I Really Just Want to Hit the Iron

Vol 2 Chapter 720: The final puzzle, the aircraft carrier sets sail!


After the star weekend, in addition to preparing for the NBA's annual sprint phase, as the trade deadline approaches, the teams have also begun to strengthen their lineups.

And every year at this time, I would go online to check who would become the hapless big beneficiary cut by the mother team...

In the winter of this year, unfortunately, he became the hapless one.

Due to the unsuccessful transformation of the Pistons this season, so in order for the team to get a higher pick in the draft, after the star weekend, the Pistons formally reached a buyout agreement with Big Ben.

This season, in 14.5 minutes per game for the Pistons, the 33-year-old Daben averaged 2.2 points and 4.3 rebounds.

Regardless of whether it is from the playing time or the performance after playing, Big Ben has been reduced to the marginal man of this Pistons.

Therefore, the Pistons management knows that it is time for Big Ben to give up the **** 14.5 minutes, to the young people in the Pistons, and let him clean up.

Snow flutters and the north wind is bleak.

Back then, there was a pretty boy who joined the Pistons with an explosive head.

In the winter of this year, how embarrassed he was.

In fact, in this cold and merciless alliance, as your physical functions decline, heroes are late and are swept out, it is the script that most veterans hold.

The 33-year-old Big Ben is no longer young.

The Auto City also needs to put an end to their last era.

In February of this year, I quietly packed my luggage and looked at the city I have been fighting for for five years in my confusion...

No reluctance, no reluctance.

Because Daben's steel ambition is as usual, some follow the wind, some follow the dream, and some stay in the heart forever.

Say goodbye to Auto City.

Back to his hometown of Alabama, Big Ben calmly waited for the call from other teams to him.

And, in the two days when he returned home, Daben returned to his old business and cut his hair for his brothers and sisters who had as many as a football team.

But the sadder story is...

This winter...

Big Ben has never been able to wait for a team he likes to call him.


To put it simply, the first team doesn't look down on him, but the second team...

He didn't want to go.

After all, as a player with three championship rings in his hand...

Even in the rest of his career, it is almost impossible for Big Ben to get a big contract...

But you can't let him go to a bottom team to accompany young people to waste time, right?


Because Daben’s performance on the court this season can be summed up as "No one can defend on defense, and no one can fight on offense"...


How can the teams that are ambition to hit the championship waste a valuable spot for him?

You know, before the trade deadline, there is room for manipulating the lineup list, but it is common sense in the NBA general manager circle.


I never thought that one day I would not have the big money the team wanted...

He even considered retiring in situ when he was most desperate.

Compared with Su Feng's previous life, this life has been put on the right track by Su Feng, and his total career salary has already exceeded 100 million.

Moreover, because he had made a lot of investments with Su Feng in his early years, his life after retiring is not about food and clothing, at least he does not need to be in the major TV stations like Pippen, relying on Su Feng to survive.

In addition, with three championship rings in his hand, it is almost certain that Big Ben will be elected to the Hall of Fame in the future.


This matter of retirement, Daben has indeed seriously thought about it recently.


After retiring, he neither has to worry as much as he does now, nor does he need to worry about getting angry in his later years in his career.

Moreover, he can also spend a lot of time with his family and siblings.


why not?



Is your steel ambition really extinguished with that cold time?

"Our team is missing an experienced center.

How is it, Ben, do you want to come? "

Twelve years ago.

In Philadelphia, because of a word from a man...

Daben's young heart at the time was instantly ignited.

And twelve years later.

When Big Ben returned to his hometown of Alabama...

When that man called him again...

At this moment, Big Ben's mind is almost full of that day of that year.

"Isn't it right to become a superstar in this league?"

"Huh? My goal?

My goal is of course to defeat Michael Jordan! "

I don't know why.

After hanging up the phone with someone trembling anyway, Big Ben never considered retiring in 2008.

"Brother, didn't you say that you are taking us to Disney next week?" Little Wallace asked at Big Ben's house, looking at his brother.

Hearing that, after getting up and smiling slightly, he rubbed little Wallace's explosive head and said, "Let your sister take you there!"

Your brother, I...

