Translated by AmaLynne
by AmaLynne
TN: Little change again,
Wise Man/Woman → Sage.
I’m dreaming again.
Is this… continuation of the last time?
I and Demiurge are in a battle for our lives…
This scene, I believe, is… Demiurge is finally on the move.
Finally, it’s coming.
As the Demiurge began to move, I charged my body with mana.
I’ve been waiting for this situation to happen for a long time.
Me and Demiurge, one on one, this moment!
“Now, go and regret your folly!”
With a shout of anger, the gear golem’s arm moved.
With a shout of anger, the gear golem’s arm moved, and it thrust its fist straight at me.
Just before it hit me, I threw my body to the right to avoid it.
Then, its fist pierced the ground where I had been.
“Oi oi…”
T-This is just the power of a punch?!
The golem’s fist gouges the ground deeply.
I’m not kidding when I say that a mere blow that uses no mana or anything else has the power to kill.
If I take it straight, I’ll be minced meat in an instant.
If that’s the case with a normal attack… how much more powerful can a strike with other attacks mana be?
It’s probably difficult to even avoid it.
I’ve heard that Demiurge has mastered every kind of magic that exists in this world.
I’m sure she’s skilled at ranged magic as well.
And the most troublesome part is the【 Magic Barrier 】.
She’s doesn’t let my magic attacks get through, and she hits with magic one way or the other.
It’s a foul play, to put it bluntly!
I can only see a future where this is a completely one-sided game!
However, there is only one chance to remove the magic barrier and give him a decisive blow.
To do so, I need to exploit the Demiurge’ gap.
The most reliable way to do this would be when she launches a ranged magic attack.
If it’s right after that, the recoil from the activation should cause you to go rigid, albeit slightly.
At the very least, a magician who has cast a powerful spell will, without exception, be unable to move for a moment.
This is the knowledge of a person who has developed and studied magic to the fullest.
Even if she’s a demon god, as long as you are using magic, she’ll be stiffened as well.
That moment is the difference between victory and defeat!
“You run away slowly and well. If you get hit, you’ll be fine, but you won’t be able to defeat me if you keep running around like that.”
It’s a provocation. There’s no need to give in.
All I have to do is wait.
I just need to wait for the moment when he will be paralyzed.
Don’t miss the chance. You’ve got a lifetime of concentration, and you’re going to use it all here!
Because failure is not an option!
“We’re not getting anywhere. Let’s try another attack.”
I had a moment of joyous excitement, but then I checked the magic circle that had unfolded and steeled myself.
No, that’s not a magic circle for range magic.
I have the power of a Sage from Sofia.
I have a fair amount of knowledge about magic.
The conclusion I drew from that was that it’s not range magic.
“Crush them,『 Rock Blast 』!”
A huge lump of rock appears in front of Demiurge.
It must be at least five meters in size.
The thing is launched at the speed of the wind.
In the nick of time, I managed to avoid it.
The lump of rock that passed right by me pierced the wall of the temple and destroyed the sculpture.
It didn’t stop there, it gouged deep into the wall, causing it to cave in.
What a bullshit power…
A normal rock blast is magic that creates and launches a rock the size of a person’s face, no matter how big it is.
The power is certainly high… but it’s not enough to create boulders like that and destroy walls.
That one shot was enough to remind me of how powerful Demiurge’s magic is.
Can I survive it? No, I had to dodge it.
I’ll just have to hold on until the ranged magic comes!
“Still dodging. But I’m not so sure about this one―――【 Gale Cannon 】!”
Once again, Demiurge unfolds a magic circle and unleashes a spell.
This time it was wind magic.
It’s magic that shoots out compressed air.
It’s difficult to see and deal with, and because it’s invisible, it’s quite troublesome.
However, I can read the airflow and instantly see where the magic is coming from.
The Samurai class that Touka has a skill known as the Mind’s Eye.
I use this power to see where the magic is approaching and fly backward just in time.
At the same moment, a gust of wind shakes my body and I am almost blown away.
However, I was able to hold on by thrusting my sword into the ground.
“You can even dodge invisible magic. So what’s next―――”
Fire magic, water magic, wind magic, earth magic, lightning magic, ice magic, light magic, dark magic… and even illusionary attribute magic. ¹
Moreover, the power of beginner and intermediate magic handled by ordinary wizards are all comparable to the power of advanced magic, so it’s really bad.
But I held on.
I avoided every single spell that he unleashed.
There were a few times when I was grazed, but thanks to Martina’s class, the power of a Holy Knight, I was not fatally wounded.
I can’t thank her enough for this defensive ability. Thank you, Martina!
“―――Ha, ha, ha, ha…!”
