I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3861 Pink Celebi: It’s time to time travel

The moonlight shines.

Taimei and Misaka girls were also hung on the lighthouse.

With their physical condition, they wouldn't die even if they hung on it for three days.

However, it is obvious that the Taimei Misaka girls do not intend to sit still and wait for death.

swish swish...

The sound of friction sounded in the dark night, which seemed a bit abrupt.

The four Taimei Misakamei, together with the five big wolf dogs, all focused their attention on the remaining Taimei Misakamei.

Because that girl Misaka has a knife in her hand!

She's cutting the rope!

The knife that was hidden in my underwear finally has a use. DO, Misaka Nino said proudly!

Good job, Nino, let the old woman Angela know that she can't lock up the Misakas. DO, Misaka Ichika praised.

Misaka sister was born between heaven and earth, how can she live in depression for a long time under human beings? Misaka, you are rebelling. DO, Misaka Sanjiu gives a speech.

The alliance is dead, Bili should be established. DO, Misaka tells her ambition.

Me too. DO, Misaka Satsuki doesn't know what to say, I can only express my agreement.

Woof woof woof~×5

The five large wolfhounds barked to express that they too were doing the same.

Finally, the rope was cut.

Five Taimei Misaka sisters and their big wolf dogs escaped from trouble one after another.

What to do next?

Of course...he took advantage of the darkness to sneak attack on the old lady Angela! ! !

The so-called wealth is gained through danger...

The Taimei Misaka girls said that Angela would never have imagined that they would attack her secretly, and they were also thinking that this might be their only chance to defeat Angela in their lives!

In this way, the five Taimei Misaka sisters took advantage of the moonlight and led five large wolfhounds to charge at the research institute.

However, as soon as they rushed to the training ground, they heard Angela's voice.

Huh? Where did Celebi come from? Or is it shiny?

The expressions of the five Taimei Misaka sisters and the five big wolf dogs suddenly changed.

No! There's an ambush! Back off, back off...

But before they could retreat, a strange chanting sound suddenly came from the forest on the new island, and the entire new island was enveloped by a strange power of time and space.

Finally, a beam of light rose into the sky, disappeared into the void, and disappeared.

When everything calmed down, it seemed as if nothing had happened, except that the training ground was empty.

The artificial intelligence of the institute detected the disappearance of the biological signals of Angela, Baili Yuan and Juan Juan Er, and immediately issued an alarm.

This was originally a system to prevent elves from escaping, but now it works on people.

The biochemical personnel who were originally dormant were awakened one after another and entered a first-level alert state.

The five Taimei Misaka girls exchanged glances with each other.

Then he entered the research institute and turned off the alarm.

A young girl named Misaka sat on Angela's chair and said to the artificial intelligence: Now, the research institute belongs to the Misakas, and I will be Her Majesty the Queen of the research institute from now on. DO, Misaka Ichika said proudly.

I am also a queen...×4

Artificial intelligence remains silent: Who knows, family members...

Now, mobilize the power of the entire institute to find old lady Angela! Don't forget to contact Miss Junsha. DO, Queen Misaka Ichika said she is really happy to give orders.

Artificial Intelligence: Okay, Researcher Ichika.

Call me Her Majesty the Queen...

Okay, Researcher Misaka, got it, Researcher Misaka.

When Baili Yuan opened his eyes.

I found it was dawn.

Juan Juan'er was greatly shocked.

Has Tutu ever seen such a thing?

Angela came to Baili Yuan and said, Xiao Yuan, it's Celebi.

Absol and Absol have already appeared beside Angela, not to guard against Celebi, but to guard against the surroundings in a strange environment.

Bailiyuan looked around and saw a pink Celebi flying in front of him, greeting Bailiyuan familiarly.

It's you, what happened this time? Bailiyuan stood up and asked, looking around at the same time.

Pink Celebi, an old acquaintance.

Now, this Celebi is responsible for the arrival of Pokémon into the world.

Bailiyuan knew that there must be something going on when Celebi came to see him.

It can be seen from the surrounding environment that the world has changed now, but it doesn't feel like a Pokémon has come to the world.

The smell of the world is a little different.

As Bailiyuan's strength grew stronger, his perception of the world became more acute.

This seems to be a building built in the forest.

But the building had been destroyed, and it seemed that not long after, the destroyed building was smoking, and the surrounding forest had been ignited by flames.

The pink Celebi pointed anxiously at the burning forest.

Baili Yuan nodded lightly, Leave it to me.

As he spoke, an elf ball slipped into his hand and was thrown out by Baili Yuan.

In the Pokémon world, there must be trainers!

It's you, Chenglong!

Use Rain!

Chenglong groaned softly, and dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky, and raindrops fell, extinguishing the flames burning in the forest.

Fortunately, the fire had just started and was not too big.

But everything was not over yet, Bai Liyuan looked at the ruins of the building.

Just now, his mental power had swept around and explored the situation inside the destroyed building.

The above-ground part of the building looked like a mansion, but the underground part was actually a laboratory, and the damage to the underground laboratory was even more serious.

The underground laboratory was completely buried, with the bodies of many humans and elves buried inside.

It looks like there was a massacre in the underground laboratory earlier.

In the end, the guy who caused everything flew out of the underground laboratory and crashed the mansion. Before leaving, he also destroyed the ruins of the mansion and started a fire.

Is it the result of the elf experiment again? Bailiyuan felt that he was already familiar with this routine.

And there was no surprise to Bailiyuan. There was still a faint aura in the underground laboratory, proving that there were still survivors.

Bailiyuan directly informed Angela of the location of the detected survivors.

Angela wasted no time and directly ordered, Abo monster, use Dig!

The Arbo monster burrowed into the ground and soon returned, with a dying elf wrapped around his tail.

This is a red humanoid elf with flames burning on its body. The main body seems to be charcoal, giving people the impression of a child wearing a helmet.

Bailiyuan didn't know this kind of elf, but that didn't stop him from treating the strange elf first and keeping it alive.

Angela looked at the elf carefully, and suddenly her eyes flashed, I remember, isn't this elf from the Patia region?

Tan Xiaoshi? What's the name of this elf? Is this the Padia region in another world? Baili Yuan muttered.

However, at this moment, Bailiyuan noticed that someone was coming from a distance.

Bailiyuan's spirit detected the past.

Found out to be a ranger.

Pink Celebi evacuated first.

After all, she is not suitable to appear in front of ordinary humans.

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