Chapter 3634 The hero of account hacking, the big crime debut!




Jing Feicai opened his eyes again, and found that he was in a dark red space, and the light in the space was dim.

There was a black ominous airflow all around, and the words "Kill" surrounded him.

"Here?" Jing Feicai was a little confused.

At this moment, a picture was projected in front of him.

It was the scene of Baise Xiaoji being killed by Han Chan with the Spiritual Curse.

Looking at Baise Xiaoji's body that gradually disappeared.

Jing Feicai couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted anxiously: "Xiao Ji, don't!"

It's a pity that Baise Xiaoji still disappeared.

Then the scene changed, and Han Chan, who was about to escape, appeared in the screen.

Floating in front of Han Chan was the monster cassette obtained after killing Baise Xiaoji.

On the "Princess Hunting" monster cassette, there is a pattern of two figures, one is the hunting princess in the form of a collapsed body, and the other is Baise Xiaoji in a white dress. The two are back to back and closely connected.

Looking at Hime Morose on the cassette, and Han Chan reaching out to the cassette.

Jing Feicai completely collapsed.

"Xiao Ji!"


"It was you who killed Xiaoji!"

Jing Feicai broke down and shouted, his eyes gradually turned red, and the symptoms of gaming disease began to appear on Jing Feicai's body.

"Jie jie jie—"

Rampant laughter emerged from the darkness.

The projected picture completely evoked Jing Feicai's killing intent and negative emotions, and also gave the existence in the darkness an opportunity to take advantage of.

All the words "kill" surrounding Jing Feicai's body seemed to be manipulated, they suddenly gathered and swept towards Jing Feicai, trying to drown Jing Feicai.

Noticing the strangeness, Jing Feicai exclaimed, "What are these?"

Jing Feicai wanted to break free from the encirclement of the word "kill", and tore off the word "kill" on his body.

However, the word "kill" is too much.

Moreover, every time the word "kill" falls on Jing Feicai, Jing Feicai will feel great pain, and the killing intent and negative emotions in her heart will also increase by one point.

Finally, amidst Jing Feicai's painful screams, he was completely overwhelmed by the word "kill".

[Magic Sword Sin! 】

[Erosion invasion! 】

【Hate! 】

【anger! 】

【despair! 】

[The devil is armed! 】

【Arrival! 】

"Jie jie jie—"

Accompanied by the laughter in the darkness, the black-red space was completely shrouded in darkness, only the bloody "kill" characters exuded a terrifying light.

Jing Feicai's screams gradually became weaker as the light disappeared.

Finally, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly opened in the darkness.


outside world.

Jing Feicai's transformed Brave has changed drastically.

The knight sword was discarded, and there was only one magic sword in both hands.

The red and blue blood vessel lines spreading from the right hand holding the magic sword, like veins and arteries, spread all over the whole body of the Brave armor at this moment, and there seemed to be black blood flowing in the blood vessels.

The blood vessels covered Brave's armor underneath, and it was like a devil's net, entangled Brave in it.

Make Brave look even more evil.

And the color of Brave's eyes has turned blood red.



Jing Feicai let out sobs of unknown meaning, like weeping and complaining, and occasionally the word "kill" popped out of his mouth.

He frantically attacked the chilling cicada.

It seems that if you don't kill the chilling cicada, you will never give up.

Han Chan could only dodge in embarrassment, but there were still a few more wounds on her body inevitably.

At this moment, Jing Feicai not only became strange in appearance, but also became stronger, which made Han Chan feel great pressure.

In particular, Jing Feicai uses the magic sword to release the magic energy attack, and the special data in it will also invade the cassettes and armor of other Kamen Riders.

Fortunately, Han Chan has a special ability called "Winter Wall", which can resist the invasion of magic energy data, otherwise, Han Chan would have fallen down long ago.

It would definitely not feel good to change to another Kamen Rider.

