Chapter 3525 Tanli Fighting Demons

Seeing the stunted Bengyuan virus bodies rushing towards him, Bailiyuan smiled slightly.

Jing Longshi swung the sword in his hand, and the two stunted Bengyuan virus bodies rushing towards Bailiyuan were beheaded by Bailiyuan on the car.

Knock off your head!

The bicycle also disappears with the death of the acrobatic virion.

Then Baise Xiaohime, Saiko and Kujo Kiriya rushed into the field and came to Bailiyuan.

They too are drawn into the confines of this playing field.

"It seems that the game administrator has been busy. This time, he started two games in a row." Baili Yuan said with a smile.

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai were startled when they heard Bailiyuan's words.

"Two games? What about the patients in this game?" Baosheng Yongmeng asked hastily.

"This, we have to ask our game master." Baili Yuan looked up the slope.

Everyone looked.

It was found that Tan Lidou was standing there in a suit and leather shoes, with a winner's smile on the corner of his mouth.

And beside Tan Lidou.

There is a new Crashing Body monster.

It was born by absorbing the character data in "Motivational Movement"-Charlie's Bengyuan body!

Saeko scans its data.

[Name: Charlie Bengyuan Body/Closed Boss

Level: lvX

Traits/Powers: Bike Master, High Speed ​​Fighting, Wheels Flying, Unknown X]

[Bicycle master: has superb bicycle technology. You can use the exclusive bicycle "Charlie's Bicycle" to freely shuttle and drive back and forth in the game area]

[High-speed fighting: You can use the built-in springs in each part of your body to perform high-speed fighting. ]

[Wheels Flying Out: The wheels of the bicycle can be launched to attack. ]

[Unknown X: exchanged data with the zombie player LvX, and obtained a combat power beyond level 50. ]

"What kind of panel is this?" Saeko was very surprised.

The previous skills are fine.

What's with that "unknown X" and "lvX"?

"What you should look at should be Tan Lidou's panel." Bai Liyuan said, and then showed the panel he scanned with his belt.

[Name: Tanli Fighting Demon/Hidden BOSS

Level: lvX

Features/Powers: Demon Ability, Dangerous Zombie, Resuscitator]

[Magic talent: My own talent has broken through, touched a taboo area, and evolved into a terrifying demonic talent. Can always develop scary items. ]

[Dangerous Zombies: Can transform into lvX level zombie players with special abilities. Unable to be defeated, there is no upper limit to its own strength, and it can reach the highest level of the open version after transformation. ]

[Resuscitator: Breaking away from death twice, he has surpassed ordinary humans. ]

"Dan Ridou... demon?" Saiko and Kujo Kiriya looked at each other in blank dismay.

"There is one, how should I put it...a wonderful name." Baise Xiaoji wanted to find an adjective to describe Tan Lidou's new name, but couldn't think of a suitable word for a while.

Forgive Baise Xiaoji for not knowing how to describe it, because there is a five-year derailment period between her and the world.

Kujo Kiriya looked at Tan Rito, smiled and said, "Dan Rito, did you choose this name yourself? It really feels like a second grade in middle school."

High EQ: Feels like a sophomore in middle school.

Low EQ: Sick in Secondary School?

"K!" Tan Lidou squinted his eyes, he decided, wait a minute, player K will be the first to kill.

Bailiyuan looked at Jiujo Guiliya and sighed secretly.

"As expected of you, one sentence aroused Tan Lidou's killing intent."

In fact, what Bailiyuan cared most about was the ability of Tan Lidou's [Resuscitator].

Breaking free from death twice, if the first time was when he was defeated, what about the second time?

when did he die

Bailiyuan's eyes fell on Charlie Bengyuan's body, thinking that in the second round of the game, there were no patients.

Bailiyuan couldn't help but think about it.

When Bailiyuan and the others were analyzing Tan Lidou's changes.

Baosheng Yongmeng and others are all wary of Tan Lidou.

The first one who couldn't sit still was Palad.

