I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1126 Can you recognize this array?

The competition continues.

Della looked at Lafite who was being lectured by Olinson in the corner, and blinked.

Then he looked back.

She advances to the next round.

At this time, there were only three people left, besides Della, of course Angelina was also included.

Angelina played 1v2 as usual, showing her formidable strength, but it was not a quick crush. In the last round, Angelina used a lot of skills to bypass the opponent's familiar. Prioritize the opponent.

This round went fairly smoothly, one person had a bye, thirteen entered seven.

Although Della's opponent was also an excellent student, he didn't have the powerful familiar like Olinson. After Bailiyuan opened the will shield for her, he easily defeated the opponent and the opponent's familiar.

But this round, Angelina did not continue to 1v2, her familiar finally made a move.

The giant dragon fiend known as Melkart squatted on Angelina's shoulders, chanted dragon language magic, turned into a magic fort, and crushed the opponent.

After a few rounds, both the little mages and the audience could see that Angelina and Melkart's strength had surpassed that of ordinary students, and Angelina already had the strength of a full-fledged mage in a single round.

Although students like Della are similar, but considering the gap between familiars...

As expected of a princess. Someone exclaimed.

If you don't flatter me at this time, when will you wait?

Sure enough, those who cared found that following the compliment to Angelina, the eldest prince Adolf smiled. If it weren't for the royal family's reserve, he would have shown his teeth.

Then, when seven entered four, Della encountered Angelina.

The strength of Della's familiar is very strange, but in terms of her own strength, there is a gap between Della and Princess Angelina, and Princess Angelina's familiar is not bad.

Someone commented.

Doyle tensed up too.

Della was equally nervous.

Lafite also brought Olinson back.

Olinsen has finished training Lafite, and Lafite has deeply realized his mistakes, and promises to work hard in the future.

Della, come on. Lafite said, but his tone was somewhat lacklustre.

Not only Lafite, but Della herself was a little bit emboldened.

Originally, Della thought that her strength was already very good, but she found that if she played a one-on-two, she could only deal with ordinary students. With the help of Bailiyuan, she was able to beat Lafite and the others. A relatively strong student, and between her and Angelina...

Differs greatly.

Not counting as a familiar, Della thought she was inferior to Angelina in terms of her own strength.

Originally, Della was quite confident, but after all, she was just a little girl with little experience, so her will would be easily shaken.

Fortunately, Della's will was not so fragile, she quickly adjusted her state, and then walked onto the venue with Bailiyuan in her arms.

Angelina and Malcarter were also looking at Della and Bailiyuan.

The competition begins!

With a roar, Malkart flapped his wings away from Angelina's shoulders, and then changed into a five-meter-long dragon in the air.

Angelina used a light body technique for herself, flew into the sky, and landed on the back of McCarter.

Is this... is this serious? Could it be that Princess Angelina feels threatened by Della?

Della gritted her teeth, and put Bailiyuan on top of her head, and Bailiyuan put a will shield on the two of them.

Malkart opened his mouth, and a red flame was sprayed out by it, landing on the shield of will.

But it didn't break the shield of will.

Della breathed a sigh of relief, but she also knew the strength of her opponent. Taking advantage of the protection of the shield of will, she began to chant.

And this time, Della is singing the magic of her family's moon!

Baili Yuan also raised his fat face.

That giant dragon is not weak.

With Della's strength, it is very difficult to win, so...

Do you have to make a move yourself?

Although Bailiyuan can still summon summoned beasts to fight, isn't it a bit distracted?

Then... let's continue to summon.

Several magic circles lit up beside Della.

This scene made Angelina's face change.

Malkart, stop the summoning!

Malkart nodded slightly, his throat lit up again.

This time it spewed out even more terrifying power - dragon's breath!

But the moment the dragon element appeared, the shield of will suddenly expanded, protecting the summoning magic circle that appeared.

The dragon element collided with the shield of will, but it still returned in vain.

Della also completed the first spell.

Because of the shield of Bailiyuan's will, Della's first magic choice is attack magic.

Moon Arrow!

The magic like an arrow condensed by the moonlight shot at Melkart.

Melcutt did not take it hard, but chose to dodge, but he was still a step too slow, and the arrow grazed Melcutt's paw.

But what is surprising is that it only grazed Melkart's claws, but directly scratched its skin, leaving scars on its body.


I made a mistake, don't worry, I will be careful in the future, the magic of the moon is very harmful to the dragons.

The magic of the moon has a legend of slaying a dragon. It seems to be true. Unfortunately, it is daytime, which greatly limits the power of the magic of the moon. Otherwise, Della will have the advantage. The dean sighed in his heart, he lived longer , experienced a lot, naturally know many legends that ordinary people don't know.

Moon magic is a type of astrological magic, and different astrological magics always have their own special abilities and legends. For example, according to legend, moon magic is used to slay dragons, and its ability to harm dragons is very powerful. Is it a real dragon or a dragon.

However, the old dean still remembered a legend about the magic of the moon... It is said that only women can exert its true power in the magic of the moon.

But these legends, maybe only Della's elders can explain whether they are true or not, and they won't explain them easily. After all, the magic of the moon is her family's magic. I'm afraid I'm not tired of living.

As a family heir and a girl, Della has naturally learned a lot of moon magic, and none of them are new to her. Although she is studying at the academy, she still has books about moon magic with her at home.

Normally, what Bailiyuan watched was what Daila brought to the academy.

At this time, Baili Yuan's call was also completed.

Seven figures appeared beside Della.

This is... too much, right?

Angelina's eyes twitched.

This competition... can't be played!

Goblins...elemental creatures...dark knights...flower demons...what kind of things are these summoned?

Heddell, Yadeyan, Pinnais, Semedek, Revos, Sandor, Wausuo.

It's still those contracted summoned beasts, and it's still a familiar lineup.

Baili Yuan raised his head and looked at Malkater.

Can you recognize this formation? !

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