Chapter 140

Han Li looked at the page of Zhizhi Lingshu aside, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

Finger points on the plus sign of the face after piercing the paper spirit.

“Consuming six thousand merit points, successfully Ascension paper-rolling spirits reach the fifth level!”

As the system’s prompt sound fell, a golden light suddenly enveloped Han Li. Han Li felt that in his mind, there were countless memories in an instant. These memories were easily given to Han Li. absorb.

“Ascension to the fifth level, the success rate of Ascension is 50%! The cost of manipulating paper man spells is reduced by 50%!”

Han Li slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with excitement.

With these two points alone, six thousand merit points are not wasted!

The success rate of Ascension’s paper-rolling spirit means that he used to consume six materials to make a mid-rank runeman, but now only needs three, which greatly eases his financial pressure.

After all, the cost of making a paper man is too big, and it’s not enough to spend tens of thousands of them on the ocean!

It’s even more exciting to reduce the Magic power consumption of controlling the paper man by 50%!

Previously, with his Magic power, he could only control three yellow turban warriors at the same time. That was his limit. Now, even if he controls four yellow turban warriors at the same time, he still has spare power. This is the advantage!

Han Li looked at the own property panel with some satisfaction and closed it.

And when Han Li Ascension own Magic power.

At this time, Shifu was on the other side.

Shi Jian’s eyes were full of grief and looked at the corpse of his son in front of him.

“Shao Jian! Master, I am useless, I can’t help you revenge! Don’t worry! Han Li and Lin Zhengying, the two guys, absolutely can’t stand for long! I will definitely avenge you!”

Shi Jian’s eyes firmly murmured towards Shi Shaojian in front of him.

He looked at Shi Shaojian’s corpse in front of him, pondered slightly, and took out the soul-calling bell that Jiu Shu gave him from his arms.

“Oh! But Shao Jian, your injury is too serious. There is no way to come back from the dead in a normal way, but now with this coffin fungus, it can only temporarily refine you into a corpse demon and save your soul. Temporarily seal it in the body, and think of some good ways later!”

Shi Jian looked at Shi Shaojian’s body in front of him and muttered to himself.

As he said, he pinched a hand art in his hand, and the bell in front of him suddenly buzzed. Soon, from the bell in front of him, countless light blue three souls and seven souls flew out in the room. Flying quickly in all directions.

Shi Jian pinched a tactic in his hand.


The three souls and seven souls in front of him immediately began to condense, and soon in front of Shi Jian, they condensed into a human form, transforming into the appearance of Shi Shaojian.


Shi Shaojian said in a faint voice.

Seeing Shi Shaojian’s Hun and Po in front of him, Shi Jian suddenly felt sad.

“Shao Jian, gather your mind, I will send you back to your own body now!”

As he said, Shi Jian took out the coffin fungus from his own arms, vomiting in his hands, and the coffin fungus turned into fragments almost instantly. Shi Jian used the fragments in his hand to face Shi Shaojian’s Hun and Po and his body. Sprinkle it together!

With a flash of light, Shi Shaojian’s corpse in front of him quickly began to repair, and Er Shi Shaojian’s Hun and Po gradually began to melt into the body.

Soon, the corpse merged with Hun and Po, Shi Jian chanted the spell in his mouth, pinched a hand gesture in his hand, and moved towards Shi Shaojian in front of him.


Shi Shaojian in front of him immediately got up, his eyes opened distraught.


When Shi Shaojian saw Shi Jian on the side, a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“Master, my body was crushed by those wild wolves!”

At this time, Shi Shaojian still remembered his last memory before Hun and Po dissipated, and hurriedly shouted to Shi Jian a little anxiously.


Shi Jian nodded, and said to Shi Shaojian in front of him: “It’s okay, you are now resurrected!”

As he said, a lonely look flashed in Shi Jian’s eyes. At this time, Shi Shaojian was stunned. He quickly glanced at Own’s body, then patted Own’s body, and looked at it again. Soon, his eyes were very different. A hint of surprise flashed in the middle.

“Master, I am resurrected! I am resurrected!”

Shi Shaojian shouted to Shi Jian in a little surprise, but soon the surprise voice slowly weakened, and soon he found a trace of something wrong.

“That’s not right! Master, why, I don’t seem to be able to breathe now, and I don’t have a heartbeat? Also, my body seems to be cold. What’s wrong with me???”

Shi Shaojian shouted in a panic towards Shi Jian who was on the side.

Shi Jian sighed slightly, and sighed towards Shi Shaojian in front of him and said: “Shao Jian, you are not in a fully resurrected state now. You are now like a corpse, with Hun and Po attached, in a corpse. The state of a person, but in this state, because of my Magic power and some strange parts of the coffin bacteria, you can speak freely, nothing more! But your heartbeat and breathing, for a while, you Master, I can’t help it!”

As he said, a bit of bitterness flashed in Shi Jian’s eyes.

Shi Shaojian’s panic gradually dissipated, and soon hatred began to appear in his eyes.

“It’s Wencai Qiusheng! And the female ghost named Xiaoli! They killed me! Let my body be bitten by wild dogs! It’s all their problems!!!”

Shi Shaojian’s eyes were full of anger.

Shi Jian nodded, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. He said to Shi Shaojian who was on the side: “Shao Jian, I just wanted to kill Han Li and Lin Zhengying, but I was caught by those two guys. I’ve escaped it! We must figure out a good solution in the future, and we must make those guys live better than die!”


Shi Shaojian nodded solemnly.

The sky is getting brighter.

In the morning, Han Li slowly opened his eyes and got up from the bed.

Since becoming a Taoist priest of Maoshan, he has not slept more than four hours a day.

Standing up from the bed, Han Li came to the backyard.

After Wen Cai Qiusheng cleaned up the yard, Han Li began to like to come to this yard. After all, this place was still quite secluded and refreshing.

After standing in the yard and practicing Maoshan sword for a while, Wen Cai Qiusheng also came to the funeral shop.

“Uncle early!”

“Uncle early!”

Wencai Qiusheng greeted Han Li, and the two were very honest.

“Well, all get down, 300 push-ups per person, warm up first.”

Han Li calmly spoke to Wen Cai Qiusheng in front of him. Hearing Han Li’s words, Wen Cai Qiusheng suddenly looked bitter. After looking at each other, he could only follow Han Li’s words and lay down on the ground and started doing push-ups!

Start a brand new day!

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