I set off the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in Tokyo

Chapter 134 The true history of Tamamo-mae

Seeing this, the heroic man saluted and thanked him for the rescue, and immediately told the reason why Tamamo Mae had a war with Japan.

Following the narration, countless people were stunned, and Professor Beishan of History almost went crazy.

According to historical records, Tamamozen entered the imperial palace and gained the favor and trust of Emperor Toba. Later, the emperor fell ill and was bedridden. The ministers began to doubt her and asked Abe Yasuchika to perform a divination on her. As a result, Tamamozen's identity as a monster was exposed. Emperor Toba ordered the execution of Tamamo no Mae.

However, the heroic man was Yasuchika Abe, and the reasons he told were different from the records.

Tamamo Mae did not confuse Emperor Toba, nor did he gain entry into the palace on his own.

The truth is that Tamamo-mae appeared in the Heian period. Because of her stunning beauty, Emperor Toba was greedy for her beauty. At first, he invited Tamamo-mae into the palace as a guest and treated her as a guest of honor.

Stay for a while.

Emperor Toba thought that the time was ripe, so he proposed to Tamamo no Mae that she would become his imperial concubine. However, Tamamo Mae refused and left the palace. Because Emperor Toba was greedy for her beauty and refused to give up, he became extremely soft and came to the palace. Seriously, send an army of 100,000 to forcibly capture Tamamo-mae and bring him back.

Unexpectedly, Tamamo Mae was so powerful that he killed an army of 100,000 people. Emperor Toba was furious, and his seductress was confused. He then sent an army of 300,000 people. The result was obvious. The 300,000 soldiers were almost dead. Only then did Emperor Toba realize that Tamamo Mae terrible.

It's a pity that it was impossible to stop at that time, because Tamamo Mae was already angry and could not stop without killing Emperor Toba.

Emperor Toba could only ask the major shrines and temples for help from ancient supernatural beings.

You must know that Japan has always been centered on the imperial family. Therefore, shrines and temples owe the imperial family more or less favors. Therefore, Emperor Toba's reason is very straightforward. In order to repay the favor, he asked them for help. In addition, he unintentionally angered Tamamo Mae, and now Tamamo Mae's anger may bring a catastrophe to Japan, which is irreversible. He hopes that shrines and temples will help.

Considering the favor and the fact that Tamamo Mae was indeed as powerful as Emperor Toba said, shrines and temples had no choice but to bite the bullet and take action.


Some netizens couldn't help but cursed.

The truth is shameful. Emperor Toba caused a huge mess for his own selfish interests. No wonder the imperial family will be banned and the shogunate will rise in future generations. The crimes he committed are huge.

To be sure, history must have been tampered with, and the history of Tamamo-mae has been tampered with.

Moreover, not only the result of Tamamo Mae's war was tampered with, but her experience before the war in Japan was also tampered with.

who is it!

Who tampered with history?

Countless people shouted in their hearts, all their attention was on Abe Nakamaro.

If anyone has the ability to tamper with Tamamo-mae's history, only Abe Nakamaro is the only one who can compete with Tamamo-mae among the ancient supernatural beings currently appearing.

At this time.

Abe Nakamaro frowned.

From that look, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was very dissatisfied and wanted to slap Emperor Toba to death.

Finally, sigh.

"I'm sorry about Emperor Toba. If you want to kill him, do whatever you want, but please let others go."

Tamamo's indifferent voice responded to him.

"If I want to kill them, you can't stop me."

This simple sentence can make people feel chilled and chilled to the bone. It embodies the invincible will and majesty of the Demention Demon.

Countless people's pupils shrank sharply.

The chill and meaning of what he meant were beyond words. If Abe Nakamaro just tried to ask her to stop, it was impossible. Some things had to pay a price, and people could faintly feel it from these words. If he really wanted to fight, Abe Nakamaro He may not be able to stop her.

Abe Nakamaro may not be Tamamo-mae's opponent.

Such thoughts appear in everyone's mind, lingering and terrifying to the soul.

If Abe Nakamaro was not his opponent, then who tampered with the history of Tamamo-mae?

And how the battle in front of Tamamo ended.

With infinite curiosity, people look at this world.

"I know I can't stop you." Abe Nakamaro smiled calmly, without any trouble. I don't know if it was humility or admitting that he couldn't beat you: "Tell me the price."

Pretty straightforward.

He got to the point and understood that if Tamamo Mae was not satisfied, she would not give up.

Tamamo no longer hesitated and spoke calmly.

"Emperor Toba must die."


"The royal family." Tamamo said softly. The royal family should also pay the price.

Abe Nakamaro was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care. Emperor Toba's lustful spirit was inseparable from the royal family.

The imperial family has been in power in Japan for too long, and it has become rotten, arrogant, and arrogant.

Also at this time.

In a distant place, in the suspended peaceful Kyoto, a voice of apology came.

"After this, the royal family has retreated to the center of political power for three eras. Please ask Yu...Su Daji to spare the royal family."

The royal posture is very low.

In a moment of supreme anger, heaven and earth will perish. This cannot be said. If the royal family does not express its stance, it will surely bear the endless anger of Tamamo no Mae. At that time, it will not be a withdrawal from power, but the annihilation of the clan.

There is silence online.

Netizens finally realized.

In the Kamakura period, the shogunate lasted for three eras. Everything was really caused by Tamamo Mae. This was the royal family's atonement for Tamamo Mae.

Professor Beishan didn't speak, his eyes were mixed with emotions, horror, shock, and so on.

The royal family, the center of power in Japan, the emperor, the symbol of the royal family, is also the symbol and belief of Japan.

However, Tamamo Mae killed his faith and shifted the center of power. Looking at Japan's history, only Tamamo Mae could do it.

Although this is inseparable from Emperor Tōgata's sex appeal, Tomohime, if Tamamo no Mae was not strong, he would not be able to force the imperial family to compromise and take measures that would shame the imperial family for three generations. This stain will remain with the ancient history of the imperial family and cannot be Erasure, the eternal pain of the royal family.

Perhaps he felt that the punishment was not enough, or perhaps he was afraid that Tamamo Mae would be dissatisfied.

In the suspended peaceful Kyoto, that voice started again.

"Peaceful Kyoto is the symbol of the royal family in this era, but the royal family has been humiliated and is unworthy of the world. The royal family is willing to dedicate Peaceful Capital to Su Daji, so that future generations of the royal family can use it to punish them and never make mistakes again."

The truth is revealed and the Internet is abuzz.

Why did a safe Kyoto appear in the cloud lake? This is the truth.

For a while, people booed.

at this time.

Tamamo-mae withdrew her gaze from Heian Kyoto. The price paid by the royal family was full of apology, and the concessions had exceeded the limit. Any further concessions would undoubtedly be the same as genocide.

She turned her gaze to the heroic man and Master Saicheng.

"The shrine will be ancient and extraordinary in the next era, and it will not be reincarnated. It will shut itself up and reflect on its mistakes."

The heroic man, Yasuchika Abe, surrendered.

"Amitabha, it is a sin. The temple has been closed for an era, and only the younger generation is allowed to be born. The poor monk knows that his sin is serious, and he is willing to go to the final battlefield and never return."

Master Saicheng put his hands together and looked apologetic, showing his resolute repentance.

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