But I’m nearing the end of my strength.
But the Demiurge is still very much alive and well.
Really, I’m getting tired of this.
“I have to admit that I underestimated you… I can’t believe you let me cast a spell on you this far and you’re still standing. I commend you, Ares, the Hero.”
“I-I’m glad to hear it.”
I forced myself to smile inappropriately, trying to muster up the energy to do so.
But it’s still too hard to go any further.
Are we there yet or not… yet?
When will I be able to take the opportunity away from her?
My thoughts begin to go numb, and impatience begins to creep into my face.
But heaven was on my side.
“It seems that magic on a modest scale will not be enough to destroy you. If that is the case, I will deliver the most powerful and ranged of all my attacks. Be proud. You’re the first person I’ve ever used this magic on!”
Demiurge had finally lost his nerve.
Here it comes…
It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming!
It’s a magic circle I’ve never seen before, but I’m pretty sure it’s her strongest magic.
If I can survive that magic, I’ll have a chance to win.
Hold on to it. No matter how thin the path to victory may be, as long as there is a way out of it, never let go and reach for it!
“Now, with this one blow, I will turn your flesh and blood and soul to dust! The light of destruction that will wipe out everything―――【 Catastrophe Nova 】!”
In an instant, the space itself exploded.
There’s no way you can avoid it.
The torrent of light that engulfed not only me, but even Demiurge, burned the space with unimaginably high heat, and went to the limit of tyranny in an attempt to bring everything to nothing.
My entire body was bathed in tremendous energy, and I would vanish without a trace.
I was supposed to.
“This is the end of my fun with you… What?!”
“―――Not yet! I’m not done with you yeeeeetttttt!!!”
As the light converged, I gritted my teeth and endured the intense pain that assaulted my entire body, and jumped from the explosion towards Demiurge.
And then I see it.
It’s the first time Demiurge has shown me her astonished expression.
“Why… did you take that blow and still be okay?!”
“Come on, Demiurge!!”
There was no time to answer her question.
My clothes and skin were scorched, but I couldn’t care less.
The Demiurge is now in a state of shock due to the recoil from a major magic attack.
If I miss this opportunity, there will be no next time.
I’ll settle this here!
I throw down my sword. It was no longer necessary. No, in fact, the sword was a hindrance to my secret plan from now on.
Next, I made a magic circle unfold on my body.
As it was, I rushed at Demiurge.
“Ha, you mean to cast a spell on me! You would have had a better chance if you had used your sword! You are a fool, after all!”
“I don’t know about that! Take that, you fool!”
The next moment, my body glows and a huge amount of magic power gathers inside me.
This is the wizard’s strongest technique, but also its worst magic. The name is…
“【 Self-Destruct・Last Explosion 】!”
It is the most powerful magic used by humans, capable of deliberately causing magic power to go out of control, resulting in a high-powered explosion.
“Have you lost your mind, human! Of all things, self-destruct magic when you’re alone and solo!”
Finally, my body explodes in a huge explosion.
The impact of the explosion causes
The strongest shield that protects Demiurge… the【 Magic Barrier 】, has been shattered!
It was as if shards of glass were flying through the air, and the barrier was shattered into pieces.
“You have struck me. But you still couldn’t touch me. If you had at least had a companion, you could have hurt me… ―――!”
Demiurge mutters something like that, certain of the end.
“―――Don’t you dare end this on your own!”
“You, you, you’re still alive! Fuck!”
“HAHA! I finally got you!”
“L-Let go of me! You rude bastard!”
I hugged Demiurge.
I put my arms around her thin waist and held her tightly.
“You! I’m telling you to let go!”
“Gosh, ack!!”
The Demiurge’s small fist punched me in the face.
But I’m not letting go.
I’m about to put the finishing touches on this thing.
“What? You’re not going to use self-destruct magic again, are you?”
“HA! You’re not going to get off scot-free at this close range, especially from inside the magic barrier!”
That’s right. This is the secret plan I’ve prepared!
In the beginning, when I used the self-destruct magic, I used the strongest recovery magic at the same time―――【 Resurrection 】.
This is the ultimate in recovery magic, allowing you to return from a near-death state only once in your lifetime.
This is how I was able to survive my first self-destruction and get to Demiurge.
Well, thanks to that, my clothes are pretty tattered. If it wasn’t for the clothes made from the material of the higher demons, I would have been completely naked by now.
But I can’t be bothered with that!
“This is the end, Demiurge!”
The magic power in my body swelled again, rapidly increasing in density.
A dazzling flash of light shot out from my body, and a huge explosion covered the entire area.
In my white-tinted vision, I,
…I’ve done it.
I muttered to no one.

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