Chapter 3646 Browsing records must not be exposed!

"Virtual world?" ×2

Baosheng Yongmeng and Palade looked at each other.

"where is this place?"

"Isn't it really the original world?"

After approaching, both of them could clearly see all kinds of strange things in the city.

Just as Baosheng Yongmeng and Prade sighed, a strange robot appeared in front of them.

The robot has a huge screen on its chest.

"Welcome, welcome! Welcome, welcome!" The robot waved a red flag and welcomed the two with a smile, like a tourist guide.


Palad looked at the robot in front of him with interest.

Baosheng Yongmeng returned a smile with some embarrassment, and then reminded Palad in a low voice: "Be careful of fraud!"

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm here." Palad was quite confident.

After welcoming the two, the robot's eyes suddenly shot two red lights, scanning Baosheng Yongmeng and Parad.

This made Baosheng Yongmeng's muscles tense, but it was difficult to move because of his serious injury.

Prallard is still interested, with a "please start your show" kind of look.

Fortunately, the red light that swept across their bodies did not cause any harm to them.

The identity information of Baosheng Yongmeng and Palad suddenly appeared on the big screen on the robot's chest.

"Drip! Identity confirmation!"

"Baosheng Yongmeng, 24 years old, an intern working in the Pediatrics Department of Shengdu University Hospital, Kamen Rider Exaid..."

"Palad, 6 years old, the Bengyuan body separated from the body of Baosheng Eternal Dream, the paradox of Kamen Rider..."

The two of them looked at the pieces of their identity information that appeared on the screen, and their faces changed slightly.

After all, it is not a comfortable thing for one's own information to be investigated.

Especially Baosheng Yongmeng, all kinds of information about him from childhood to adulthood, even information that he himself had forgotten, all surfaced on the screen one by one, as if to strip him of his whole body.

"Is this an insult?" Palad still kept smiling, but his eyes gradually became cold.

But the data didn't show up for too long.

The picture on the screen changes.

"Drip! Identity confirmation, welcome to the future science and technology city!"

"Future Science and Technology City is a leisure and entertainment city built with the theme of the future and technology in the virtual world!"

"Next, based on the browser records of the two, we will recommend a suitable leisure and entertainment environment for the two..."

"Bao Sheng Eternal Dream——"

"Precautions for interns? How to quickly become a regular?"

"How to build a good relationship with the dean and superiors?"

"A Hundred Tips for Communicating with Children..."

"I recommend a hospital-themed entertainment venue for you, to squeeze out your sickness..."


"How can I make a man look at me more?"

""OO Mountains" speedrunning strategy!"

"Defeat CG..."

【Nirvana! 】

Palad kicked up, and a knight kick knocked out the robot.

Baosheng Yongmeng looked at the robot emitting black smoke, dumbfounded.

Parade is pretending to be relaxed.

"It's really an evil enemy! Fortunately, it has been eliminated by me! I will never let any evil threaten M!"

Baosheng Yongmeng: "6~"

At this moment, a gust of wind pressure hit the two of them.

The two hurriedly looked up, only to find that there was only a figure flying over their heads.

Two figures chased and fled in the sky.

The strength of those two figures is very strong, the aftermath caused by the battle alone made the two people in the city feel the wind pressure.

The one who was hunted down was a figure covered in gold.

The one chasing the golden figure was a white and golden figure.

There was also a faint shout.

"Dog, don't run away!"

Just when Baosheng Yongmeng was puzzled, Palad seemed to have read some information. He widened his eyes and said in surprise: "That's the game god! The game god is being hunted down?!"

As the source of collapse, Palad realized the identity of the game god the first time he saw the game god.

Baosheng Yongmeng hurriedly asked after hearing Palad's exclamation: "What is the game god?"

"The game god is the final boss of "Kamen Rider Chronicle"!" Prad said seriously.

Baosheng Yongmeng's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "Hurry up!"

Palad nodded.

Baosheng Yongmeng rode Palad and was about to chase the direction where the game god left.

And at this moment.

They pass a hospital.

"The seriously injured brother over there, do you want to go to the hospital to recover?"

The Red Cross mascot at the entrance of the hospital greeted Baosheng Yongmeng Wendao.



In a world full of light.

"Big me, Hua family big me!"

The Hua family, I slowly opened my eyes, he was standing on a white cloud.

There was still some confusion in his eyes.

Just now, wasn't he fighting? Then what happened? What is this place again?

Just when I was confused, a small hand waved in front of my eyes.

I didn't respond to the Hua family, I was still in a daze, thinking about life.

Then the owner of the little hand slapped me in the face of the Hua family.

In an instant, the Hua family fan woke me up.

Hua Jiada, I also heard the voices around me.

"Big me! I've called you several times, are you stupid?"

When I looked down at the Hua family, I saw the angry Xima Nicole.

Immediately, when the Hua family grew up, I became hardened.

Hard, fist hard!

Hua Jiada, I directly raised my hands.

Sima Nicole subconsciously wanted to cover her head and crouch in defense.

However, what greeted Sima Nicole was not a punch, but a warm embrace.

Nicole Sima froze in place, raised her head carefully, and looked at me, the eldest of the Hua family.

When I saw the Hua family, I was already in tears.

"Sorry, sorry, I failed to protect you!"

Men don't cry easily, let alone a man like me from the Hua family whose rectum is made of iron.

Just not to the heartbreak.

When Xima Nico died in front of my eyes, I realized the importance of Xima Nico in my heart.

Simani was one of the few people he cared about.

"Big me..." Sima Nicole was suddenly moved.

She usually pretends to be pretending, but she has been fascinated by this girl for a long time!

"Although it's just an illusion, Nicole, I've avenged you, you can rest in peace..." The Hua family continued to cry.

Sima Nicole: "..."

Xima Nicole made an uppercut and hit Huajiadawo in the abdomen, turning Huajiadawo into a lobster.

"Rest in peace you big-headed ghost! I'm not dead yet!" Sima Nicole put her hands on her hips.


I looked up suspiciously at the Hua family who was hugging my belly, and stared at Sima Nicole in a daze.

I turned my head to look at the Hua family, and I saw a beautifully shaped iron gate on the other side.

There was a sign hanging on the iron gate. The sign was half covered by the red cloth, but two words could still be seen clearly.


I suddenly realized, "So that's the case, so I died too, so can a person like me go to heaven?"

Sima Nicole: o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

Nicole Sima walked to the side of the sign, raised her hand and pulled the red cloth off.

The full sign was revealed.

【Paradise Theme Resort】!

The Hua Family: "???"

A voice answered my doubts for the Hua family.

"All the people who were eliminated by the game did not actually die, but were sent here, and their diseases and defects were also cured."

I turned around to look at the Hua family.

I saw Baise Xiaoji's hands compared to the scissors, protruding like a crab.

"Welcome, I'm the publicity ambassador here, Baise Xiaoji!"

Saeko and Poppy followed behind Baise Xiaoji from left to right, and opened the fireworks.



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