nods to Lisa Haruna.

"I don't want to fight humans and I'm sorry to follow him, so I've had no choice but to do so, but I've been planning to go out with someone who was disgusted with Demirich. He said he could use it, come up with a way to use magic tools. ''

I see, there was such a background, what is the behavior of the epis so far?

But it's like Demirich, it's more dangerous than I imagined.

"It's kind of epic that you don't just leave, but tell people that it is."

"I was kind and kind. I thought it would be useful to work on the ground if I told you about the crisis, and I would be grateful if I could beat Demirich if it was good. Before I was found, I betrayed Demirich, so I couldn't believe it, or if I was betrayed later, I wouldn't have a place to go, so I didn't tell you, I wasn't kind. "

Epi turns around.

Is it true or genuine?

I guess they are both.

"And I'm sorry to be disturbed by the plan, because of someone."

"Ah ... that isn't it?"

"I won't be resentful, I'm resentful. The episode is not small enough to hold at the root."

It looks like the thin eyes have a plump root.

"Ah, but it's quite expensive to think about it."

"I should say smart"

When I pointed out while piercing my cheek with my finger, the episode broke down with a glimpse of affinity.

"So, take it for granted. The episode, which is meant to be a solution from a standpoint, is just talking to Aishi right now."

Well, that means.

Turn left.

Epi is looking at me with a laugh.

Turn right.

Lisa Haruna nodded vigorously.

Isn't this the way I fight?

With a pretty amazing monster Demirich.

"The treasure stealing plan failed, but I forgive because I found someone with enough power to make the plan fail. With Aish and Lisa Haruna, I could do something.

It was when Epi was given the command.

Uoooooooo ...!

Along with the shout of the dead, familiar zombies and skeletons came out from underneath the tombstones.

Hiding in such a place is really like a zombie.

"Demirich is super defeated! Go!"

The zombies answer the epic command and raise their arms high.

And the second part of Unhollywood exploration has begun.

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