I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 4000 Reshiram: I have an announcement!

Reshiram took out a set of clothing from a secret compartment of the aircraft and put it on, hiding her figure and appearance.

She couldn't tell what she looked like from her appearance, let alone whether she was a boy or a girl.

To put it simply, it is the same as the Medjed in ancient Egypt.

The God of emojis with the text The God of Horse Killing in Ancient Egypt.

If it were Reshiram, he would be the real god in charge of the Pokémon world.

So that's it, you need to cross-dress to save the world! Nicole said that she had learned.

Lu Lina's mouth twitched, Nico, don't learn everything!

It's like not engraving anything into your DNA.

I hid this costume behind her back, don't tell her. Reshiram also warned Nicole and Lurina. He even used a naughty tone, as if this could bring the relationship closer between the two parties.


What can Lurina do? The book says it’s best to nod at this time

Otherwise, she was afraid that Reshiram would take off her pants and hurt her.

After finishing dressing up, Reshiram stepped onto the elevator platform in the spacecraft and activated the switch.

The Red Lotus Armored Cavalry saluted Reshiram to see him off.

The aircraft entered suspension mode.

Looking at Reshiram who passed the lift platform and rose out of the aircraft, Lulina couldn't help but look at the Red Lotus Armor Cavalry and asked curiously, You knew it all along.

Red Lotus Armored Cavalry nodded.

Where's the mastiff? Lu Lina looked at the mastiff on the side again.

Even though he was called Mastiff, he looked like he didn't care.

Don't you think there's anything wrong? This feeling is really weird. Lu Lina felt an inexplicable weird feeling.

Unexpectedly, the Red Lotus Armor Cavalry gave a thumbs up.

What do you mean? Lu Lina was a little confused.

Nicole explained seriously, What the Red Lotus Armored Cavalry means is that it doesn't matter, no matter what kind of person she is, they all like her! Whether it is the prophet of Cai Cai or the powerful Reshiram, they can accept it. !”

Ah this... Lulina said, you don't have to be so flexible in your orientation.

At this moment, Lulina suddenly figured out what was going on with this weird feeling.

It's as if the husband who is awake for only three minutes and the husband who sleepwalks for several hours while asleep are both the same person, but their abilities are very different. It feels the same!

Lurina murmured to herself, This kind of thing is really...cannot be described in words.

outside world.

Reshiram came to the outside of the aircraft through the elevator, and suddenly shouted, Everyone, look at me, I have an announcement!

Her voice reached everyone's ears clearly.

But there were so many overlapping sounds that it was difficult to tell whether she was a boy or a girl.

And Reshiram gave everyone enough time to react.

Everyone present was attracted to Reshiram.

The eye-catching bags that pop out at this time are either second-rate or really awesome!

Who is he? Han Chun asked with a frown.

The two Sisters of Destruction on the side became excited.

Ming Ruan: It's the leader!

Holy shit, it's the leader! After An Rui shouted excitedly, he coughed awkwardly, made a dissatisfied expression, clicked his tongue, and said harshly, This guy, he came too late. !”

Amiao nodded, This kind of behavior is called duplicity. You should still respect your leader.

Little girl, believe it or not, I will bite you to death! An Rui said angrily.

I'm not young at all! Amiao proudly puffed up her chest.

An Destruction's eyes turned red.

Facts have proved that when people are in a hurry, they can do anything.

Then everyone saw that An Destruction bit one of Amiao's rabbits.

Ah Miao's body felt numb, and she let out a moan of ecstasy.

Ming Ruishui hurriedly supported A Miao worriedly.

An Rui quickly opened his mouth and backed away, You guy, don't blackmail me, I don't have the strength!

It's just because you didn't exert enough force that you are like this. The Honorable Man said from the side, According to my research, some girls are very sensitive there...

In order to study Mr. Izawa's sexual interest, the top-notch lady has done enough homework. Now she has entered the field where she is good at it.

No, no, stop talking! Amiao blushed and shouted loudly.

Han Chun looked disgusted.

Shan Cha was a little envious, and then looked at Han Chun.

Hanchun glared at Shancha angrily, What do you mean?

No, it doesn't mean anything, absolutely nothing... No, it definitely never happened... Shancha waved her hands in panic to explain.

Hanchun: ...

Not only were the two Sisters of Destruction excited, almost all the members of the Totem Team became excited after Reshiram appeared, shouting the word leader loudly.

Even Akuri looks like a little fanboy meeting his idol.

Because it was Reshiram who saved Akuri from a numb life, allowed him to see the reality of life, and gave him powerful power, guiding him to become a shepherd under the three nuns.

The Totem Team's camera immediately focused on Reshiram.

Reshiram pressed his hands, and the cheers around him instantly subsided. Such execution frightened Han Chun.

Hanchun said that if she had such subordinates, the Baizhi Alliance would have been hers long ago!

Reshiram spoke slowly and said what she wanted to announce.

Everything has an end, and so does the world.

Now, this world is about to reach its end and usher in the final end!

Shancha asked blankly, What do you mean?

The thief K acted like a bitch and came up to translate, It means the world is going to end.

Now, the thief K wants to please Hanchun and Shancha.

Although the world is about to end, someone is trying to save it. If the world is saved, he still has to think about his future life.

People from other worlds will not care about him, he will be left in this world to be judged.

If he could ride on Hanchun and Shancha's lap, even if he was used as a dog for them, his crimes would be reduced a lot, and at least his life and relative freedom would be guaranteed.

Anyway, the crime he committed was mainly the destruction and theft of cultural relics, which is not heinous. There is still a chance.

There is even a chance to make meritorious deeds.

Hanchun saw the little thought of the thief K, but was in no mood to care about it.

Shan Cha cried sadly.

Although she had already heard about the end of the world from Angela, she was still very sad.

I haven't been in love yet, I'm still a virgin!! Shancha sat on the ground, hugging Hanchun's thigh.

Hanchun remained silent.

Reshiram continued, This news may shock you.


Don't worry!

With Totem Team, the world will be peaceful!

“With Totem Team, there is a future!!!”

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