As you go further down the snake's shell, which has become slightly lighter with crocodile lights, there are places where mycelia spread like spider webs, reddish slick puddles, and strange places. There were many.

And of course some monsters came out.

Something like sea cucumber was crawling upside down on the ceiling.

Something like an amoeba with tentacles drifted around-apart from the red blood cell monsters, little magic was able to pass.

Some monsters, like eel eels, move while bouncing like a spring.

The unique ecosystem of strange monsters that are different from other caves makes it easy to get tired of walking.

There are a lot of disgusting systems, but I was parasited without killing one because it was so much trouble. Get an electric shock with Denki eel.

And it's a parasite to a poison monster.

"But it's long."

"Yeah. I've been walking all day and it's still going on."

The next morning came.

I couldn't get to the bottom in one day.

Eat a lunch with Ali and Felipe, and start exploring the second day.

However, it is still difficult to reach the innermost part.

When you think you're a little tired from walking.

"--this is!"

Felipe cried suddenly.

Looking up at the ceiling, making your eyes shine brightly.

"What happened, Felipe?"

When I asked, Felipe scratched his chin and showed a thin blue glowing stone.

This shine ... I remember it.

"This is blue spirit iron"

"Blue Spirit Iron is a knife I've found in the past. It's a metal worthy of the top class."

"Yes. I don't think you can find so many gathering.

She was distorted by her mouth and was laughed by Felipe. I immediately decided to take it.

A felipe holding a tool like a flea is used as a shoulder, and a light sound is heard, and rare metal minerals are collected.

"Isn't it amazing? Indeed God's shell. Felipe is already satisfied?"

"It's enough to say that this is enough. Huff, it's wonderful."

When asked by Peru, Felipe embraces the mineral lovingly like a baby. Lou is slightly grounded in that appearance.

But he shook his head.

"... but not enough. No, but if there's such a great thing here, what's at the giant's tower here ahead? If you think about it, you won't be able to stop."

"Yeah, I agree. I'm worried.

It's a land noise!

"It's a bit different from an earthquake, like a big thing is moving."

The tension between us suddenly increases.

Immediately after, a huge person approached from a distance.

It is a huge insect that comes close to being heavy and quick like a tank, scratching the ground with a key nail

It was a monster like.

"The big game has come! Let's do it!"

"Yeah! Everyone be careful!"

We are ready for monsters.

Monsters that look like larvae of cicada are getting closer and closer.

But it looks just like a larva.

The atmosphere is like sucking light from the ground, probably sucking magic with a key claw.

But he seems to have noticed a higher density bait.

"I'm here!"

At first, Felipe is a magic tool from a long distance, and Ali is a long-range attack with spirit magic from a long distance. The foot of the insect that wrigged quickly stopped.

I'm approaching there.

The insect lifts the claw and attacks, but I understand that movement is picking up. That's because I have a skill that I just learned, Sonic Detection.

One of the claws is cut with a sword, and the other is tangled with a thin thread of magical power with the skill of “Itozan”, and cut quickly.

"Nice! Peace!"

Lou, who raised his ax immediately where his opponent was hindered, made a big jump and hit a strong blow to the brain.

The creatures echo the eerie moaning and the giant insects fall.

After confirming that, return to the allies who were supporting behind you.

"Okay. I won."

"Yes. Each one played a role."

"Yeah, it might be a good combination."

The four-party is well-balanced. After all this was a fact.

"What a hell, Aishi. This monster's body may be a rare material. Let's observe it soon!"

Felipe is excited.

I can't help being faced with such a face.

We checked the shells of the fallen monsters.

… I was a little nervous.

We defeated the giant monster, and we walked again.

I was thinking that I had traveled a considerable distance and was about a few dozen kilometers away from Neman.

Sudden light came from the front.

"This is-it looks like the exit is near, Eishi-sama"

"Yeah. Ally, let's hurry."

We accelerate our feet and go to where the light shines at once.

And finally-we got out of a long, long tunnel.

"Kuu ~-"

Lou makes a sour voice and we squint at the glare of sunlight.

You open your eyes little by little.


Peru said.

That was correct.

After passing through the cave, it was a rocky desert that spread all the way.

The scene of dry sandstone silence continues far.

We have just come out of a hole that has been opened in a barren land that follows intently.

Looking back, you can see the mountains in a haze. Probably that was the mountain around Neman. You've traveled a considerable distance from there.

And to the front.


The tower stands in the middle of an endless barren desert.

The tower still looks huge, though it should be quite a distance from here.

The tower rises high enough to penetrate the clouds.

"It's a giant's tower. That's sure."

"Yes. I found it."

Places where there may be secrets about dungeons, monsters and treasures.

The unexplored area where the giants lived.

We walked through the barren desert, where there was no sign of creatures, toward a tower where the great gurus who finally found it were said to go.

Despite the desert, the temperature is not surprisingly high.

Rather than being hot and dry and becoming a desert, I feel that the nutrients on the earth are gone and plants are no longer growing.

The absence of creatures led to smooth progress without monsters.

There are almost no signs of creatures, there are no plants or animals, and it is easy to walk climatically. Walking for a few hours under such good conditions.

"Huge ..."

Peru opens her mouth.

We reached the giant's tower.

"It's really big. Really, I don't feel surprised if a giant makes or goes inside."

"Oh, it's not human-sized from the entrance door."

Ali looks up at the tower and Felipe touches the gate at the entrance of the tower.

"This is the Giant's Tower"

I stepped back a little and looked up at the tower, which was too large.

The tower was huge, just like the giant's tower.

It is shaped like a square pillar, and it extends straight up.

One side of the tower is 200 to 300 meters long. I don't know how many meters the height is. At least the top is hidden by clouds and invisible.

It is made of solid soil and has holes like windows in the middle.

Plants are growing on the outer wall and the branches of the tree are growing. Birds nest and merge with nature.

"It's a bigger building than I expected. It's really huge, right?"

"It's a tower or a mountain.

surely. This would allow you to put another tower inside, whether in a castle or a house.

There is no doubt that the giant who made this has considerable technical skills. Regardless of whether it's so-called ordinary technology or magical power.

It was at that time.

Heavy sounds resonated around.

"The door?"

The entrance of the tower was open.

Apparently Felipe touched and opened it. Is it an automatic door that opens in response to living things?

"Oh, it's open. Let's go, let's go."

Peru grabs my sleeve and runs into the tower. I stepped into the giant's tower as I was pulled and trotting.

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