As for what to tell her child, if the timing is right, Gai Jiuyou will definitely pass it on. If it takes a lot of trouble, he may still have to think about saving the world first.

After all, only when the world is peaceful can people have the opportunity to express their emotions and live in harmony.

The most important thing for him will naturally not be forgotten. During this period of time, Gai Jiuyou's constant fighting has also given him a new understanding and growth.

Fully recovered, they decided to rest here for a while.

The man is naturally willing, saying that he will not be affected, and he will leave here after a while, and he has no regrets in his heart.bundle.


Chapter [-] Schools and Churches

After a period of rest, Gai Jiuyou and the team members finally regained their strength. Because they were hit by the little boy before, they even made a little progress.

This can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

As for Gai Jiuyou, not only has his strength improved, but his temperament has also improved a lot compared to before.

He has always been strong and powerful. Although he sometimes encounters strong opponents, he will maximize his own advantages. Even if he doesn't win, he won't lose too ugly.

The previous level before the struggle with obsession almost shattered all his confidence and pride.

That sense of powerlessness really completely destroyed him at that time.

Fortunately, in the end, he also successfully defeated, and he really calmed down.

The victory and vanity of this period actually had a considerable impact on him. Although it was not to the point of being complacent, it still made him a little confused about reality.

Even though he himself kept re-emphasizing what kind of a formidable enemy he was facing, how powerful he was, he subconsciously thought that he would definitely win.

This attitude is really deadly.

Thanks to having such an experience, it made him sober a lot.

Can't say thank you, but it was helpful to him.

Of course, if Gai Jiuyou didn't remember what he was going to do in the end, he might have been ruined there for the rest of his life, struggling forever and feeling inferior.

After packing everything up, Gai Jiuyou and his teammates bid farewell to the previous caravan and the middle-aged man.

Time to go to the next place.

Gai Jiuyou and the others walked all the way, and came to a new place in the direction pointed by the elf demon.

a dilapidated school.

The walls of the teaching building were covered with dark cyan vines, and few pieces of glass existed on the windows.

There are not many intact desks and chairs in the classroom, all of them are scattered around without arms and legs.

Because of the shading of branches and leaves, the classroom is dark and damp all day long without sunlight, and the walls are almost peeled off, exposing the most original brick color.

The school was supposed to be a place full of vigor and youth, but this one in front of them was full of dead energy.

Even just standing at the gate, you can feel the cold air inside, rushing straight to the back of the person.

quiet, eerily quiet

Everyone slowly realized this.

How can it be so quiet in this (bfa)?

There didn't seem to be any living bodies on the campus, not even a single leaf had fallen.

Everyone's hearts were full of resistance to this mysterious and terrifying building, and they were reluctant to approach it, but they didn't show it on their faces, they just looked at Gai at the same time.

Nine secluded.

Gai Jiuyou naturally discovered the strangeness of this place, but he vaguely felt that there was something in this campus.

When he felt it with his spiritual power, he found that the gloomy air would erode his spiritual power, which made him have to give up this move.

For safety's sake, he decided not to go in.

It will be dark soon, I am afraid that it will be even more eerie after dark, if they are rampant like this, I am afraid that they will be easily recruited.

So he still decided to find a relatively safe place to live around, and the school should wait for them to rest before checking.

Everyone agreed, so they bypassed here first

Gai Jiuyou walked at the end, but when he turned around, he felt a strange feeling.

It was as if someone was watching his every move in the dark, staring straight at him, making Gai Jiuyou instantly feel a creepy feeling.

He turned around quickly, but found that there was nothing behind him, and the school was still so gloomy.

But in Gai Jiuyou's eyes, the school seemed to be laughing.

Yes, the building is laughing

His own thoughts were also frightened. How could buildings have feelings? When he looked closely, it was no different.

He kept an eye on it, and he didn't rule out the possibility that he just thought too much, but there was no harm in being careful.

