"He is a student who participates in the trial admission, but because of his outstanding ability, he decided to take part in the advanced class as well. Let's go! "

A teacher at the magic school-Crane Kinke, introduces me standing beside the podium. The students in the tiered classroom are giving me an unusual glance, regardless of age or gender.

I know from this attitude that such cases are rare.

"Then sit in a vacant seat."


I go to the seat that is just vacant in the back.

While receiving the eyes of thirty or more people.

Why did this happen?

It was because I got too good a test to measure the abilities of new students.

The teacher who saw it will not only teach with the freshman level that is coming to experience, but also experience the class where the top students of the magic school will learn the top class of magic that will be incorporated if they enter I was invited to do it.

Naturally, I acknowledged with two replies.

One is that you can experience more advanced magic.

And the other is-.

[Alchemist 19]

Parasite Info analysis shows me the class of one of the students.

When I passed the side, I touched it with subtle movements that no one could understand and parasited.

For me who used a moment's [stealth walk] skill, enhanced sense and precision, and more than anything, from the experience so far, I could not tell whether I touched it or not, for a thin cloth, one silk touch, It is easy to parasite on the way.

You no longer need to make excuses or pretend to fall. In fact, my late-teenage schoolgirl, who was parasitized, was looking at the blackboard unnoticed at all.

This is not a skill acquired in class, but a skill that I have acquired through experience. That's true my skill.

... I don't feel like I'm trying to improve my skills in the wrong direction.

Well, I didn't want to abuse, so I was seated and ready to take classes.

But, in the first shot, this is a good idea.

The second reason seems to work well.

I guessed that some magic schools, where elites who manipulate magic gather, would have rare classes in magical systems, and even more advanced classes would be more like that.

Parasiticism in such a person is the second reason for aiming at the above class.

At first it seems to have worked. Alchemist, first class.

If you spread the magic class by parasitizing other people and find out how to learn magic other than parasitism, one grain is twice as delicious.

By the way, do you take classes?

It was classroom today.

That talked about how to get magic efficiently.

However, it was rather difficult from the beginning because it was an advanced story that I had already understood to a certain extent, but as far as I understood it, there are several ways to learn magic .

And one of them is to touch it when actually using magic.

This is a way of learning how to use the magical element, such as the flow or change of magical elements when using magic.

But it's hard to do it easily, and it's extremely difficult to feel these phenomena occurring in the human body from the outside, and even if you can, it's also very difficult to reproduce it on your own. It takes a long time to learn one magic.

He said that linking the demon elements inside and outside the body, spreading it over a wide area, and doing that would increase efficiency, but I'm not sure yet, but the story that went that far.

But it is clear that there is not one way to learn magic and skills. In other words, I am looking forward to learning skills that I cannot remember in a class.

By the way, because it is difficult to stay with others for a long time, it seems that you often use magic learning tools made so that you can feel the magic element easily.

It is also a valuable item that is hard to find outside of this magic school, so if you want to learn magic, it seems to be much more efficient than anywhere else.

I also had a few other classroom lectures, and had a variety of lessons on the history of magic, the social roles and responsibilities of wizards, and magic tools.

I mean it's useful, but above all, it's interesting to hear a fresh story. I was often sick of sleepiness in my original world school class, so I concentrated on listening to the teacher and reviewing it until I returned to the inn.

After one day of class, where I spent a while while taking classes.

"How about trial admission, Eishi?"

"I'm fulfilling, Su"

The one who spoke was Su, a man with glasses in his late teens. The name is Su.

A mage with smooth hair, likely to be envied by a woman.

Since I was next to my seat, I was talking naturally. I feel through interaction that it is a serious type that is originally caring.

"Thanks to Sue for telling me, I know the school well."

"It's not a big deal. Everyone does that much. And there are very few people who come to the advanced class for trial entrance, and there are rare things I saw."

"A rare beast?"

When I point to myself, Sue nods in no time.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm a joke, but I'm really surprised, I've never been to such a school since I entered school. What did you do? "

Sue leans forward.

Suu is like this and always speaks politely. I told you that it was good, but it seems to everyone, this is easier and better. I thought I was saying something like Ally.

"What kind of thing. I guess it was a little more powerful using magic."

"Hmm. If you just listen to it, it's up to that point."

"Yes. It's not a big deal."

Suddenly, a third party's voice came in.

A quiet, cold, but firm sounding voice.

Looking at the source of that voice-.

"People who have been enrolled in the experience have never been in advanced classes. Obviously weird. In yesterday's hands-on exercise, they struggled to use magic tools and groaned. No big deal. Or injustice. "

It was a classmate girl who was talking plainly and sharply.

Is it almost the same as Su when I was a year, so I am younger, but at school I'm much older than me.

The name is Minan.

I argue against Minan with a serious face.

"I haven't swear to Tenshin Shinmei. The rare thing is probably, but I don't do it."

"I can't believe it, and I'm a senior, so I should use honorifics."

"What are you saying, Minan. Here is a friend who all learns the same magic. I guess the rule of thumb is equal for both young and old careers."

"Noisy, Su. I'm not convinced as the same friend. I came here with a lot of hard work. But if I could come on a fluffy hurdle and do something weird, I would come to my head.

"No, not at all"

"Huh. Suu, you have to use your head properly. Aishi, I don't recognize you as a friend in the same class. If you want to do that, show my strength."

Minashi pointed at me. "I won't show you."

I stared at the fingertip for a moment.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter if I don't get another approval. I'm going to the library from now on, tomorrow. Both of us."

Open the mouth, swirl away and stand up to the door.

And at that moment, my shoulders were grabbed.

"Wait, what to say, it sounds like I don't need to be recognized."

"It looks like it was, it was just like Minan."

"Suu is silent."

Suu is calmly angry at the expressionless Minnan and grabs her cheek.

While grabbed, take a pose of raising your hand and laugh at me.

"Okay, that's what I'm going to do next time, Minan. I'm going to go today.

I decided that it would be troublesome if I got entangled any more, so I left the place quickly, waving my hand.

Unfortunately, Sue is willing to give up.

Go to where you left it. That guy.

I heard a cold voice from my back saying, "Wait," but without looking back, I left the classroom.

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