Now Han Chan is considering whether to use his last physical and mental strength to fight Jingfei Caiyu to death.

Escape is no chance to escape.

Han Chan just didn't want to be so aggrieved and defeated.

Baosheng Yongmeng and others did not feel any joy, but were very worried about Jing Feicai's state at this time.

Because Jing Feicai's appearance at this time is exactly the same as when Kyoutaro Hyuga was manipulated before.

And Jing Feicai's performance was crazier and more evil.

"Fei Cai seems to be controlled by that sword!" Sayizi said in a deep voice.

Sayizi, who has been in contact with Jing Feicai for a longer time, knows the specialness of the magic sword in Jing Feicai's hand.

Both Baosheng Yongmeng and the Hua family's elder me changed slightly.

Originally, I thought that Jing Feicai was better at martial arts, but I suddenly felt that my own Gatling was not bad either.

At least it won't backfire and control itself.

In the dark, Bailiyuan watched this scene, and at the same time called out Jing Feicai's panel and data at this time.

"That special martial arts cassette actually evolved by itself?!"

That's right, it is the consciousness in the magic sword that controls Jing Feicai and Kamen Rider Brave.

Moreover, it also mutated the form of Kamen Rider Brave.

Just like Baosheng Qingchang, let Kamen Rider Ranjia become Kamen Rider Evil Armor.

Now, Kamen Rider Brave's name has become Kamen Rider Big Sin.

"This is completely hacked by Demon Sword!"

If it is said that the monster card has self-awareness and evolved independently, Bailiyuan will not be surprised, because this is the special feature of the monster card.

But the special martial arts cassette... It's not the special martial arts cassette developed by Bailiyuan, but it also has such abilities.


"That special martial arts cassette was made by Xiao Xingzuo, right? Xiao Xingzuo still has this kind of technology?" Baili Yuan thought.

In fact, before discovering the special consciousness in the magic sword, Baili Yuan was a little concerned.

Now it really brought a huge surprise to Bailiyuan.

When Bailiyuan retrieved the data of the Demon Sword through the background of the game, he discovered that there were some special data in the data of the Demon Sword.

"This...isn't this part of the data of "Exploring Fantasy"? It is exactly the same as the data in the cassette that Hua Jiada and I used, and it has not been changed! And it is the upgrade data developed by Jing Feicai... Xiao Xing's work , What exactly did you copy and paste?!" Baili Yuan rubbed the space between his brows.

The case was solved, and a moth appeared, and the root cause was Tan Lidou.

But it was Xiao Xingzuo who was responsible.

Who asked Xiao Xingzuo to inject data programs that he didn't understand into the new cassette casually, so something went wrong!

As long as it works normally, don't worry about anything else, right?

Xiao Xingzuo: Leave the programmer alone!

"Now the magic sword is really a magic sword."

Bailiyuan had no choice.

What can be done?

Both the source of evil and the man who took the blame!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anyway."

Bailiyuan chose to watch a play.


The only people who know about the magic sword are Yuan Jingfei Cai and his party.

That is Aya Kagebi, Kujo Kiriya, Saeko, Kyoutaro Hyuga, Ayako Hyuga and Kohoshisaku.

However, now Jing Feicai is out of control, Kujo Guiliya is lying dead, and three others have been eliminated.

Saeko is the only one left who can explain the confusion to everyone.

Baosheng Yongmeng, Huajia Dawo and Poppy, the three of them hadn't recovered from Baise Xiaoji's elimination when they heard Saeko say that something was wrong with Jing Feicai.

"That sword is very dangerous. If Fei Cai is really controlled by that sword, I'm afraid..." Sayizi said in a worried tone, but she didn't continue.

Others got it.

If Jing Feicai is allowed to continue, something may happen to Jing Feicai!

Baosheng Yongmeng was the first one who couldn't sit still, and rushed directly to Jing Feicai, trying to stop Jing Feicai.

"Fei Cai, stop!"

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