I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1013 Fighting the Female City Lord

The battle is about to begin!

The challenger will be invited to play next! The host shouted loudly.

Because there is no appointment for the challenge, the so-called challengers are randomly selected on the spot.

In an instant, all the trainers in the battle mansion turned into sardines, raising their hands one after another, doing the same movements, and chanting the same words—Choose me, choose me, choose me...

The host glanced around, and then chose the most beautiful cub in the crowd.

That yellow-haired trainer over there, congratulations on getting the chance to challenge.

Me? Baili Yuan blinked.

At this time, the benefits of high charm value are reflected. Standing extremely conspicuous in the crowd, it is naturally easy to be selected.

Wow, so handsome. This was the first thought of other trainers after seeing Baili Yuan.

Then others lamented Baili Yuan's good luck.

Bailiyuan didn't stand up pretentiously either, after all, he came here to fight!

I'm the challenger Yize from Baili Dojo, please be more direct. Baili Yuan introduced.

May I ask which trainer the challenger is going to challenge? Or do you want to form a team for more challenges? the host asked with a smile.

Bailiyuan looked at the eight figures standing there, and wanted to shout I want to fight eight, but considering the restrictions on the use of elves and the number, Bailiyuan suppressed the impulse, knowing that he could only choose one.

I choose to challenge the female city lord, and the singles match represents Miss Lanniu Ye!

Bailiyuan is a solo challenge, and Lan Niuye, the representative of singles, is undoubtedly the most suitable choice.

Fighting against the trainers in the scenic area has a single attribute. Although he can see the charm of single-attribute fighting, this is not what Bailiyuan wants. Fighting against the female city lord has become Bailiyuan's choice.

Lan Niuye, the representative of singles, is undoubtedly the best at singles.

If you want to fight, just hit the most suitable one!

Lan Niu Ye, who was wearing a yellow dress, stood up with a smile and stood on the side of the battlefield.

Fighting female city lord, singles representative, Lan Niuye accepts your challenge, but, handsome guy, do you want to have a meal together after the battle? Don't you think our hair color matches well? Lan Niuye smiled.

Lan Niuye also has yellow hair, and the dress and hat on her body are also yellow.

But after Lan Niuye finished speaking, there were a few teasing whistles from the crowd of trainers, but the expressions of the other fighting female city masters were not normal.

The four fighting female city lords are actually four sisters, and Lan Niuye is the younger sister.

At this time, the voices of Fuck sounded in the hearts of the other three people.

It was agreed that everyone would stick together and never give up, how about the tangerine spirit?

None of our three sisters have boyfriends yet, so you want to sneak away?

The most hateful thing is that the other party is still a handsome guy!

Damn it!

Lan Niu Ye, don't cause trouble to the challenger. As the eldest daughter, Lu Meidan said to her younger sister.

Actually, yellow and blue match better. The third daughter, Lu Xihua, whispered.

Huh? Yellow and blue? Do you want to match it with green? What do you think, elder sister? said the second daughter, Lan Zhouni.

Lu Meidan's hair color is green.

So give me this pink one...

Shut up! Don't continue to lose your grace! Lu Meidan said.

The referee also came on the field, indicating that both sides of the battle were ready to fight.

Bailiyuan smiled.

Eat? Okay, let's talk after defeating me! Bailiyuan took out his elf ball.

The corners of Lan Niuye's eyes twitched, but her smile did not fade.

You are very courageous, then I will not show mercy.

At the beginning of the battle, both sides can only use three elves. The rules of the battle mansion are...

Please fight the elf of the female city lord Lan Niuye first!

Lan Niuye took out a poke ball with a yellow sticker on it, and threw it out.

It's you, Dong Shi meow!

A gray and white elf appeared in the battle field. Although it was a cat, it was a fat cat!

Dong Shimiao has a fat body, the front color of the body is composed of white and gray, and the middle is gray. The ears are purple, the whiskers are curved, and the hair on the tail is curly.

What kind of Pokémon is this?

have no idea.

Bailiyuan lowered his head slightly.

Dongshi Meow, a Pokémon from the Sinnoh region?

Dongshi Meow was evolved from Charming Meow. It is a general type, and it is undoubtedly not an elf with long disability after evolution.

But don't look at Dong Shimiao is fat, but the speed is very fast, the speed race value reached 112.

Oh? You understand something. Lan Niuye said with a smile.

Bailiyuan smiled.

Understood, then, my choice is... go, Kentaro!

General to general!

The black flashing Kentaro appeared in the field and stomped his feet vigorously, causing a wave of surprise.

It's so surprising. The Kentaro chosen by Izzy isn't an ordinary Kentaro, is it a flash Pokémon?

Sparkling Kentaro, but this momentum... is really not weak! Lan Niuye's eyes became serious, and it was obvious that Bailiyuan was not the kind of airy and handsome show.

Dong Shi meow, surprise attack with high fives!

High-five surprise attack, generally a physical skill, attacks after entering the field, making the opponent fall into a state of fear.

This is a very good initiative skill, which is easy to bring up the rhythm of the battle.


Intimidate opponents by staring.

This move does not have any direct attack ability, but it can slow down the opponent's attack frequency in battle.

The high-five surprise hit Ken Tailuo, which surprised Ken Tailuo, but at the same time Ken Tailuo's stare was also reflected in Dong Shimiao's eyes, which made Dong Shimiao couldn't help but retreat.

Dong Shi Meow, don't be afraid, hypnotism!

Dong Shi meowed, and then began to release super powers, using hypnotism on Ken Taro.

But Kentaro's stare just now also bought Kentaro free from fear.

Kentaro hold on to the will, don't close your eyes, and whip yourself with your tail!

Clap clap!

Kentaro's tail began to lash violently on his body, his slightly closed eyes opened again, and then he rushed towards Dong Shimiao with red eyes.

It's amazing, Ken Taro actually used this method to get rid of Dong Shimiao's hypnotism, what will happen next? the host shouted.

Dong Shi meow, get out of the way!

Dong Shimiao's speed was very fast, and he avoided Kentaro's impact with a single turn.

Dong Shi meow, use the random grab now!

As soon as Ken Tailuo stopped, Dong Shimiao rushed to Ken Tailuo's side and used random grabbing.

Kentaro let out a groan.

Tie Tai pulled Dong Shi Meow away! Baili Yuan shouted.

Ken Tailuo swung his body and used the iron tail to send Dong Shimiao flying, but Dong Shimiao did not suffer much damage.

Dong Shimiao is very flexible, and it is unrealistic for Kentaro to directly collide, so use other means to slow down Dong Shimiao's speed.

Kentaro, ghost face!

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