Now it's time to go back to the NBA to grab rebounds. "

On February 25, the Los Angeles Lakers announced that they would use a basic salary to sign Ben Wallace, who has reached a buyout agreement with the Pistons.

As for this contract, the outside world generally believes that Su Feng used his contacts to find a place for his good brother at the end of his career.

Of course, with the 33-year-old Big Ben joining the Lakers...

The average age of "Los Angeles Nursing Homes" will undoubtedly be more in line with the nickname people give them.

And on the tnt TV station, Barkley also made a comment that will become a classic handed down: "I don't know what the Lakers' current team thinking is.......

But as early as that year, the stupid Charles proved it to the equally stupid Hakeem and Clyde...

In this league, you can't rely on a group of 30-year-old veterans to win anything. "

Because in two months, Su Feng will celebrate his 30th birthday...

So there is nothing wrong with Barkley's evaluation.

However, after learning of Barkley's evaluation of the Lakers, Su Feng said with gratitude: "Sure enough, even after retiring, Barkley's heart is toward me!"

On February 27th, only two wins were needed to overtake the Warriors and become the fourth Lakers in the Western Conference to challenge the Jazz in Utah.

And it is worth mentioning that this game is also the first game that Big Ben played on behalf of the Lakers after signing with the Lakers.

Energy Solutions Arena, after the players of the two teams warmed up, the big screen on the scene immediately gave the starting list of the two teams tonight.

Lakers: Little Canada, Big Ben, Marion, Evans, Su Feng.

Jazz: Okur, Boozer, Kirilenko, cj. Miles, De Chubby.

On the sidelines, looking at the Lakers' starting lineup, after frowning slightly, old coach Sloan always felt that things were not as simple as he thought.

Because of this season, defense has always been an issue the Lakers can't solve.

Therefore, according to Van Gundy's previous ideas, most teams' game plan when facing the Lakers is no matter how many points Su Feng can score, as long as we can break their fragile defense line, then we can win.

And this situation has indeed been improved after Marion's arrival.

Because according to high-level data, Su Feng and Marion have only lost 102.5 points per 100 rounds (the eighth in the league), so in February, the stability of the Lakers was significantly higher than before.

However, Marion can't play the whole game like Su Feng after all.

In addition, in order to make this product have a longer career life with the Lakers, Su Feng has always suggested that Guidance Lu use him protectively...

Therefore, as long as those teams whose overall strength is far above the Lakers can seize the gap between Marion’s rest and catch the Lakers’ substitute for a mess, then even if Su Feng can slash 60+ for the Lakers, you are not without a chance. Go and win the game.


Looking at the Big Ben appearing in the Lakers' starting lineup tonight...

The old coach Sloan became alert for the first time.

In the past two years, Big Ben has gradually become unwelcome in the Pistons, in addition to the decline in his defensive ability, the most important thing is that he can not provide more help to the team on the offensive end.

After all, in this increasingly fast-paced league...

Once the big Ben can't hold it, you are playing four against five when you are offensive.

However, the structure of this Lakers lineup makes old coach Sloan not calm.

Because the coach from the 90s...

It is impossible to be unfamiliar with this lineup structure.

A top wing who can attack and defend well.

A power forward with excellent rebounding ability.

A pure tool guard.

An improved version of the meat shield center.

Plus a super scorer who may turn on the "God of God" switch to sanction you at any time...

Put the above five players in a team.

Almost immediately, Sloan thought of the Chicago Bulls back then.

Look, what is meant by insiders watching the doorway.

The layman watched the excitement.

In fact, whether it was the Raptors of the year, the later Heat dynasty, or even the current Lakers, Su Feng has never wavered in the team's thinking.

If we say that in the universe, the greatest respect for a civilization is to kill it.

In the NBA, the greatest respect to a team is to apply what you have learned.


Su Feng is quite puzzled up to now...

Because no one believes that he is a **** Qiaomi.

For twelve years in the NBA, no matter which team he goes to, the triangle offense is definitely the first choice for Su Feng's team.

In the past twelve years, Su Feng has always paid tribute to the bull in the lineup.

Michael Jordan just worked as a driver for Su Feng for a year?

Do not.......