"Tan Lidou, what are you doing? Why did you show up? Didn't you say that this game will be handed over to me?" Palad asked.

Palad doesn't know yet, Tan Lidou has secretly evolved by himself without Parad.

What Palade is worried about now is that Tan Lidou said that if he makes a move, he may make a move against Baosheng Yongmeng.

Anyone can die, but Baosheng Yongmeng can't!

Tan Lidou stood on a high place, looked down at Palad below, and said with a smile: "But, you didn't get back all the cassettes for me as planned, so I decided to do it myself, and give you punishment! "

"What do you mean?" Palad asked Tan Lidou, frowning.

I saw Tan Lidou snapping his fingers.

"Charlie, kill them."

"Okay!" Charlie Bengyuan smiled and rushed down the slope, aiming at Baosheng Yongmeng.

Baosheng Yongmeng: "???"

Why did you have a fight with Palad, but you got someone to beat me?

But Baosheng Yongmeng still reacted quickly.

"Big transformation!" Baosheng Yongmeng quickly changed the cassette.

"Extraordinary Brothers XX"!

Using the avatar during the transformation again, he avoided the impact of Charlie's Bengyuan body.

Because of the collapse of the temporary cassette, everyone's level has now been knocked back to the original level.

Then Baosheng Yongmeng and M began to join forces to deal with the attack of Charlie's Bengyuan body.

Tan Lidou said with a smile: "Let you all have a taste of the boss I created with my ability to make even the devil fear!"

"No matter what kind of monster it is, in front of my genius player M, there is only one fate, and that is to be captured by me!" M shouted very confidently.

Baosheng Yongmeng then shouted: "That's right, that's it."

Bailiyuan looked at Baosheng Yongmeng and thought of a certain meow.

However, then a tire flew over, knocking Baosheng Yongmeng and M into the air.

The tire bounced back and settled on Charlie Bengen's bike again.

It was Charlie's Bengyuan body's "wheels flying out" attack just now.

"Ahem... despicable..."

"Sneak attack..."

Baosheng Yongmeng and M fell to the ground hard.

The knight slot dropped a lot.

"This is exercise, hahaha, come and exercise together, get up!" Charlie Bengyuan laughed, continued to ride, and rushed towards Baosheng Yongmeng who fell to the ground.

It seemed as if it was about to crush Baosheng Yongmeng's body.

At a critical juncture, Baosheng Yongmeng was pulled away and escaped being crushed by the bicycle.

It is mirror flying color.

"Thank you, Feicai." Baosheng Yongmeng said with lingering fear.

"Bring me the berserk mode card." Jing Feicai said in a deep voice.

Baosheng Yongmeng was startled, hesitantly said: "But..."

"Give it to me!" Jing Feicai said again.

As if sensing Jing Feicai's determination, Baosheng Yongmeng nodded and handed the cassette to Jing Feicai.

Baosheng Yongmeng can't deal with Charlie's Bengyuan body alone.

Jing Feicai knew that she had to help Baosheng Yongmeng.

And there is only one way Jing Feicai can think of.

That is the berserk mode cassette.

He uses the current card to transform and cannot continue to upgrade and change armor, but he can turn on the berserk mode!

After getting the cassette, Jing Feicai was silent for a while.

It's not that he hesitated.

Instead, he thought of Bailiyuan.

Before using the cassette, Jing Feicai looked at Baosheng Yongmeng and warned: "If I lose control, leave me alone, you can evacuate."

As long as Baosheng Yongmeng and others evacuate, the rest will be enemies!

This also means that Jing Feicai has to bear the fate of being abandoned out of control.

Baosheng Yongmeng clenched his fists and did not speak.

M on the other side couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, how long are you going to chat?"

Baosheng Yongmeng and Jing Feicai turned their heads to look.

When I found out that they were talking, it was M who was helping them stop Charlie's Bengyuan body.

I know I can't waste my time anymore.

Jing Feicai patted Baosheng Yongmeng on the shoulder, then stepped forward and started the cassette at the same time.

Berserk mode, on!

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