I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1232 Birds Fly (Part 2)

Sira swallowed the box containing Zilda's gas, and then let go of Ultraman Hero.

Bailiyuan hurriedly wrapped Silla back, thinking about what to do.

Through the power of the heart, I can perceive that Silla is not the kind of monster who will come out to make trouble.

Do you want to punch Sira in the stomach and make it spit out.

But soon Bailiyuan realized that if Silla is not a monster that can make trouble, then Silla definitely has her own purpose in doing so now.

Caroline, did you find anything? Bailiyuan asked.

Sira's body has a high-energy reaction, maybe Zilda's gas has begun to leak, and it is very dangerous now.

The case containing Zilda's gas did not withstand the corrosion of Syrah's stomach acid at all.

Bailiyuan was a little nervous, but he chose to wait and see for the time being.

Everyone in the Victory Team and Ultraman Tiga became nervous and wanted to do something, but Silla didn't realize it, but looked down at Nezu Masaki again.

Xi La yelled at Nezu Masaaki, there was actually some kind of kiss in her voice, and Bailiyuan also felt another kind of emotion in her voice...

It is saying goodbye.

Is that so? Is that so... Nezu Masaki seemed to understand what Sira meant, and his eyes were a little moist.

Sira, don't you blame me? Nezu Masaaki asked.

Masaaki Nezu understood, and Silla didn't blame him. What Sira really hated was Zilda Gas, and its goal was Zilda Gas, and it wanted to destroy Zilda Gas!

And Sila also knew the danger of Zilda gas, so it made a choice-to use its own body to eliminate Zilda gas!

Syrah wanted to sacrifice itself from the start!

Losing his master, he became like this again. Silla's hatred for Zilda gas made it last until now.

Now that the Zilda gas has been swallowed by it, it is time to leave.

But there's one last thing...

Silas looked to the sky, spread her wings and wanted to fly into the sky.

The universe is the destination it has chosen for itself.

But Sira was unable to fly into the sky because of her wing injury when she was shot down before.

At the same time, Sila let out a cry of pain, obviously now it can't bear the influence of Zilda gas leaking from its body.

Seeing this, Bailiyuan went directly to Silla and carried Sira on his back.

Next, leave it to me.

Bailiyuan flew into the sky with Xi La on his back.

Ding dong, ding dong...

The indicator light on Ultraman Hero's chest began to flash, and Ultraman Hero's time was running out.

Everyone in the victory team and Ultraman Tiga didn't understand what was going on.

However, Altman Tiga followed up immediately.

Dr. Nezu, what happened? Ikeda Ryusu asked hastily.

Masaki Nezu described what he felt from Sira.

Sira has to sacrifice himself from the beginning, and Ultraman Hero is taking it to the universe. Nezu Masaki said.

how could this be……

Then our previous battle...

I see what are you doing?!

Everyone in the victory team was shocked by the truth that Nezuzheng said personally.

If they had known this earlier, they would never have fought Silla again.

At the same time, they were also shocked by Silla's spirit. In order to avenge the little master, they protected the planet and at the same time calmly chose to sacrifice themselves.

Victory team, go and escort Ultraman Herao and Silla now! Ju Jianhui said in a hurry, Let's send Sira one last time.


Everyone's voices were a little heavy.

At this time, Masaaki Nezu suddenly fell to the ground clutching his chest.

Dr. Nezu! Ikeda Ryusuke hurriedly grabbed Nezu Masaki.

Call the medical team... Ju Jianhui shouted.

But Masaki Nezu held back Ikeda Ryusuke.

Old Mao... I'm sick, I know..., I'm already... dying...

Nezu Zhengqin was in great pain, and his doctor friend told him that if he fell ill again, he might never be able to save him.

The reason why he got such a disease is to study a method to eliminate Zilda gas. Before Nezu Zhengqin was always afraid, he was very afraid that he would die one day, but he did not research the method to eliminate Zilda gas.

Zilda gas was researched by him, he has the responsibility to destroy it, and he has to make up for his mistakes.

Although he lost a lot, he didn't give up.

Because he believes that as long as people live, they have to do something.

He is in pain now and he knows he is going to die.

But now he doesn't feel any fear, no pity and unwillingness, instead there is a forced smile on the corner of his mouth.

He is really happy.

He could easily die now.

Thank you, Sira.

Nezu Masaki closed his eyes.

His heart stopped beating.

Ikeda Ryusuke hugged Nezu Masaki's body in a daze.

But at this moment, light flew out of Nezu Masaki's body and flew into the sky.

What's this?

Ikeda Longsu asked doubtfully.


Ultraman Hero's time is running out, so Bailiyuan directly flies to the universe at the fastest speed.

But this also accelerated his consumption, and the indicator light on Ultraman Helau's chest flashed faster and faster.

Are you reaching your limit?

Bailiyuan was a little anxious, and began to consider whether to use the main body to act.

He is not reconciled to not sending Sila into the universe.

But at this time, Bailiyuan felt the lightness of Silla's body behind him. When Bailiyuan turned his head, he found that Ultraman Tiga had helped him hold Silla's body at some point. Yuan nodded.

Bailiyuan understood what Dagu meant.

With the help of Ultraman Tiga, the consumption of Ultraman Hero was much smaller, and at the same time, the speed was accelerated. Finally, they arrived in the universe.

Everyone from the winning team followed behind.

Hero Ultraman and Tiga Ultraman released Sira's body, and Sira's body floated in the universe.

Sira glanced at the universe, blinked, and finally closed her eyes slowly.

The Zilda gas leaked from its body took away its vitality, but perhaps because the atmospheric environment of the universe is different from that of the earth, the Zilda gas bin did not explode.

At this time, a ray of light flew out from the earth and landed on Sira's body.

Light bloomed from Sira's body, and a big golden bird with azure blue pupils emerged from Sira's body, spread its wings, screamed, and then flew into the depths of the universe.

The laughter of Nezu Masaaki and a little girl seemed to float in everyone's ears.

It seems to be talking...

Sira, fly.



How is this going?

Ultraman Tiga looked at Ultraman Hero.

But Ultraman Hero directly turned into a light spot and disappeared into the universe.

He has reached his limit.

But Bailiyuan probably understood what the last light was.

It is the power of the heart!

It is the power that can bring miracles!


After some time and space.

Fuma, an Ultra warrior born in O-50, is telling Illya the story of his adventures in the universe.

In the universe, I saw a golden bird with blue pupils flying...

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