Chapter 662 Race meeting!

Nicole's arrival made Bailiyuan's house lively again.

And Nicole's performance was no different from that of a normal child. Although there were some incongruities, Bailiyuan thought it might be because of racial differences, so she didn't think too much about it.

And Bailiyuan became a father for the first time, and treated Nicole very tolerantly, after all... Bailiyuan is over two thousand years old.

As Nicole's grandma in name, Andy also pays special attention to Nicole, but it may be because of her age and mentality, Andy does not treat Nicole too intimately, but seems to be a very ordinary sister to sister Of course, there is also Nicole's identity behind this love.

In fact, Andy doesn't have much affection for Bailiyuan, his adopted son, but more of an optimistic and friendship-like affection for the younger generation.

However, this also facilitates Bailiyuan's fantasies about some aspects of Andy... Ahem.

Bailiyuan also learned about Nicole's situation.

Although Nicole's appearance is similar to that of ordinary people, her physical condition is definitely different from that of normal humans!

Nicole likes low temperatures, but her heat tolerance is not bad, and she also likes ice foods.

Although Nicole has the ability to eat, she still retains the habit of absorbing light to replenish strength and maintain life. For Nicole, eating is more like enjoyment.

In addition to these, there is also the situation concerning strength.

Nicole has inherited the power of the Ice Rock Pillar, and is good at using the power of ice and snow, but her ability is not flattering.

Nicole's strength is roughly equivalent to that of a trainee coat of arms, and her skills are only one move of freezing and one move of snowfall.

However, Nicole has a complete legacy of ice rock pillars. As long as her strength keeps up, she doesn't have to worry about future development.

Andy also said that Nicole can enter the academy to study after school starts, and if necessary, there will be professional tutors to teach Nicole and help Nicole grow, and even tilt resources like Bailiyuan back then.

Back then, Yuncheng College valued Bailiyuan's potential, and the facts proved that the deal was worthwhile. For Nicole, because of Nicole's special status, there was no need to prove that investing in Nicole was worthwhile.


At this time, Bailiyuan was making ice food for Nicole in the kitchen, and Nicole was waiting directly beside the cooking table.

Shanaido, who has already left the customs, saw this situation, showed a sweet smile, and then continued to read the book in her hand. She can now become a human being, but she still maintains some of her previous habits, such as studying, but This is a good thing.

The sun shines on the cover of the book in Xanadu's hand - "How to Be a Perfect Stepmother".

The big needle bee is doing daily training, but occasionally looks in the direction of Bailiyuan and Nicole.

As for the other elves, they paid good attention to Nicole, the daughter of Bailiyuan who appeared suddenly, and they were more or less catering to Nicole, and Nicole really couldn't make the elves feel malicious.

Even the two sandworms who only eat and sleep, and occasionally turn into Erha, know about Nicole's existence, but because of the size of the sandworm monsters, Bailiyuan rarely releases them.

"Okay, it's done, Dangdang, look at the sashimi I made." Bailiyuan handed a plate to Nicole.

Nicole opened the cover on the dinner plate, and golden light bloomed.

"Wow, dad, the food is glowing~ it's amazing!"

"Haha, so-so." Baili Yuan scratched his head, feeling inexplicably satisfied.

"But why does the food made by Dad glow?" Nicole asked cutely.

"Isn't it common sense that cooking glows?"

" that so?" Nicole asked blankly.

"Okay, let's eat."

Bailiyuan let Nicole taste the food she made.

"Xiao Yuan, I found that you are bloated." Caroline complained, knowing that the food that Baili Yuan made before did not emit light.

"do not mind the details."

In this way, Bailiyuan lived a leisurely and warm daily life.


However, it is absolutely impossible for the world to have such a leisurely and warm appearance everywhere.

The fact that Yuncheng was attacked by monsters again cast a haze on the leisurely summer vacation.

The claw of an ice bird monster brought back by Andy also shows that the ice bird monster is not weak.

As for the rest, part of it was used by Caroline for research, and the results of the research would be shared with Andy, and part of it was brought to the table by Bailiyuan.

Is there a better ice ingredient than the meat of ice-type monsters?

I have to smells so good!

But, that's not the point!

The point is that this monster attack reminded everyone of the monster attack that happened more than a year ago, and this time the incident was even more serious than the last one!

Monsters no longer appear suddenly, but appear organized and targeted, and then attack, even spreading to a wider area!

This means that the disasters brought by monsters have become even greater, and the monsters may even have an organization!

This is definitely not something to laugh about.

Originally, monsters are already difficult to deal with due to their own racial advantages, but if it is the scale of the schedule... the consequences will be unimaginable!

Although the monsters that appeared this time have not shown the self-destruct ability of last time, they have to guard against them.

The last monster attack had done a lot of harm, making people suspect that it was man-made behind the scenes, but this time the incident was even more obvious.

A haze hangs over the heads of various forces.

Not only humans, the existence of these monsters has even affected those other races.

And at the invitation of humans, a race conference will be held soon. Although humans are not the strongest race and do not have such a big face, human services are the best, and they are good at arranging conferences, so all races are willing to Let humans lead the race meeting.

"Monsters, and evil, what is the connection?"

Andy looked at the document in his hand, muttered something, and then signed his name.

This is the voluntary attendance list of human beings in the race meeting, and each of the names appearing on it has a pivotal position in human society!

But what really worries Andy is that the evil is finding the monsters.

"The appearance of evil in this world will inevitably bring about turmoil in the world. Could the appearance of monsters be a kind of turmoil?"


Not only humans, but other races are also busy with race conferences.

And a figure was also flying at high speed in the air, entering the human territory.

It was a humanoid figure, and some parts of its body reflected metallic light.

When the figure entered the human territory, the human beings discovered the figure's trace, after all, the other party did not intend to hide anything.

"What is it?"

"This power fluctuates..."

"It's a divine beast!"

"Which one?"

"It's the one who appeared in the past two years—the supernatural beast!"

"I remember his name seems to be..."

"Steel Super Dream!"

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