After confirming that there was no one behind, Gai Jiuyou turned around and followed the large army.

But he didn't want the moment he turned around, a touch of red flashed in the darkness of the campus.

They continued to move forward, and within a few steps they found an older church.

Compared with the school, this church looks much more normal. Although it can't compare with the magnificent one, at least it has the appearance of being able to live in.

There was also an old man inside, dressed in the clothes of a godfather, praying inside.

Gai Jiuyou and the others waited for the old man to finish praying, and then they explained their intention.

They just want to stay here for a while and it won't affect anything here.

After listening to the old man, he did not reply immediately, nor did he ask them any questions. He turned around and prayed to the gods he believed in.

But the originally not very peaceful look became more and more exaggerated with the words in his mouth, as if he was talking to a god, and the old man's face turned red.

After muttering for a while, the old man returned to his previous appearance, but with a very stiff expression, he agreed to Gai Jiuyou and the others' request.

He took them to the back of the church, where there were still some empty rooms, and he didn't explain anything, just kept mumbling.

Gai Jiuyou's five senses have always been relatively strong, but he didn't hear what the old man was muttering.

While observing the old man, he was also observing the residence.

Although the residence is shabby, it is better than clean.

His team was not like the wealthy children in the caravan before, everyone had suffered hardships, and naturally they would not be picky.

So no one has any objection.

Gai Jiuyou once again thanked the old man, but the old man's expression became even more strange, and he still muttered a few words.

This time, Gai Jiuyou heard a few key words: "school", "month" and "bell".

After the old man left, Gai Jiuyou thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out if there was any connection between these words, so he didn't think about it anymore, and asked everyone to rest.

next and discuss tomorrow's plans

Although everyone is very resistant to this abandoned school, maybe this can really bring them some different hints.

After the rest, everyone discussed a little bit—the details of the school's exploration tomorrow, and then went to rest.

Although everyone's energy is not bad, but the day's rush is still a little tired.

Gai Jiuyou was no exception. He thought about the school for a long time in bed, but he still had to confirm his guesses tomorrow, so he quickly fell asleep.


Chapter [-] Enters the investigation

Surprisingly, they had a good night's rest, and there was no surprise attack.

Standing in front of this school again, their hearts are still full of fear for this unknown place.

"Then we will divide into three groups as we said yesterday. I, Zhao Gao, and Wutiaowu will each lead a group. After everyone goes in, proceed with caution.

Time to quit. "Gai Jiuyou instructed the team members around him.

He knew that their hearts were still somewhat resistant to this place, so he considered group action.

If it is directly dispersed, I am afraid that something will happen and it will not be very helpful.

Everyone nodded and became alert, looking around.

Gently pushed open the gate of the school, the rusty iron door creaked open, and the gloomy atmosphere in the campus suddenly thickened, as if welcoming them outsiders.

Gai Jiuyou made a gesture, and the teams dispersed, exploring every corner of the campus.

This place gave Gai Jiuyou a very bad feeling. If he could, he would not be willing to take a step, but considering the overall situation here, he had no choice.

He took several teammates to the teaching building.

Today's weather is not very good, coupled with the shade of those plants, the lighting in the building can be said to be very bad.

They moved forward cautiously, and the ground was full of broken glass and assorted rubbish.

Walking into a classroom at random, the desks and chairs have been corroded by the darkness and humidity for a long time and are quite fragile, and there are signs of falling down with just a light touch.

Many parts of the walls have fallen off, leaving them exposed in the air, and there are still dots of zero spots on them.

The most conspicuous among the teachers is a wall clock in the front and center.

Most of the clocks in schools will use cheap and affordable electronic models, or the most basic styles, which are convenient for maintenance and replacement.

However, the styles in this classroom are mechanical clocks that seem to be very expensive. The workmanship on them is lifelike, and the materials are also high-quality. Even in this environment

Nothing has changed either.

It was just because no one took care of it for a long time, so it was covered with a layer of dust.

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