Innocent Girl, Her Name Is Yggdrasil (Part 2)

Translated by AmaLynne
Edited by AmaLynne


―――According to her, this is what happened.


Yggdrasil was delighted that her avatar, the new World Tree, had been born, and she wanted to share some of her short-lived mana with the new World Tree.


She wanted to ask Demiurge to transfer her consciousness and take the mana from her body.


However, Demiurge was in charge of protecting the new World Tree.


It was clear that she would never be able to borrow mana from the previous world tree, which was already dying.


Yggdrasil knew Demiurge’s character well. She was certain that she would not try to steal mana from him.


But just as he was wondering what to do about it, Titan came looking for power.


Yggdrasil came up with a plan.


She had Titan take her mana and leak the information that the seed of the World Tree had been born.


She thought that if she did this, Titan would seek out the seed for power.


In fact, Titan targeted the seeds of the World Tree.


However, Yggdrasil knew that I was near the seed, and she was hoping that I would be able to use my power to defeat Titan.


This way, I can make the seed absorb the mana from the defeated Titan, and indirectly give mana from the predecessor to the seed’s current generation.


This was the entire plan that Yggdrasil had in mind.


“How reckless you are! What would you have done if husband had been defeated by the Titan!”


“I guess I wasn’t worried about that. I’ve been watching Dee-chan and A-kun through the seeds. He won against Fu~chan and fought so well against Dee-chan. And Titan… I believed he could beat Ta-chan, too.”


“I-I never doubted that husband would win, either… But then again…”


After hearing Yggdrasil’s story, I had the answer to the question I had in the conversation I had with Titan when I first met him.


The first time I met Titian, she said something like this…


『 Why do I know about the seeds of the World Tree, you ask? It’s because the World Tree itself told me. 』


『 Ahahaha! In the end, she couldn’t stand the pain and vomited about her seeds, trying to save herself.『 It has more mana than a dying tree! 』. The world tree is just a living thing, after all. I couldn’t stop laughing at the idea of selling my precious avatar! 』


This is what she is saying.


But I don’t see how this is right.


Indeed, the seeds of the World Tree contain a wealth of powerful mana.


However, no matter how close to death, there is no such thing as『 The seed has more mana than the tree in its large state. 』


It is obvious which has more mana, the mana of the great tree that sustains the world, or the seed that has just been born.


Well, Titan didn’t seem to notice.


This is not a problem, but I had my doubts about the fact that World Tree herself said such an obvious thing.


Even if she really did sell the seeds, it was a poor lie.


Well, Titan are oblivious (roughly).


What’s more, I wondered if a being as powerful as the World Tree would so easily sell the hope of the world that she had created to someone else.


But after hearing what Yggdrasil had to say, it all made sense to me.


Everything was done to give her mana to the new World Tree.


That’s why she had lured Titan to come into contact with the seed of the World Tree.


“I’ve been taken advantage of by you… Damn.”


“Haha, that’s the wisdom of the elders! It was a bit of a gamble, but it worked out great! Hahahaha!”


“You little plant…”


“Now now, don’t get too upset. I was really hurt when you tore my skin apart! If you do it again, I’ll get really angry!”


“Hmm… oh shit… that’s disgusting…”


“Oh, you’re gonna act like that? Would you? Then I guess I’ll have to give you a little spanking, huh? Right?! All right, A-kun.”




Then, suddenly, where did she take it from, Yggdrasil had a single tree vine in her hand.


“Now, hang Ta-chan upside down on a nearby tree for the night. That’s my g・i・f・t to you… Tehee♪.”






The dark side of Yggdrasil that I unexpectedly caught a glimpse of terrified me, so I did as I was told, tied a vine to Titan’s leg, and held her upside down all night.


However, the next morning, I found Titan face red with blood rushing to her head, but with a look of ecstasy on his face.


“Haha… yikes… this might be kind of good…”


I was quite taken aback by Titan’s creepy appearance as she spilled drool against her head and seemed to be taking pleasure in it.


What’s really wrong with you lately…?


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