Chapter 142 A Day of Nuclear Leveling (Updated)

Day by day.

It's a new month again, and it's possible for Bailiyuan to travel through.

But Bailiyuan was not in a hurry to cross.

The training of the elves has just started on the right track, and Bailiyuan is going to wait until the elves have achieved certain results in the training before crossing.

After traveling to the world of Pokémon, it is difficult for the elves to continue training. A week of neutral time will have a bad impact on the training of the elves.

If there is not enough time, Bailiyuan will choose to give up the chance of crossing in the second month.

Another morning, Bailiyuan opened the window and looked at the sunny sky and the snapdragons swaying in the sun.

"Another day of peace."


Suddenly there was a violent explosion in the distance, even the yard where Bailiyuan was located was affected, the house trembled violently, and Bailiyuan sat on the ground in shock.

After all, I just woke up, and my feet are still a little floating.

Baili Yuan was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Is the shock nuclear leveled?

Then there was a second explosion.


As if the fuse was lit, dense explosions sounded from a distance, and the ground kept shaking.

"The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should be established..." Fu Ling's heart was full, and Baili Yuan murmured.


The door was violently pushed open by Mary from the outside.

Mary ran to Bailiyuan's side, pulled up Bailiyuan who was sitting on the ground, and put it under her arm.

"No time to explain, run!" Mary.

"???" Bailiyuan asked.

wheeze wheeze...

"Miss Mary, I'll run by myself." Baili Yuan said looking at Mary who was panting violently.

Mary hadn't run out of the yard yet.

Mary put Bailiyuan down.

"Then you can run by yourself, but Xiaoyuan, I think you should lose weight." Mary said, wiping the sweat from her brow.

Bailiyuan glanced around Mary's round body, and even wanted to say, "You should be the one who loses weight", but in the end Bailiyuan wisely shut his mouth.

The elves also ran out from where they lived and came to Baili Yuan's side.

"Come back first." Bailiyuan put away the elves, leaving only Flame Chicken, Xanadu, Bibi Bird and Big Needle Bee.

Bailiyuan jumped onto Bibi Bird's back.

"Flame Chicken, bring Miss Mary."

The flame chicken nodded, reached out and grabbed Mary's body, and carried it up.

"Yeah." Mary exclaimed and was lifted up by the flame chicken.

Flame Chicken thinks that Miss Mary should lose weight.

But the flame chicken also sensibly did not speak.

"Miss Mary, where are we going?" Baili Yuan, sitting on Bibi Bird's body, asked.

"Go somewhere safe!" said Mary.

"Where is it safe?" Baili Yuan asked.

"The most dangerous place is the safest..." Mary.

Bailiyuan withdrew his attention before Mary could finish speaking, he drank too much chicken soup, no wonder he was so fat.

Bailiyuan thought it was better to go by herself.

Before leaving, Baili Yuan glanced back at the snapdragons and waved his hand.

"Mountains don't change, water turns, green mountains don't change, green water flows forever, see you later!"

After saying that, Baili Yuan took the elves and ran away, leaving behind a yard of terrified snapdragons.


The place where the explosion occurred was very close to the yard where Bailiyuan lived.

Bailiyuan fled in the opposite direction.

Although I don't know what happened there, but according to the fluctuation of power, it is very likely that there was a battle there.

Thinking of the young man who attacked Ice Crown Wu Ji, Bai Liyuan felt that the academy was not safe either.

On the way, Bailiyuan also took a look at the egg detector. Sure enough, there were several silver egg holders gathered in that direction. Based on the movement trajectories of the silver eggs, Bailiyuan judged that there should be at least four pairs of three in that direction. situation, and the battlefield is approaching the yard where he lived before.

"I hope the snapdragons are all right." After meditating, Bailiyuan continued to direct the elves to run away.

The alarm sounded again in the college, the difference was that this time the alarm turned out to be an evacuation alarm for the whole school!


There was another explosion, but in the other direction.

The sound of explosions kept ringing, and Bailiyuan made the elves stop.

There are more than one location where an explosion occurred in the college at this time, and...

Bailiyuan took out the Easter Egg Detector, and the number of light spots representing silver eggs on it increased dramatically!

"What the hell happened?" Baili Yuan's eyes revealed an unbelievable expression.

At this time, the radio sounded——

"Replenish the overdrawn kidney, welcome to use...he is good, and I am also good..."

At the same time, the screens in the college that are usually used to announce information have been replaced by advertisements for a certain kidney tonifying product.

Bailiyuan: "???"

Is the college system making people black?


Dean chamber.

Andy pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and took a good puff.

Andy was sitting on a chair with a window overlooking most of the college behind him. At this time, sirens and explosions were sounding outside.

On the opposite side of Andy's desk stood the dean of academic affairs and the dean of five academic years.

"Master Dean." The dean frowned and pushed his glasses.

"Don't worry, don't panic, wait for me to take another puff." Andy pressed his hand, then took another puff of cigarette, exhaling a beautiful smoke ring.

"No, I want to say that the college's buildings will suffer a lot if it goes on like this, and the maintenance cost may exceed the budget." The director of academic affairs said blankly.

"For this matter, don't worry, I've already secured the sponsors. They will be responsible for all the maintenance of this event. You only need to replace their advertisements. There will be a lot of advertising fees afterwards." Andy smiled, "Any more questions?"

"No more." The face of the school year director eased, and he took a step back.

Big problem!

Several school year directors looked at each other with helpless expressions in their eyes.

The oldest Year Dean steps forward.

"Master Dean, I don't know what other arrangements the academy has for this incident?"

"Arrangements?" Andy raised his eyebrows, still looking relaxed.

"What else is there to do with a little mouse like that?" Andy flicked the cigarette ash.

"No, what I mean is..." The oldest school year director rubbed his fingers, "Is it possible to divide the advertising fee between us for several school years?"

The directors of the other school years all nodded in unison.

"Don't worry." Andy waved his hand, "It's all indispensable."

The year directors all showed satisfied smiles.

"Okay, we're done talking..." Andy put out half of the cigarette in his hand, sat up straight for the first time, and his eyes became serious.

"It's time to talk about business."

The deans and year deans stood up straight.

Andy put a stack of files on the table.

"This is the information that I asked Teacher Shedu to help investigate. There is a shocking force behind that experimental product. Once it is not handled properly, Yuncheng will become history..."

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