In fact, Michael Jordan has been fighting alongside Su Feng.

Therefore, you know why Su Feng has never thought of changing his jersey number, right?

Because in Su Feng's eyes, the way to surpass idols is to let him live in his own shadow all his life.

Energy Solutions Arena, in the center of the field, where Jr. and Okur jumped the ball to start the game.

The Lakers made the first strike.

And at this time, Su Feng didn't forget to spit out at Daben: "Farewell since I was in the past, don't tell me, I'm kind of nostalgic that we had to be beaten in every game before we could fight back."

Big Ben: "......"

On the court, Su Feng personally dribbled the ball over the half.

Kirilenko is responsible for defending him.

On the side, after sneaking inside with the help of Big Ben's cover, Marion also made an eye cue at Su Feng.

What a famous horse in the world!

At the top arc, when Su Feng flicked the ball, he experienced the joy that Nash had obtained in passing the ball over the years.

Cang Dang!

Marion fell into the sky and dropped the ball into the basket with one hand.

2 to 0!

"It's incredible..." On the sidelines, upon seeing this, old coach Sloan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After a long sigh, Sloan continued: "I thought it would take him at least 2 to 3 years this time to build a team that can challenge the championship like in Miami.

But it has only been less than half a year...

This Lakers already has a championship temperament inside and out! "

Compared with the Lakers last year, if you want to ask them how they have changed...

Even fans who only have naked eyes can answer you...

The aura of this team is completely different from before.

Leaving Oakland.

Marion, who wanted to scold his mother, never expected that he would get the opportunity to swear allegiance to Emperor Feng.

Say goodbye to Detroit.

The frustrated Big Ben just wanted to be the shadow of Su Feng again at this moment.

Los Angeles Lakers.

This aircraft carrier was still regarded as broken copper and iron a year ago...

With the joint efforts of the Lakers...

It has already completed its gorgeous transformation.

Perhaps, in the captain's room, it still lacks a deputy captain who can pose with Su Feng.

But at this moment it.......

Can't be underestimated.

On the court, the Jazz attacked.

Looking at the big ben that Zhang Ya Wu Claw pounced on him...

Boozer almost had the feeling of dreaming back to his rookie season.

Because when I hit the Pistons before...

If Boozer remembers correctly...

With the current big Ben, he can play ten at least.

But after being filled with hope by Su Feng in Daben's fuel tank...

Even if his legs are no longer healthy, even if his skills are no longer flexible, at this moment, he can't easily let Boozer pass his defense zone.

Although in the end, using the space his teammates gave him, the young Boozer got rid of his big money after accelerating with the ball...

But due to the delay of Daben...

Boozer, who failed to pass the zone early, also encountered a pincer from Marion.

So subconsciously, Boozer threw the ball back to Deron.


I didn't wait for Deron to speak out loudly to remind...

Boozer secretly said something bad!

Because the Jazz chose to use Kirilenko to confront Su Feng...

It doesn't mean that the Lakers will also use Su Feng to match up with this ak47.

You know, in the NBA, rashly passing the ball to the defense zone guarded by Su Feng is a very dangerous thing.

Because if you are not cautious...

Su Feng, who was tall and long in arms, could break the ball at any time.

"Run—!" Big Ben roared at the new teammates in the Lakers' penalty area.

Do you know what trust is?

As the shadow of Su Feng...

In this league, no one trusts Su Feng's defense more than Big Ben.

Energy scheme arena.

The light of hope has appeared.

And at this moment...

It is the time to follow Wang Qi to charge!

On the court, after Su Feng reached out and broke Boozer's back pass, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com almost didn't even think about it, he threw the ball forward!

And there, Evans, who was already going down!


As one of the few in this Lakers team that hasn't been labelled as a Doo by fans.

Evans is a very athletic player.

Therefore, after receiving Su Feng's long throw, Evans, who must use the most explosive method to slam the ball into the basket, also had enough strength at this moment...

Swivel 180 in the air.

Kang Dang—!

4 to 0!

ps: Hey, you certainly did not expect that I would raise the French flag in advance and surrender! Double update on the 16th, hope everyone knows! (As long as you surrender early, you can't say I lost!)

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