Chapter 3624 Entrust

"Win..." Poppy looked at the direction in which the Black Flame Dral's Bengyuan body was eliminated, showing a relieved smile.

Then she hurriedly checked Hinata Kyoutaro's status.

"Mr. Hinata!"

Kyoutaro Hinata is no longer transparent, but Poppy still looks worried.

Because at this time, Kyoutaro Hinata was so angry that he looked like he was on the verge of death.

Hyuga Ayako was also forced to cancel her transformation, and she was also extremely weak.

When a person reaches middle age, he cannot help himself, and still suffers from such a catastrophe, it is really a crime of old age.

"It's bad, Mr. and Mrs. Hinata's condition is too bad!" Poppy shouted anxiously to the others.

"Dad! Mom!"

Saeko rushed towards Hyuga and his wife in a hurry, and canceled the transformation at the same time.

"Mr. Hinata!"

Kujo Kiriya followed behind Saeiko with a serious face.


Baosheng Yongmeng also hurried back, very nervous.

The Hua family and I and Sima Nicole looked at each other and followed silently.

Although they did not belong to the computer rescue center, they had several exchanges with Kyoutaro Hyuga, and Kyoutaro Hyuga gave them a good impression.

At least compared to other officials, it is a person.

Xiao Xingzuo stood aside in a daze.

Both Kyoutaro Hinata and Ayako Hinata, who were dying, had lights that were about to disappear.

"How did this happen? Mom and Dad, aren't they defeated? Why did they disappear?!" Saeko looked at the dying Hinata couple in a panic, and asked with some collapse.

"This is the rule of the finals. Not only will the eliminated Kamen Riders disappear, but Kamen Riders who lose their combat capabilities will also lose their qualifications for the game. But there is still a chance to confess their last words." Transformed and explained to a few people.

After finishing speaking, Baise Xiaoji walked to where Jing Feicai was.

Jing Feicai's condition is not very good now.

But fortunately, Jing Feicai has not lost her qualification for the game.

Jing Feicai looked at Baise Xiaoji with a complicated expression.

"Can we just watch them disappear?" Jing Feicai asked.

Baise Xiaoji shrugged, and raised Jing Feicai, "Did you forget that there can only be one winner in this game."

Jing Feicai was silent.

The expressions of the others changed drastically when they heard Baise Xiaoji's words, and Saeko burst into tears, distraught.

"Father, mother!" Sayizi held the hands of the two, tears streaming down her face.

Both Kyoutaro Hyuga and Ayako Hyuga could barely stay awake.

They heard Saeko's crying and tried to open their eyes.

"Don't cry, me, cough cough..." Kyoutaro Hyuga wanted to comfort Saeko, but couldn't help coughing, and finally smiled helplessly: "It seems that I can only go here."

"It's okay, Saiko, enough is enough." Hinata Ayako smiled gently at Saiko.

Both husband and wife felt that they couldn't continue to fight.

The countdown to death appeared above the heads of the two, and they only had the last minute left.

"Kiriya!" Hyuga Kyoutaro suddenly called Kujo Kiriya.

Kujo Kiriya hurriedly knelt beside Hinata Kyoutaro, and said with a serious expression, "Say it."

"Actually, I'm more optimistic about Yongmeng and Feicai..." Hinata Kyoutaro said slowly.

Baosheng Yongmeng is kind-hearted, and Jing Feicai is an elite returnee. As a son-in-law, he is definitely better than Kujo Kiriya, an idle forensic doctor!

"Huh?" Kujo Kiriya blinked blankly.

But then, Kyoutaro Hinata exhausted all his strength, and as if returning to the light, he took out his own cassette and stuffed it into Kujo Kiriya's hand.

"But now, I hope you can help us protect Saeko. This is her choice and my last request!" Kyoutaro Hinata tried to prop up his head, staring into Kujo Kiriya's eyes, and said with all his might.

Although his hands were trembling, they were extremely forceful, because what was entrusted with the cassette was his most precious treasure.

