Chapter 572 Thanks to Pikachu for the thunder

"Don't worry, we will do our best." Kazuki nodded in agreement.

"It's not about trying our best, but we must solve it beautifully!" Lihua said.

Chrysanthemum didn't speak, but walked silently, but her expression was very serious.

It may be that after living for a long time, Chrysanthemum sees the problem more deeply.

The incident at Rabbi was just one incident.

Before the rocket team created the mythical beast Chaomeng, later there were collectors who wanted to capture the three god birds and the sea god Rogia. Later, the Rogia mother and child incident, I heard that there was an incident related to Emperor Yan in the previous stage. The second is Rabbi, the god of the forest. Since when did humans begin to attack these legendary beings?

Does this mean that human beings have lost the necessary reverence for legends, then, in the future, how many things related to the existence of these legends will happen?

Chrysanthemum had a premonition that the world was about to change.

Chrysanthemum knows very well that those legendary existences are not simple. The anger of King Feng in Yuanzhu City still has indelible trauma. If this continues, human beings will kill themselves sooner or later.

Chrysanthemum can see much of this kind of death.

But she herself doesn't have much energy to protect the alliance and the world. After all, she is getting old and her physical fitness is not as good as before. Moreover, her partners are all looking forward to her dying.

There is no elf in the ghost system who does not look forward to the death of his trainer.

At this time, a Geng Gui emerged from the shadow under the tree root.

Chrysanthemum stopped in her tracks.

"How's the matter?" Juzi Tianwang asked.

Geng Gui showed his usual smile and started communicating with Juzi.

Soon, Chrysanthemum showed a surprised look.

"Is there such a thing?"


At this time, deep in the forest.

Facing the controlled rabbi, everyone was nervous.

However, Bixias did not hesitate.

"Come on, rabbi, let me see your strength!"

Bixias yelled, Shi Rabi's body burst into a radiance of power, and everyone felt the vibration of the forest!


"Damn it, don't stop me!" Xiaozhi looked anxious.

"A rabbi shouldn't be like this!"

Suicune is on guard against the blackened Celebi.

In fact, Suicune has no idea. After all, Shirabi is on the same level as the big boss behind him, and they are both fantasy Pokémon.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also took out their pokemon balls, ready to fight, and the first level they had to face was the five Pokémon controlled by Bishas before.

However, before the battle started, a voice came to everyone's ears.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flame Fang!"

A white-gold figure flashed past everyone, creating a whirlwind, and then, a big dog over two meters tall appeared beside Niura, and then bit it down!

Niula cried out in pain, but she didn't have any fear, but fiercely wanted to fight back.

However, when Niura was about to fight back, a fire came out from the gap in the wind speed dog's mouth——

Spit flames!

Niura was hit by jet flames, pushed out, severely smashed several big trees, fell to the ground, and lost the ability to fight.

"So strong!"

Xiaozhi and the others looked at the wind speed dog that suddenly appeared, and were a little dazed.

"The color of that wind speed dog..." Xuecheng also looked at the wind speed dog. The platinum wind speed dog was different from the wind speed dogs he had seen before.

"There is someone on the back of the wind speed dog!" Xiaoxia exclaimed.

Only then did everyone discover Baili Yuan who had climbed up from Feng Speed ​​Dog's back.

Bailiyuan glanced back at Xiaozhi and the others, and waved his hands.

"Stand back!"

After finishing speaking, Bailiyuan ignored Xiaozhi and the others, but looked in the direction of Shui Jun.

"Suicun, how are you? Can you do it?"

Shui Jun nodded to Baili Yuan, indicating that he has no problem.

Bailiyuan looked away, and looked at the four Pokémon who surrounded him.

"Bangira, Giant Pincer Mantis, Chuanshan King, Nido King..."

Bailiyuan jumped off the back of the wind speed dog, and took out four poke balls from his pocket.

Bailiyuan didn't intend to let the wind speed dog continue to fight, because the wind speed dog had already spent a lot of energy on the road, and the wind speed dog had already made money by attacking Niura by surprise just now.

What's more, now the wind speed dog has started to stick out its tongue and pant, which is a sign of being tired.

"Come out, Big Needle Bee, Giant Pincer Mantis, Pikachu, Fast Swimming Frog!"

Bailiyuan called out four elves.

"Fix them!"

The big needle bee looked around and found the strongest Bangira.

The giant pincer mantis, Pikachu, and the fast-swimming frog wisely did not compete with her. They did not find their chosen target until the big needle bee found Bangira.

The giant pincer mantis also found the opposite giant pincer mantis.

The two sides bumped into each other a few times, and then the enemy Pincer Mantis used a shadow clone.

The giant pincer mantis squinted his eyes, quickly adjusted his mentality, and his heartbeat began to beat according to a special frequency. Then, the giant pincer mantis made a sudden move, and accurately knocked out the place where the giant pincer mantis was hiding in the avatar.

The giant pincer mantis said that he is not afraid of facing this kind of opponent who relies on his clone to interfere with his vision, because he has been specially trained.

Pikachu found King Chuanshan.

Both Chuanshan King and Nido King have ground attributes, and theoretically they are immune to electric power.

Ground-type elves have a special connection with the earth. When receiving an electric shock, the current will be guided into the ground. The skin of the ground-type elves is born with a certain degree of insulation properties.

However, this is not absolute. Only Pokémon whose bodies are completely made of rocks, such as Big Rock Snake and Longlongyan, are completely immune to electric shocks, while flesh-and-blood elves like King Nido and King Chuanshan are of the ground type, but for Electric immunity has a limit.

If there is interference from foreign objects, even the Big Rock Snake and Rumbling Rock cannot be immune to electric shock.

And the most common method is - splashing water!

Pikachu's tail flicked, a small cloud appeared in the sky, and water droplets fell.

Ask for rain!

Pikachu, who has cultivated to immortality, feels more clearly the special force of nature. It is not difficult to learn weather tricks that rely on nature, such as praying for rain, not to mention that Menus and Chenglong take turns teaching them.

The raindrops fell and landed on Pikachu's body, making Pikachu feel refreshed and extremely comfortable.

Then a wicked smile appeared on Pikachu's face.

The electrical bags on both sides of the cheeks flashed a golden electric current.

On the other side, seeing Pikachu using rain, the fast-swimming frog also raised his hands——

hold on!

The giant pincer mantis on the other side also used it to defend at the same time.


Thunder fell from the sky!

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