Chapter 577 Take him away!

"this is!"

Baili Yuan looked in the direction of the attack.

Chrysanthemum tapped the ground with her crutch.

"Let's retreat for now!"

Kazuki and Pear Blossom did not object, but temporarily distanced themselves with their elves.

At the same time, two figures rushed out of the forest.

One of the figures has orange-red hair and iron rings on its strong limbs. On the back is a flowing mane like a cloud of white smoke, and under the cloud is brown hair like a sharp blade. There are red hexagram-shaped structures on the cheeks, and golden hair shells like clover are embedded on the forehead. When he ran out, flames came out from under his feet, majestic and majestic, it was Yandi who was as famous as Suicune.

The other figure is naturally the last three holy beasts - Lei Gong.

Lei Gong looks like a saber-toothed tiger, with golden hair, strong limbs and sharp fangs. There is a black steel headgear on the forehead, which covers the forehead, nose and mouth, and an X-shaped beard under the headgear; it has an electric light blue tail with a spark-like tip. The white mane on its face and the long thundercloud-like cape on its back symbolize clouds and cumulonimbus clouds. When he was running, arc-shaped thunder and lightning radiated from his feet, extremely majestic and full of rage.

There is no nonsense or hesitation between the two, and the first time they come is to choose to join the war!

Lei Gong, who was faster, took the lead.

Crazy Volt!

It's not a special combination skill, but a simple crazy volt skill.

However, unlike the crazy volts used by ordinary elves, although it also covers the whole body with electric current, it is the electric current emitted from all parts of the body at the same time, instead of releasing electric current with its own power-generating organs like Pikachu. The ability to control electrical attributes.

At the same time, although Lei Gong's electric current is equally violent, it is not so exaggerated, but more concentrated, and the bright yellow electric current is a bit dazzling.


Raiko bumped into the giant ball of vines, and successfully tore a hole in the giant ball. The position of the hole was exactly where Suicune was, and then Raiko's body released an electric current again.

Exchange Volts!

Swap Volt: Return quickly after an attack, and replace it with the backup Pokémon.

And the exchange goal of exchanging volts is——

Emperor Yan!

When the thunder and lightning were released, one of the lightning bolts connected to Emperor Yan, and it seemed that Emperor Yan quickly exchanged positions with Lei Gong through the traction of this lightning bolt.

"Exchanging volts can still be used like this?"

Bailiyuan was shocked.

It stands to reason that exchanging volts should exchange the elves in the elf ball, but now, the effect of exchanging volts is that the positions of the two elves are exchanged.

So the question is, is this the real usage of exchanging volts?

However, another question arises, is the skill of exchanging volts first, or the poke ball first?

Moreover, this involves the replacement and exit of elves, and it seems that there are not one or two skills related to elf balls...

Although Baili Yuan was lost in thought, Emperor Yan did not hesitate.

The first time the position was exchanged, Emperor Yan opened his mouth.


Spitfire: Attacks opponents with outbursts of anger. The worse the state, the less powerful the moves.

But at this moment, Emperor Yan is in full condition!

The flames surged out, exaggeratedly burning a large area of ​​vines, and of course it also surrounded Suicune, and burned the vines wrapped around Suicune completely. When the flames burned Suicune in a hurry, Suicune opened his eyes suddenly.

The wave of water was directly used by Suicune, but it surrounded himself. The first time he blocked the flame, Suicune broke through the flame and rushed out from the giant ball of vines. Emperor Yan followed closely behind.

The three elves Yandi, Raikou, and Suicune finally stood side by side.

However, Suicune's condition at this time was unexpectedly good, and he didn't look hollowed out at all.

Suicune: It's a trick to sleep, let's find out.

Before when his physical strength was basically exhausted, Chrysanthemum and others arrived, attracting the attention of Rabbi. Suicune also chose to pretend to be dizzy at that time, and at the same time used sleep to accumulate strength. He will also look for opportunities to break free.

After rescuing Suicune, the three spirits all looked at Shirabi seriously, Yandi roared, trying to persuade Shirabi to be a spirit.

Emperor Yan: Ho Ho. (Rabbi, I advise you to be kind!)

But Rabbi didn't respond.

Suicune: Hohoho. (He's lost his mind!)

Rabi repaired the giant vine ball again, and many needles appeared on the giant vine ball, and then the giant vine ball rolled crazily towards the three elves.

Lei Gong: Ho Ho. (Dry, sloppy, not mellow at all, let him go!)

The three elves avoided being crushed by the vine giant ball, and then rushed towards the vine giant ball fiercely, trying to tear the vine giant ball apart.

"We assist them!" Chrysanthemum said.

"I know too!" Kazuki shouted, commanding his spirit again.

"I can't wait to defeat Rabbi!" Lihua also smiled.

With the assistance of the three holy beasts, the three of them let go of their hands and feet and turned on all their strengths. Whether they can defeat Rabbi may depend on this time.

Rika and Kazuki also called out the remaining elves.

The elf of Pear Blossom, the remaining two elves of Pear Blossom are Maxuanla and Huayan Monster.

Kazuki's remaining three elves are Bronze Bell, Silly Hippo and Boo Boo Pig.

Juzi touched her crutch, a black shadow ran down along the crutch, and then a Geng Gui appeared in front of Juzi.

This is the third Gengar to appear.

Compared with the other two Geng Ghosts, this Geng Ghost seems to be more... cuter?

Juzi looked at Geng Gui in front of her and nodded.

Geng Gui understood, looked in the direction of Rabi, and then sneaked into the shadow with the other two Geng Gui.

"Come out!"

A big-mouthed bat and two Arbo monsters appeared beside Juzi.

"Big Mouth Bat, notify the Geng Gui Legion to start their operations!"

The big-mouthed bat rose into the sky.

"You are responsible for protecting me!"

The two Arbors nodded.

Chrysanthemum continued to stare at the battlefield with deep eyes. At the same time, she rubbed a stone inlaid on the crutch with one hand. There was a keystone there!

The background of the veteran heavenly king is not comparable to that of the quasi-kings like Lihua and Kazuki who have not yet become heavenly kings.

Soon, more than a dozen Geng ghosts appeared on the battlefield.


Baili Yuan looked at it seriously, because he felt that the climax was coming!

And those Geng Gui's cooperative battles also amazed Baili Yuan.

While Bailiyuan was watching the battlefield, the big needle bee suddenly moved.

"What's wrong?"

Baili Yuan turned her head, and then her body froze.

At some point, a group of ghosts and ghost stones appeared behind him, staring at him and laughing.

"Hey hey..."


A white ghost floated beside Baili Yuan, then stuck out its tongue, and licked...

Chi Liu~

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