Hinata Ayako also took out her own cassette, handed it to Kujo Kiriya, and begged, "Please protect Saeko, Kujo-kun!"

Hinata Kyoutaro bowed his head abruptly, "Please!"

"Don't do this, I understand!" Kujo Kiriya took the two cassettes, grabbed them vigorously, and said seriously: "Uncle, aunt, don't worry, I will definitely protect Saeko! With my life swear!"

Hearing Kujo Kiriya's assurance, Hinata and his wife smiled reassuringly and completely relaxed.


"Saiko, you must be happy."

The countdown is over.

In front of everyone, Hyuga and his wife gradually disappeared into dots of light.

Saeko finally couldn't control her emotions and cried bitterly.

Kujo Kiriya held Saeko in her arms holding the Hinata couple's cassette.

Everyone else can't help but fall into grief.

Poppy lowered his head sadly, his eyes flushed.

Baosheng Yongmeng hurriedly hugged Poppy's shoulder to comfort him.

Sima Nicole was also depressed.

Hua Jiada, I think Xima Nicole is also in grief, and I want to put my arm around Xima Nicole to comfort Xima Nicole.

Who knew that Xima Nicole then adjusted herself and returned to normal again, and then looked strangely at the arm stretched out by Hua Jiada, "What are you going to do?"

The Hua family had an embarrassing expression on my face, and then it turned into an angry and ugly expression. I snorted coldly and withdrew my hand, "Hmph, can you care?"

"Why are you so angry all of a sudden!" Xima Nicole was a little dissatisfied, thinking that the Hua family must have advanced dementia.

But Sima Nicole didn't get angry with the Hua family as usual, because now she has more important things to do.

Seeing Sima Nicole step forward, she spoke to attract everyone's attention, "Okay, now is not the time to be sad, we have more important things to do!"

Everyone looked at Sima Nicole suspiciously.

I saw Nicole Xima pointing at Hime Moose.

"Over there, Kamen Rider Mercy's shapeshifter, shouldn't you give us an explanation?"

Everyone else looked at Sima Nicole.

Kujo Kiriya stood up holding Saiko in her arms, and looked at Momose-chan with a complicated expression.

And the way Saeko looked at Momose Xiaohime showed undisguised hatred and killing intent.

Facing everyone's gaze, Baise Xiaoji sighed.

"Explanation? Well, although I'm sorry for some things, I'm only working for others. I didn't develop this game. Now I'm just a player in this game." Baise Xiaoji said helplessly.

"Mercy, what's going on in this game?" Baosheng Yongmeng then questioned.

"Hehe, do you think that those who died have nothing to do with you when you say that?" Hua Family Elder and I taunted me.

Baise Xiaoji tilted her head, and suddenly said with a smile: "Win the final championship, and you will know the truth of everything."

"You bitch! I'm going to kill you!" Saeko burst out, unable to control her anger, took out the cassette, and was about to transform into her and rush over to kill Hime Morose.

But Jing Feicai instinctively stood in front of Baise Xiaoji, protecting Baise Xiaoji behind her.

"Fei Cai, why did you protect her?" Poppy said incredulously, "Have you betrayed?"

Jing Feicai also froze for a moment, then fell silent without explanation.

He realized that he would protect Baise Xiaoji because he had subconsciously trusted Baise Xiaoji, so he would not let anyone hurt Baise Xiaoji.

Is Baise Xiaoji next to me really Baise Xiaoji?

Possibly, but not entirely certain.

But even so, Jing Feicai didn't want anyone to hurt Baise Xiaoji.

If Baise Xiaoji is pretended by the enemy, he will personally expose it and solve everything.

Baise Xiaoji, who was hiding behind Jing Feicai, poked her head out, made scissor hands with both hands, and said with a smile: "My name is Baise Xiaoji, and I am Feicai's girlfriend~"


Others who didn't know the relationship between Baise Xiaoji and Jing Feicai were shocked.

"Fei Cai, do you really want to protect her?" Kujo Kiriya said in a deep voice.

Jing Feicai said in a deep voice, "I won't let anyone hurt Xiao Ji!"

True or not!

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